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Reading control made for UWP, theoretically supports TXT and Epub

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ReaderPanel is an integrated local reader control that supports TXT and EPUB


ReaderPanel is the core of the reader that I stripped from Clean Reader, it contains rich functions. This control designed for desktop applications, you can customize the width of a single column and customize the column reading.

The control was born out of the ReaderView project of cnbluefire, and add the column expansion and EPUB support, the EPUB analysis comes from the EpubSharp project.

The minimum system version requirement of this control is Windows10 ver 1809

Control characteristics

  • E-book support in TXT and EPUB format
  • Support to customize TXT chapter content splitting through regular expressions
  • Support picture display in EPUB, link click
  • Support custom selected text menu
  • Rich style customization

Simple start

  1. Reference the nuget package in the project:Richasy.Controls.ReaderPanel
  2. Add the following code in App.xaml.cs
public App()
  1. Create a page ReaderPage.xaml.


<Page ...
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
        <Button Content="Open book file" Click="Button_Click"/>

        <reader:ReaderPanel Grid.Row="1" x:Name="Reader"


public ObservableCollection<Chapter> ChapterCollection = new ObservableCollection<Chapter>();

public ReaderPage()

private void Reader_ChapterLoaded(object sender, List<Chapter> e)
    e.ForEach(p => ChapterCollection.Add(p));

private void Reader_OpenCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var chapter = ChapterCollection.First();

private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // From Richasy.Helper.UWP nuget package
    var instance = new Instance();
    var file = await instance.IO.OpenLocalFileAsync(".epub", ".txt");
    if (file != null)
            await Reader.OpenAsync(file, new ReaderStyle());
        catch (Exception ex)
            await new MessageDialog(ex.Message).ShowAsync();


For more usage methods, please check the SampleApp in the project


Generally speaking, only a limited number of text encodings are provided in UWP. If you want to create a novel reader, then you need to support a wide range of text encodings. So you have to add this code in App.xaml.cs: Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance);

Inside search

The control provides an internal search method to quickly locate matching chapters based on keywords. (NEED BOOK OPENED)

var searchResult = await Reader.GetInsideSearchResultAsync(keyword);
if (searchResult.Count > 0)
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (var item in searchResult)
        builder.AppendLine($"Match text:{item.SearchText}");
    await new MessageDialog(builder.ToString()).ShowAsync();

It should be noted that if it is the Custom mode, only the chapter name can be matched, but the content cannot be matched. Because in the design, Custom mode is used to load uncertain chapters (such as online reading), because the content of the chapter is unknown, it cannot be matched

If you need to jump to a specified location based on a certain query result, you can call LoadSearchItem:


How to operate Image in Epub

When rendering the current chapter of the Epub book, I attached a Tapped event to each Image, you can use this to implement some "click on the picture to enlarge" or "click on the picture to save" operation.

  1. hinzufügen ImageTapped event
<reader:ReaderPanel x:Name="Reader"
  1. Convert the Base64 in the event parameters to BitmapImage or the stream you need
private async void Reader_ImageTapped(object sender, ImageEventArgs e)
    var byteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(e.Base64);
    var stream = byteArray.AsBuffer().AsStream().AsRandomAccessStream();
    using (stream)
        var bitmap = new BitmapImage();
        await bitmap.SetSourceAsync(stream);
        // do other things...

How to handle LinkTapped Ereignisse

In Epub, links are mainly divided into two categories, one is internal links (such as navigating to a file or jumping to a certain position in the page), and the other is external links (pointing to a certain URL).

In the parameters of the LinkTapped event, FileName refers to the corresponding file name (such as "xxx.html"), and Id is a position on this page (such as "position1"), you can target To find. The content in Link is an external link.

There are several situations here:

  1. Only Id. This means it is the positioning in the current chapter.
  2. Only FileName. This indicates that you need to jump to a chapter.
  3. Only Link. This indicates that the link is an external link, you can use Launcher.LaunchUriAsync() to open it in the default browser.
  4. There are FileName and Id at the same time, which means that it will be located to a specific position in a chapter. Currently the control does not provide a method to handle this situation.
private async void Reader_LinkTapped(object sender, LinkEventArgs e)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Link))
        await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(e.Link));
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Id))
            var tip = Reader.GetSpecificIdContent(e.Id, e.FileName);
            await new MessageDialog(tip.Description, tip.Title).ShowAsync();
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.FileName))

Speech synthesis

The control supports the use of SpeechSynthesis API provided by UWP to read the current chapter.

private async void SpeechButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var source = await Reader.GetChapterVoiceAsync(Reader.CurrentChapter, false, new SpeechSynthesizer());
        var player = new MediaPlayer();
        player.Source = source;
    catch (Exception ex)
        await new MessageDialog(ex.Message).ShowAsync();

If you need to change the speaker’s gender, intonation, or speaking speed, please configure SpeechSynthesizer by yourself.

If you need to make the reader adjust the page according to the current reading progress, you need to handle the ReaderPanel.SpeechCueChanged event.

private void Reader_SpeechCueChanged(object sender, SpeechCueEventArgs e)
    if (e.Type == SpeechCueType.Word)
        // This is the sentence currently being read
        SpeechBlock.Text = e.SpeechCue.Text;

Known issues

  1. Currently does not support more e-book formats
  2. Text annotation is not supported temporarily


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Reading control made for UWP, theoretically supports TXT and Epub






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