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Sample Efficient RL with Background Knowledge

Here is the code repo of the paper "Improving Sample Efficiency of Reinforcement Learning with Background Knowledge from Large Language Models".


You can create a Python virtual environment through conda. Then install the necessary packages from the following script.


Afterward, install the two environments with text support. We adopt the captioners directly from GLAM in Minigrid and SmartPlay in Crafter.

pip install -e minigrid_text
pip install -e crafter_text

Run Experiments

Data Collection

We provide our pre-collected data in the Minigrid environment in the data/Minigrid-dataset folder, which can be directly used for below precedures. We do not supplement data in the Crafter due to the storage issue. Therefore, we also provide the command to collect the dataset manually:

python --env <env> --precollect --num_eval_episodes 50 --eval_freq 500000 --total_timesteps 5000000

Here <env> can be BabyAI-Text-GoToLocal-Pretraining-S20 for Minigrid and Crafter-Text-Reward for Crafter. The collected data will be stoned in the data folder by default.

Background Knowledge Representation

We propose three variants, BK-Code, BK-Pref, and BK-Goal, which have different prompting mechanisms. We implement the prompting processes through three separate files. Please set up the LLM API configs before running the code.

LLM API setup

For our experiments, we use the OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 and gpt-4-0613 models through the Azure OpenAI API. You should prepare the config file in JSON format placed at the cache folder based on your account. Our programs will read the config in this folder by matching the model_name argument. The LLM call logic is implemented in utils/ You can adapt the implementation to OpenAI API or a customized language server by modifying functions inside.


python --dataset_path data/Minigrid-dataset --env minigrid --model_name gpt-4

The command above will prompt LLMs to write code and save the results in logs/bk-code.


python --dataset_path data/Minigrid-dataset --env minigrid --model_name gpt-4 --dataset_size 5000

The command above will prompt LLMs to annotate preference from sampled data. The env can be changed to crafter with a Crafter dataset. The results will be saved to the data path starting with the LLM model name. After annotating the preference, we need to train a parameterized potential function model.

python --dataset_path <annotation-data-path> --env minigrid

The command will save model checkpoints in logs/bk-pref.


python --dataset_path=data/Minigrid-dataset --env minigrid --model_name gpt-4

The results will be saved to logs/bk-goal.

Run Downstream RL tasks

Using results from background knowledge representation, we can run RL tasks with reward shaping using LLM knowledge.

python --alg <bk-code|bk-pref|bk-goal> --pretrain_path <logs/xxx/run_name> --env BabyAI-Text-GoToLocal-RedBall-S20

The alg_note can be bk-code, bk-pref, and bk-goal according to the algorithm. You should also replace the pretrain_path with correct folder. The environment can be replaced with any registration from babyai_envs/ and crafter_text/ The results will be logged in logs/rl/<alg_name> with tensorboard and configurable wandb logs (please refer to utils/

We also provide some example runs of background knowledge representation, with which you can directly run an RL algorithm to omit the pervious stages:

# BK-Code
python --alg bk-code --pretrain_path logs/bk-code/gpt-4-sample --env BabyAI-Text-GoToLocal-RedBall-S20

# BK-Pref
python --alg bk-pref --pretrain_path logs/bk-pref/gpt-4-sample --env BabyAI-Text-GoToLocal-RedBall-S20

# BK-Goal
python --alg bk-goal --pretrain_path logs/bk-goal/gpt-4-sample --env BabyAI-Text-GoToLocal-RedBall-S20

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