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In this paper, we propose a model-based evaluation method: TALEC, which allows users to flexibly set their own evaluation criteria, and uses in-context learning (ICL) to teach judge model these in-house criteria. In addition, we try combining zero-shot and few-shot to make the judge model focus on more information. We also propose a prompt paradigm and an engineering approach to adjust and iterate the shots ,helping judge model to better understand the complex criteria. We then compare fine-tuning with ICL, finding that fine-tuning can be replaced by ICL. TALEC demonstrates a strong capability to accurately reflect human preferences and achieves a correlation of over 80% with human judgments, outperforming even the inter-human correlation in some tasks.

  • Judge Process: Judge Process

Quick Start

  1. Fix openai_azure_api/
  2. /bin/bash


  • We release 2 types of data here: data_zh(Chinese version) and data_en(English version)
  • All the experiments are done on data_zh. To make it easier to understand, in the text, we translate data_zh to data_en, which means data_en is only for reference.
  • This is our internal closed-source benchmark, which will be released soon. So we just release part of our data in this repo, just for the data protection needs.
  • We split eval&&test datasets in data_zh/data_en
  • There are 3 versions of shots in out paper:
    1. shot_v1: Which is named "Arbitrariness" in the paper. It uses arbitrary format to write shots.
    2. shot_v2: Which is named "Standard Prompt Paradigm"/"Repeat descriptions" in the paper. It uses standard format to write shots, which consistent format for both positive and negative examples and repeat description of label before judging.
    3. shot_v3: Which is named "Standard(Non-repetition)" in the paper. It is very similar to shot_v2, but without repetition of label's description.

Judge Model and API

  • We Openai Azure Api in our experiments, the code can be seen in openai_azure_api/
  • But the contents of openai_azure_api/ would give away the organization I belong to, so I omitted it. !!!You must implement your API calling method by yourself.!!!


  • All the descriptions of our criteria are shown in utils/
  • Due to business confidentiality requirements, we only show part of the descriptions. You can use your own criteria by fixing utils/
  • Here is a brief description of our criteria: Criteria

Judge Process

  1. We mainly use oder to judge. The former one is a typical few-shot method, and the latter one adds zero-shot and uses multi-turn method to judge. The former one is named "Multi-turn with Zero-shot" in the paper.
  2. Then we use to judge the word count requirement if you want.
  3. You can run to find cases of judge errors and can run to get the correlation coefficient.

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