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Adding the HRSA.gov website as a trusted website in Internet Explorer 11 will prevent any potential browser issues you may face while working in the HRSA EHBs.

How do I add HRSA.gov as a Trusted Site in Internet Explorer 11? 

 Navigate to the EHBs login page while in Internet Explorer 11 Image of EHBs login page -Internet Explorer 11
2In the Internet Explorer top navigation menu, click Tools. 

Screenshot of Internet Explorer Top Navigation Menu

3Once the drop-down menu opens, navigate and click on Internet Options.image of the highlighted  Internet Options link within the Tools menui
4Navigate and click on the Security tab.Screenshot of the Internet Options Window - Security Tab
5In the “Select a zone or change security settings” box, click Trusted Sites, and then click the Sites button to open the Trusted Sites window.Screenhsot of the Internet Options Window, highlighting the Trusted Sites option
6In the “Add this Web site to the zone” box, verify that the “https://grants.hrsa.gov” website is being displayed. Before clicking the Add button, manually change "grants" to " * " in the web-address, so that https://*.hrsa.gov” is displayed as the website you are adding to the list of trusted websites.  Screenshot of the Trusted Sites window, highlighting the Add website button
 7Click the Close button to return to the Internet Options window.  

Screenshot of the Trusted Sites window - Close button

 8Once on the Internet Options window, click the OK button to accept the changes and return to Internet Explorer.   Screenshot of the Internet Options window - OK Button to accept changes

HRSA Contact Center

For any EHBs related assistance, contact the HRSA Contact Center by calling Toll Free: (877) Go4-HRSA; (877) 464-4772 or submitting a ticket here: http://www.hrsa.gov/about/contact/ehbhelp.aspx 

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