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Discussion:Décalage de Lamb

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"Ces fluctuations sont dites virtuelles c’est-à-dire qu’on ne peut les observer. Par contre les fluctuations virtuelles du vide ont une influence sur ce qui peut être observé. Les fluctuations virtuelles ou particules virtuelles perturbent les particules réelles et c’est ce qui provoque le décalage de Lamb." que signifie pour l'auteur observer? A l'échelle atomique (et même à toutes les échelles) l'observation vient d'une interaction.De plus je n'ai jamais rien lu qui disait que les fluctuations du vide étaient dites virtuellesKlinfran (d) 8 avril 2008 à 12:48 (CEST)[répondre]

Que penser du point de vue fort différent de E.T. Jaynes expliquant l'inutilité des fluctuations quantiques supposées pour modéliser le lamb shift ?

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There is a widespread belief that ZP fluctuations are real and necessary to account for all kinds of things, such as spontaneous emission, the Lamb shift, and the Casimir attraction effect...

...A radiating atom is interacting with an electric field of just the magnitude predicted by the zero-point calculation; but this is the atom's own radiation reaction field...

...In 1961 Feynman suggested that it should be possible to calculate the Lamb shift from the change in total ZP energy in space due to the presence of a hydrogen atom in the 2s state; and in 1966 E. A. Power gave the calculation demonstrating this in detail. How can we possibly resist such a weight of authority and factual evidence?

As it turns out, quite easily. The problem has been that these calculations have been done heretofore only in a quantum field theory context. Because of this, people jumped to the conclusion that they were quantum effects (i.e. effects of field quantization), without taking the trouble to check whether they were present also in classical theory. As a result, two generations of physicists have regarded the Lamb shift as a deep, mysterious quantum effect that ordinary people cannot hope to understand. So we are facing not so much a weight of authority and facts as a mass of accumulated folklore.

Since our aim now is only to explain the elementary physics of the situation rather than to give a full formal calculation, let us show that this radiative frequency shift effect was present already in classical theory, and that its cause lies simply in properties of the source field (1), having nothing to do with field fluctuations."

L'article de Jaynes ne mériterait-il pas une citation dans l'article WIKI sur le lamb-shift avec les commentaires appropriés ? — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par l'IP (discuter), le 11 août 2021 à 17:07 (CEST)[répondre]