January 19, 2024

Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability
Research Unit




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about the cgfa research unit

In 2018, Public Act 100-1148 transferred the functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of the Legislative Research Unit to the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (CGFA). The merger of the two legislative support services agencies became effective on December 10, 2018.

CGFA's Research Unit provides nonpartisan, objective, documented, and timely information for members of the Illinois General Assembly and legislative staff. All research requests are confidential. Our staff offer a wide range of expertise on matters including state and federal law, science and technology, taxation, education, local government, economics and fiscal affairs, and the political history of Illinois.

Though the CGFA Research Unit is only authorized to conduct research for members of the General Assembly or legislative staff, all of our informative publications are available to the public, including (but not limited to):

  • First Reading: a quarterly legislative newsletter;
  • Directory of State Officials: a telephone directory of members and staff of the General Assembly. The publication also includes information on executive-branch officials, including major department directors and legislative liaisons;
  • Illinois Tax Handbook for Legislators: information on every significant Illinois state tax;
  • Preface to Lawmaking: an explanation of Legislative process;
  • County Data Book: political, economic, and demographic details on every Illinois county;
  • 1970 Illinois Constitution Annotated for Legislators;
  • Reports detailing executive, legislative, and judicial-branch appointments to state boards and commissions; and
  • two charts: "How a Bill Becomes Law in Illinois" (English and Spanish) and "Penalties for Crimes in Illinois."

Hard copies of our publications are available on a first-come, first-served basis. However, most of our publications are also available for free download from our website located at:

Other services provided by the Research Unit include:
  • Planning and executing a conference for newly-elected legislators following each general election (the New Members' Conference); and
  • Planning and running a conference for legislators' district staff (the District Office Staff Training conference).

additional information about the cgfa research unit and the services we provide:

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CGFA Research Unit  802 Stratton Building  Springfield,  Illinois  62706  Phone: (217) 782-5320  Fax: (217) 782-3513
[email protected]