GMF — Help Improve the Management of Groups [email protected]

Would you like to be a better Owner and/or Moderator? We discuss our experiences as Owners and Moderators, share our ideas for promoting and customizing content areas, and offer various techniques for managing groups. We strive to provide a resource of the highest quality for Owners and Moderators alike. 

Use the links in the column to the left to access our public content. See especially our Wiki section - it contains a collection of tutorial and reference information for group members as well as for group moderators and owners. Don't miss the search box at the top right of that page to help zero in on the information you need. You may also use the search feature in our Messages section to see if there is any discussion about your questions. If you don't find what you need, please Join GMF and ask.

This Group Managers Forum (GMF) was founded as a sister to the Group Managers Forum for Yahoo! Groups owners, with the same management but this one is focused on instead of Yahoo! Groups.

(Note:)  You should join the group to ask questions.  Those sent directly to the [email protected] address may not be answered in a timely manner.  We're volunteers and sometimes don't check for those emails on a regular basis.

Note: This group is led by volunteers; it is not officially affiliated with

Group Information

  • 3,597 Members
  • 8,743 Topics , Last Post:
  • Started on
  • RSS Feed

Group Email Addresses

Group Settings

  • Group Guidelines
  • All members can post to the group.
  • Posts to this group require approval from the moderators.
  • Messages are set to reply to group.
  • Subscriptions to this group do not require approval from the moderators.
  • Archive is visible to anyone.
  • Wiki is visible to anyone.
  • Members can edit their messages.
  • Members can set their subscriptions to no email.

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