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Regarder Toutes photos de Shipwrecks - Hyatt Beach (2) < Photos de Kaua'i (48) < Photos de United States (3985) < Galerie Initiale

Photo de Surf de Shipwrecks - Hyatt Beach: 'Shipwrecks left' par Isaac

Shipwrecks left, Shipwrecks - Hyatt Beach
Utilisateur: Isaac

Shipwrecks left

United States | Shipwrecks - Hyatt Beach

Note Moyenne: 5.0
(Votez avec les étoiles)

This is what the left at shipwrecks looks like

Commentaires Récents

Kanaka That's not Shipwrecks. LOL. That looks like it's somewhere on Oahu's North Shore along the 7 mile miracle; Pipeline-Rocky Point-OTW area if I had to guess. I've surfed Shippies shorebreak on some of the biggest days with only one other person out and none of the three lefts at this beach (including the outside left) never looks like this and it never breaks that far out. - Source: Surfed here mostly during summertime since 1990