EDM Genius
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Pinned 3 posts latest by ​​​falling_ivy a year ago

Hey everyone! We now have a forum for the EDM community on Genius! Pretty cool, right? If you aren’t

Monstercat Best of 2023: A Letter to Skybreak and Color Bass

2 posts latest by PeaceSeekers 9 months ago

This is basically a bit of a personal letter to one of my favorite artists and also kind of a reflection

In Memoriam: Akira Complex

3 posts latest by sybwoofer a year ago

With deep sorrow, the EDM community, especially Japanese-inspired EDM and rhythm game music communities

Community Picks: July 2023

1 post latest by ​rdil a year ago

Hey all! Welcome to a new series we’re trying out here in the Genius EDM forum: community picks. In the