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Food Safety

Background information on the adoption of the Regulation

Adoption calendar of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011

  • 16 June 2010: European Parliament first reading position on the Commission proposal
  • 30 January 2008: Commission proposal

More on the Commission proposal of January 2008

The Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection considered a number of labelling issues. In order to provide a more coherent basis in the future and redefine the foundations of our approach, we launched a dialogue with our key stakeholders in our established consultative fora.

The background paper used to frame these discussions has been sent to Member States and was also discussed during meetings of the following Groups:

  • Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health
  • European Consumer Consultative Group
  • Consumer Policy Network of senior consumer officials
  • Health Policy Forum

Stakeholders were also invited to send their individual responses until June 16th, 2006. A summary (last updated on 05-03-2007) of these responses, and the individual responses, are available.