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Food Safety

The Zoonoses Monitoring Directive 2003/99/EC improved the system for monitoring and collection of information on zoonoses, in place since 1992, through better data comparability, cover of additional zoonoses, of antimicrobial resistance and of foodborne outbreaks.

The annual reports of the EU countries and the Community summary reports, jointly prepared by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) are available here.

EU countries should accordingly report annually the results of the following monitoring:

Results of the monitoring to be provided by EU countries on a yearly basis

Mandatory According to epidemiological situation
Brucellosis and agents thereof Viral zoonoses Calicivirus
Campylobacteriosis and agents thereof Hepatitis A virus
Echinococcosis and agents thereof Influenza virus
Listeriosis and agents thereof Rabies
Salmonellosis and agents thereof Viruses transmitted by arthropods
Trichinellosis and agents thereof Parasitic zoonoses Anisakiasis and agents thereof
Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis Cryptosporidiosis and agents thereof
Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli Cysticercosis and agents thereof
Antimicrobial resistance Toxoplasmosis and agents thereof
  Bacterial zoonoses Borreliosis and agents thereof
Botulism and agents thereof
Leptospirosis and agents thereof
Psittacosis and agents thereof
Tuberculosis other than that by Mycobacterium bovis
Vibriosis and agents thereof
Yersiniosis and agents thereof

The results of epidemiological investigations of foodborne outbreaks must also be reported by EU countries.