George W. Bush

Land Locale Remarks Date
Mexiko San Cristobal Meeting with President Fox. February 16, 2001
Kanada Quebec Attended the Summit of the Americas. April 20–22, 2001
Spanien Madrid Met with King Juan Carlos I and President Aznar. June 12–13, 2001
Belgien Brussels Attended NATO Summit Meeting. June 13–14, 2001
Schweden Goteborg Attended U.S.-European Union Summit Meeting; met with King Carl XVI Gustav. June 14–15, 2001
Polen Warsaw State visit. June 15–16, 2001
Slowenien Kranj Met with Prime Minister Drnovsek and Russian President Putin. June 16, 2001
Vereinigtes Königreich London, Chequers, Halton, Brize Norton Met with Prime Minister Blain and Queen Elizabeth II. July 18–20, 2001
Italien Genoa, Castel Gandolfo, Rome Attended the G-8 Economic Summit. Met with Pope John Paul II at Castel Gandolfo and with Prime Minister Berlusconi and President Ciampi in Rome. July 20–24, 2001
Yugoslavia (Kosovo) Camp Bondsteel Addressed U.S. military personnel. July 24, 2001
China Shanghai Attended the APEC Summit Meeting. October 18–21, 2001
Japan Tokyo Met with Prime Minister Koizumi and Emperor Akihito. Addressed the Diet. February 17–19, 2002
Korea, Republic of Seoul, Dorasan, Osan Met with President Kin Dae-Jung, visited the Demilitarized Zone, addressed U.S. military personnel. February 19–21, 2002
China Beijing Met with President Jiang and Premier Zhu. February 21–22, 2002
Mexiko Monterrey Attended the International Conference on Financing for Development and met with President Fox. March 21–22, 2002
Peru Lima Met with the Presidents of Peru, Colombia, and Bolivia, and with the Vice President of Ecuador. March 23–24, 2002
El Salvador San Salvador Attended a summit meeting with Central American heads of state. March 24, 2002
Deutschland Berlin Met with Chancellor Schroeder and addressed the Bundestag. May 22–23, 2002
Russland Moscow, St. Petersburg Summit meeting with President Putin. Signed strategic arms reduction treaty. May 23–26, 2002
Frankreich Paris, St. Mere- Eglise, Colleville Met with President Chirac and delivered a Memorial Day address in Normandy. May 26–27, 2002
Italien Rome Met with President Ciampi and Prime Minister Berlusconi. Attended NATO Summit Meeting and inaugurated the NATO-Russia Council. May 27–28, 2002
Vatican City Audience with Pope John Paul II. May 28, 2002
Kanada Kananaskis (Alberta) Attended the G-8 Economic Summit. June 25–27, 2002
Mexiko Los Cabos Attended APEC Summit Meeting. October 26–27, 2002
Tschechische Republik Prague Attended NATO and EAPC Summit Meetings. November 19–22, 2002
Russland St. Petersburg Met with President Putin. November 22, 2002
Litauen Vilnius Met with the Presidents of the Baltic States. November 22–23, 2002
Rumänien Bucharest Met with President Iliescu. November 23, 2002
Portugal Terceira Island (Azores) Discussed the Iraq crisis with British Prime Minister Blair, Spanish President Aznar, and Portuguese Prime Minister Durao. March 16, 2003
Vereinigtes Königreich Belfast, Hillsborough (Northern Ireland) Met with Prime Minister Blair to discuss the reconstruction of Iraq. Also met with Irish Prime Minister Ahern and Northern Irish political leaders. April 7–8, 2003
Polen Krakow, Auschwitz-Birkenau Met with President Kwasniewski and Prime Minister Miller; visited former Nazi concentration camps. May 30–31, 2003
Russland St. Petersburg Met with President Putin and attended ceremonies commemorating the city’s 300th anniversary. May 31–June 1, 2003
Frankreich Evian-les-Bains Attended the G-8 Economic Summit and met with Chinese President Hu Jintao. June 1–2, 2003
Ägypten Sharm el-Sheikh Attended “Red Sea Summit” with the leaders of Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, and with Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas. June 2–3, 2003
Jordanien Aqaba Attended meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Sharon and Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas. Met with King Abdullah II. June 4, 2003
Katar Doha Met with Emir Hamad Thani, visited U.S. Central Command headquarters and addressed U.S. military personnel. Overflew Baghdad en route to Qatar. June 4–5, 2003
Senegal Dakar, Goree Island Met with President Wade. July 8, 2003
Südafrika Pretoria Met with President Mbeki. July 8–10, 2003
Botswana Gaborone Met with President Mogae. Toured Mokoldi Nature Reserve. July 10, 2003
Uganda Kampala Met with President Musaveni. July 11, 2003
Nigeria Abuja Met with President Obasanjo. July 11–12, 2003
Japan Tokyo Met with Prime Minister Koizumi. October 17–18, 2003
Philippinen Manila Addressed a joint session of the Philippine Congress and met with President Arroyo-Macapagal. October 18–19, 2003
Thailand Bangkok Attended the APEC Summit Meeting. October 18–21, 2003
Singapur Singapur Met with Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. October 21–22, 2003
Indonesien Denpasar (Bali) Met with President Sukarnoputri and Muslim religious leaders. October 22, 2003
Australien Canberra Met with Prime Minister Howard and addressed Parliament. October 22, 2003
Vereinigtes Königreich London, Sedgefield State Visit. November 18–21, 2003
Iraq Baghdad Met with members of the Coalition Provisional Authority and the Iraqi Governing Council and addressed U.S. military personnel. November 27, 2003
Mexiko Monterrey Attended the Special Summit of the Americas. January 12–13, 2004
Italien Rome Met with President Ciampi and Prime Minister Berlusconi. June 4–5, 2004
Vatican City Met with Pope John Paul II. June 4, 2004
Frankreich Paris, Colleville, Caen, Arromanches Met with President Chirac and commemorated the 60th anniversary of D-Day. June 5–6, 2004
Irland Shannon, Dromoland Castle Attended U.S.-EU Summit meeting and met with Prime Minister Ahern. June 25–26, 2004
Türkei Ankara, Istanbul Met with President Sezer and Prime Minister Erdogan and attended NATO Summit meeting in Istanbul. June 26–29, 2004
Chile Santiago Attended APEC Summit Meeting. November 19–22, 2004
Kolumbien Cartagena Met with President Uribe. November 22, 2004
Kanada Ottawa, Gatineau, Halifax Met with Prime Minister Martin. November 30–December 1, 2004
Belgien Brussels Attended NATO and EU Summit Meetings. February 20–23, 2005
Deutschland Mainz, Wiesbaden Met with Chancellor Schroeder and visited U.S. military personnel. February 23, 2005
Slowakei Bratislava Met with President Dzurinda and Russian President Putin. February 23–24, 2005
Vatican City Attended the funeral of Pope John Paul II. April 6–8, 2005
Italien Rome Met with President Ciampi and Prime Minister Berlusconi. April 6–8, 2005
Lettland Riga Met with the presidents of the Baltic States. May 6–7, 2005
Niederlande Maastricht, Valkenburg, Margraten Met with Prime Minister Balkenende and gave an address at a U.S. military cemetery. May 7–8, 2005
Russland Moscow Met with President Putin and attended ceremonies commemorating VE Day. May 8–9, 2005
Georgien Tbilisi Met with President Saakashvili. May 9–10, 2005
Dänemark Kastrup, Fredensborg, Copenhagen Met with Queen Margrethe II and Prime Minister Rasmussen. July 5–6, 2005
Vereinigtes Königreich Gleneagles (Scotland) Attended the G-8 Economic Summit. July 6–8, 2005
Argentinien Mar del Plata Attended the Summit of the Americas. November 3–5, 2005
Brasilien Brasilia Met with President Lula da Silva. November 5–6, 2005
Panama Panama City Met with President Martin Torrijos. November 6–7, 2005
Japan Kyoto Met with Prime Minister Koizumi. November 15–16, 2005
Korea, Republic of Pusan, Gyeongju, Osan Attended APEC Summit meeting and met with Russian President Putin. November 16–20, 2005
China Beijing Met with President Hu and Prime Minister Wen. November 20–21, 2005
Mongolei Ulaanbaatar Met with President Enkhbayar and Prime Minister Elbegdorj. November 21, 2005
Irland Shannon Met with U.S. Marines who were en route to Iraq. February 28, 2006
Afghanistan Bagram, Kabul Met with President Karzai, dedicated new U.S. Embassy, and addressed U.S. military personnel. March 1, 2006
Indien New Delhi, Hyderabad Met with Prime Minister Singh. Signed nuclear cooperation agreement. March 1–3, 2006
Pakistan Islamabad Met with President Musharraf. March 3–4, 2006
Mexiko Cancun, Chichen-Itza Met with President Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Harper. March 30–31, 2006
Iraq Baghdad Met with Prime Minister Maliki and addressed U.S. military personnel. June 13, 2006
Österreich Vienna Attended the U.S.-EU Summit. June 20–21, 2006
Ungarn Budapest Met with President Solyom, Prime Minister Gyurcsany and commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian Uprising. June 21–22, 2006
Deutschland Stralsund, Trinwillershagen Met with Chancellor Merkel. July 12–14, 2006
Russland St. Petersburg Attended the G-8 Economic Summit. Met with President Hu of China, July 16; and President Lula of Brazil and Prime Minister Singh of India, July 17. July 14–17, 2006
Russland Moscow Met with President Putin. November 15, 2006
Singapur Singapur Met with Acting President Pillay and Prime Minister Lee. Addressed National Singapore University. November 16–17, 2006
Vietnam Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City Attended APEC Leaders’ Meeting. November 17–20, 2006
Indonesien Jakarta, Bogor Met with President Yudhoyono. November 20, 2006
Estland Tallinn Met with President Ilves. November 27–28, 2006
Lettland Riga Attended NATO Summit Meeting. November 28–29, 2006
Jordanien Amman Met with King Abdullah II and Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki. November 29–30, 2006
Brasilien Sao Paulo Met with President Lula da Silva. March 8–9, 2007
Uruguay Montevideo Met with President Tabare Vazquez. March 9–11, 2007
Kolumbien Bogota Met with President Uribe. March 11, 2007
Guatemala Guatemala City, Santa Cruz Balanya, Iximche Met with President Berger. March 11–12, 2007
Mexiko Merida, Uxmal Met with President Calderon. Visited Mayan ruins. March 12–14, 2007
Tschechische Republik Prague Met with President Klaus and Prime Minister Topolanek. Addressed Conference on Democracy and Security. June 4–5, 2007
Deutschland Heiligen-damm Attended the G-8 Summit Meeting. Also met with Chinese President Hu Jintao. June 5–8, 2007
Polen Gdansk, Jurata Hel. Met with President Kaczynski. June 8, 2007
Italien Rome Met with Prime Minister Prodi and President Napolitano. June 8–10, 2007
Vatican City Audience with Pope Benedict XVI. June 9, 2007
Albanien Tirana Met with President Moisu and Prime Minister Berisha. June 10, 2007
Bulgarien Sofia Met with President Parvanov and Prime Minister Stanishev. June 10–11, 2007
Kanada Montebello, Quebec Attended North American Leaders’ Summit with Mexican President Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Harper. August 20–21, 2007
Iraq Al-Assad Air Force Base Met with Gen. Petraeus, Secretary of State Rice, Secretary of Defense Gates, senior U.S. officials, and Iraqi political leaders. September 3, 2007
Australien Sydney Attended APEC Leaders’ Meeting. September 3–8, 2007
Israel Tel Aviv, Jerusalem Met with Prime Minister Olmert and President Peres. Visited Yad Vashem. January 9–11, 2008
Palestinian Authority Ramallah, Bethlehem Met with President Abbas and visited the Church of the Nativity. January 10, 2008
Kuwait Kuwait City, Camp Arifjan Attended Roundtable on Democracy and Development. Met with Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker at Camp Arifjan and addressed U.S. military personnel. January 11–12, 2008
Bahrain Manama Met with King Hamad bin Isa al –Khalifa. Addressed U.S. military personnel. January 12–13, 2008
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Abu Dhabi, Dubai Met with President Khalifa bin Zayid al Nuhayyin and Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed. January 13–14, 2008
Saudi-Arabien Riyadh, Al-Janadriyah Met with King Abdullah. January 14–16, 2008
Ägypten Sharm el-Sheikh Met with President Mubarak. January 16, 2008
Benin Porto Novo Met with President Boni. February 16, 2008
Tansania Dar es Salaam, Arusha Met with President Kikwete, signed Millennium Challenge agreement. February 16–19, 2008
Ruanda Kigali Met with President Kagame and dedicated new Embassy. February 19, 2008
Ghana Accra Met with President Kufuor. February 19–21, 2008
Liberia Liberia Met with President Johnson Sirleaf. February 21, 2008
Ukraine Kyiv Met with President Yushchenko and Prime Minister Tymoshenko. March 31–April 1, 2008
Rumänien Bucharest Met with President Basescu and Prime Minister Popescu-Tariceanu. Attended NATO, Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, NATO-Ukraine Commission, and NATO-Russia Council Summit Meetings. April 2–4, 2008
Kroatien Zagreb Met with President Mesic. April 4–5, 2008
Russland Sochi Met with President Putin and President-elect Medvedev. April 5–6, 2008
Israel Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Masada Met with President Peres and Prime Minister Olmert. Addressed the Knesset. Commemorated Israel’s 60th anniversary. May 14–16, 2008
Saudi-Arabien Riyadh, Al-Janadriyah Met with King Abdullah. May 16–17, 2008
Ägypten Sharm el-Sheikh Met with President Mubarak, King Abdullah II of Jordan, Palestinian Authority President Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad, Afghan President Karzai and Pakistani Prime Minister Gilan. Addressed the World Economic Forum. May 17–18, 2008
Slowenien Ljubljana Met with President Turk and Prime Minister Jansa. Attended the EU-US Summit Meeting. June 9–10, 2008
Deutschland Meseberg Met with Chancellor Merkel. June 10–11, 2008
Italien Rome Met with President Napolitano and Prime Minister Berlusconi. June 11–13, 2008
Vatican City Met with Pope Benedict XVI. June 13, 2008
Frankreich Paris Met with President Sarkozy. Addressed the OECD. Attended wreath-laying ceremonies at Suresnes and Mont Valerien. June 13–15, 2008
Vereinigtes Königreich London, Belfast Met with Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle. Met with Prime Minister Blair and Quartet Representative Blair. In Belfast, met with First Minister Robertson and Deputy First Minister McGuinness. June 15–16, 2008
Japan Toyako Attended the G-8 Economic Summit. Also met with Tanzanian President Kikwete, Indian Prime Minister Singh, Chinese President Hu, and South Korean President Lee. July 6–9, 2008
Korea, Republic of Seoul, Yongsan Met with President Lee and addressed U.S. military personnel. August 5–6, 2008
Thailand Bangkok Met with Prime Minister Samak and addressed Burmese activists. August 6–7, 2008
China Beijing Attended opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games. Dedicated a new U.S. Embassy. Met with President Hu and Russian Prime Minister Putin. August 7–11, 2008
Peru Lima Attended the APEC Summit Meeting and met with President Garcia. November 21–23, 2008
Iraq Baghdad Met with President Talabani and Prime Minister Maliki. Signed Strategic Framework and Security Agreements. Visited U.S. military personnel. December 14, 2008
Afghanistan Kabul Met with President Karzai and visited U.S. military personnel. December 14–15, 2008