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34e prix Lambda Literary

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34e prix Lambda Literary
Organisée par Lambda Literary
Genre Littérature LGBT

Le 34e prix Lambda Literary a lieu le pour honorer les ouvrages publiés en 2021.


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En raison de la Pandémie de Covid-19, la remise des prix se fait en ligne, et l'équipe d'organisation annonce vouloir utiliser un modèle hybride pour les prochaines éditions pour remplacer le modèle précédent, uniquement en personne[1].

Le panel de juges est constitué de 60 personnes travaillant dans le monde de l'édition, qui jugent environ 1 300 livres[2].

Lauréats et finalistes

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Catégorie Lauréat Finalistes
Fiction bisexuelle Alix Ohlin (en), We want what we want
Non-fiction bisexuelle Aisha Sabatini Sloan (en), Borealis
  • Hasanthika Sirisena, Dark Tourist: Essays
  • Jen Winston, Greedy: Notes from a Bisexual Who Wants Too Much
  • Daisy Hernández (en), The Kissing Bug: A True Story of a Family, an Insect, and a Nation’s Neglect of a Deadly Disease
  • Courtney Cook, The Way She Feels: My Life on the Borderline in Pictures and Pieces
Poésie bisexuelle Aurielle Marie (en), Gumbo Ya Ya
  • Muriel Leung (en), Imagine Us, The Swarm
  • CM Burroughs, Master Suffering
  • Paige Quiñones, The Best Prey
  • Jackie Wang, The Sunflower Cast a Spell to Save Us from the Void
Fiction gay Brontez Purnell (en), 100 Boyfriends
  • Selva Almada, Brickmakers: A Novel
  • Jaime Cortez, Gordo
  • Yang Huang, My Good Son
  • Paul Mendez, Rainbow Milk
(Auto-)biographie gay Brian Broome (en), Punch Me Up to the Gods: A Memoir
  • Rajiv Mohabir, Antiman: A Hybrid Memoir
  • John Paul Brammer, Hola Papi
  • Peter Staley, Never Silent: ACT UP and My Life in Activism
  • Luis Felipe Fabre, Writing with Caca
Poésie gay John Keene, Punks: New & Selected Poems
  • Nicholas Wong, Besiege Me
  • Michael Walsh, Creep Love
  • Miguel Murphy, Shoreditch
  • Derrick Austin, Tenderness
Romance gay Larry Benjamin, Excellent Sons: A Love Story in Three Acts
  • Sander Santiago, Best of the Wrong Reasons
  • John Patrick, Dublin Bay
  • Lance Ringel, Floridian Nights
  • Farhad J. Dadyburjor, The Other Man
Fiction lesbienne Mia McKenzie (en), Skye Falling
  • Venita Blackburn, How to Wrestle a Girl
  • Lauren Groff, Matrix
  • Kirstin Valdez Quade, The Five Wounds
  • Kristen Arnett, With Teeth
(Auto-)biographie lesbienne Sophie Santos, The One You Want to Marry (And Other Identities I've Had): A Memoir
  • Grace Perry, The 2000s Made Me Gay: Essays on Pop Culture
  • Leslie Cohen, The Audacity of a Kiss: Love, Art, and Liberation
  • Jonathan Ned Katz, The Daring Life and Dangerous Times of Eve Adams
  • Adele Bertei, Why Labelle Matters
Poésie lesbienne Tamiko Beyer, Last Days
  • Rosamond S. King, All the Rage
  • Grace Lau, The Language We Were Never Taught to Speak
  • Donika Kell, The Renunciations: Poems
  • Arisa White, Who’s Your Daddy
Romance lesbienne Milena McKay, The Headmistress
  • Jae, Chemistry Lessons
  • E. J. Noyes, Go Around
  • Haley Cass, In the Long Run
  • Gerri Hill, Red Tide at Heron Bay
Fiction transgenre Jeanne Thornton, Summer Fun
Nonfiction transgenre Da'Shaun Harrison, Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness
  • Francisco Galarte, Brown Trans Figurations: Rethinking Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Chicanx/Latinx Studies
  • Ivan Coyote, Care Of: Letters, Connections, and Cures
  • Dir. Alicia Spencer-Hall et Blake Gutt, Trans and Genderqueer Subjects in Medieval Hagiography
  • Lucie Fielding, Trans Sex: Clinical Approaches to Trans Sexualities and Erotic Embodiments
Poésie transgenre Mason J, Crossbones on My Life
Anthologie LGBTQ Mouths of Rain: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Thought, dirigé par Briona Simone Jones
  • dir. Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Between Certain Death and a Possible Future: Queer Writing on Growing Up with the AIDS Crisis // Arsenal Pulp Press
  • Martin F. Manalansan IV, Alice Y. Hom, et Kale Bantigue Fajardo, Q & A: Voices from Queer Asian North America
  • dir. Kemi Adeyemi, Kareem Khubchandani, et Ramón H. Rivera-Servera, Queer Nightlife
  • dir. Leanna Keyes, Lindsey Mantoan, et Angela Farr Schiller, The Methuen Drama Book of Trans Plays
Littérature jeunesse LGBTQ JR et Vanessa Ford, Calvin
  • Ashley Herring Blake, Hazel Bly and the Deep Blue Sea
  • Charlotte Sullivan Wild, Love, Violet
  • Rob Sanders, Stitch by Stitch: Cleve Jones and the AIDS Memorial Quilt
  • Basil et Kevin Sylvester, The Fabulous Zed Watson!
Littérature young adult A. R. Capetta, The Heartbreak Bakery
  • Adiba Jaigirdar, Hani And Ishu’s Guide To Fake Dating
  • Aden Polydoros, The City Beautiful
  • Isaac Fitzsimons, The Passing Playbook
  • Linsey Miller, What We Devour
Roman graphique LGBTQ Lee Lai, Stone Fruit
  • Crystal Frasier et Val Wise, Cheer Up! Love and Pompoms
  • Syan Rose, Our Work Is Everywhere: An Illustrated Oral History of Queer & Trans Resistance
  • Hiromi Goto et Ann Xu, Shadow Life
  • Kat Leyh, Thirsty Mermaids
Théâtre LGBTQ R. Eric Thomas, Mrs. Harrison
  • Daniel Alexander Jones, Love Like Light
  • storäe michele, mama [rose.]
  • Kheven LaGrone, Pillow Talk
  • L M Feldman, Thrive, or What You Will {an epic}
Érotisme Samuel R. Delany, Big Joe
Roman à mystère John Copenhaver, The Savage Kind
Nonfiction Sarah Schulman, Let the Record Show
  • Akwaeke Emezi, Dear Senthuran
  • Adam Zmith, Deep Sniff: A History of Poppers and Queer Futures
  • Melissa Febos, Girlhood
  • Kazim Ali, Northern Light: Power, Land, and the Memory of Water
Fiction spéculative Cadwell Turnbull (en), Ni dieux ni monstres (No Gods, No Monsters)
Études LGBTQ Anna Lvovsky, Vice Patrol: Cops, Courts, and the Struggle over Urban Gay Life before Stonewall
  • Gila Ashtor, Homo Psyche: On Queer Theory and Erotophobia
  • C. Winter Han, Racial Erotics: Gay Men of Color, Sexual Racism, and the Politics of Desire
  • Leah DeVun, The Shape of Sex
  • Howard Chiang, Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific

Prix spéciaux

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Cinq prix spéciaux sont décernés[2] :

  • Prix Kenan pour Kalynn Bayron
  • Prix Cordova pour Aisha Sabatini Sloan
  • Prix Markowitz pour Ching-In Chen et Morgan Thomas
  • Prix Samuel pour Jobert Abueva
  • Prix Duggins pour Vi Khi Nao & Silas House

Notes et références

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  1. (en) « Lambda Literary's LGBTQ+ award winners for 2022 », sur NBC News (consulté le )
  2. a et b (en) « 2022 Winners », sur Lambda Literary (consulté le )