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IP Helpdesk

Getting started

Ready, steady, go! Learn more about the basics of intellectual property management in different business settings, regions or in the context of EU-funded research projects and get started!

IP basics

Intellectual property has become a key building block for the commercial success and competitiveness of many companies – and especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – as modern economies are increasingly driven by knowledge-based services and products. It is thus fundamental for SMEs to be aware of the value of their intangible assets and to set up informed strategies to capture, manage, protect and potentially enforce their IP. 

Moreover, IP management plays an important role in maximising the impact of research and innovation projects safeguarding that bright ideas and ground-breaking research findings are turned into value-creating goods and services.

But where to begin? While there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to IP management, and strategies should always be closely aligned with the overall strategy and individual setting of your business or R&I project, there are some IP basics that will help you take the first steps. 

In this section we bring together central publications provided by each of our regional IP Helpdesk teams that give an overview of key aspects to consider when tackling IP management in different settings and regions.

China IP SME Helpdesk

12 JANUARY 2021
Mainland China
12 JANUARY 2021
Guide to Trade Mark protection in China

Learn more about managing IP in China

European IP Helpdesk

12 JANUARY 2021
Your Guide to IP in Europe
12 JANUARY 2021
Your Guide to IP in Horizon 2020

India IP SME Helpdesk

Learn more about managing IP in India

Latin America IP SME Helpdesk

12 JANUARY 2021
What can IP do for my business
12 JANUARY 2021
Ten basic IP tips succeed Latin America

South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk

12 JANUARY 2021
Trade Mark Protection in SEA

Learn more about managing IP in South-East Asia

Assessing your IP

Knowing your IP is the basis for developing a sound IP management strategy – especially when doing business in foreign markets. We have created some useful tools that will help you get a clearer picture.

Support for European SMEs

In order to provide the necessary support mechanisms, the European Commission has developed an extensive network of in-depth programs and resources to help European SMEs thrive in today's economy. No matter the stage of development of your SME, assistance for the following key topics can be found below.

One-Stop-Shop Services



Developing a Network

Asset Protection

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