Rural Leader Magazine February 2022

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Addressing and Improving Health Disparities Begins with You, pg. 7 | FEBRUARY 2022 1


5 Phoebe Mobile Wellness Unit in Randolph County, GA Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.

About Us

Launched in March 2014, Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication with a mission to highlight every day people doing extraordinary things in business, education, music, community, art, sports, and leadership nationally and abroad. Rural Leader Magazine honors exemplary individuals on a variety of levels, such as the 20 under 20 Honors, 40 under 40 Honors, Best Small Town Restaurant, Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People, the Scholars of Collegiate Distinction, Fifty under Fifty, and the Eagle Elite Club.— Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Contact Us [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

2 | FEBRUARY 2022

COVER STORY 7 Addressing and Improving Health Disparities Begins with You 8 Ask HR: How to Make the Most of the Current Job Market 9 You can help solve medicine’s “one-size-fits-all” problem. Here’s how. 10 You Can be the Future of Healthcare

11 Planning a Spring Break? Here are 5 things to Look for in Your Resort 12 FREE Home Covid-19 Test Kits 13 Three Ways You can Help Local Small Businesses Thrive 14 How adults can help the children in their lives become more resilient 16 You can Be the Future of Healthcare 18 Top Three Florida Hotels Where You Can Mix Business and Pleasure

Tell us what you think about our publications, if you have a great idea for a story, or to just share. We may print your comments in Rural Leader Magazine. By sending us your comments, you’re giving permission to call you for an interview. Please be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number so we can reach you. Write to us at [email protected]

Editor’s Note Dear Readers, Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue. As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely, Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

What you do matters. @RuralLeaderMag | FEBRUARY 2022 3

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Addressing and Improving Health Disparities Begins with You COVID-19 has hit some communities very hard. That has put new attention on a long-term problem in the United States - health disparities. Health disparities are differences in health that harm disadvantaged communities. Understanding what causes these differences is key to addressing them. DNA alone does not explain the big differences in people’s health. Researchers are looking closely at other variables that affect health. These factors include social determinants of health, such as income and environment; access to health care, healthy foods and educational opportunities; and discrimination. When researchers look for answers on how social factors affect health, the data is often missing, incomplete or does not include enough people or diversity. In other cases, information about social factors may be available, but it is kept separate from health data. That can keep researchers from seeing the big picture. The NIH’s All of Us Research Program is working to sign up one million participants. The goal is to build one of the largest, most diverse research databases to create a detailed picture of health to help speed biomedical research breakthroughs. The program brings together information about people’s biology, environment and life circumstances. This unique blend of data, contributed by All of Us participants, can help researchers learn more about why people develop certain conditions, the effect of different treatments, and how social factors affect health. Martin Mendoza, PhD, the program’s director of health equity, explains that many factors can affect our health, but without data that is both inclusive and diverse, it can be nearly impossible to see patterns and common threads. “When researchers can access the data they need, it’s like finding a treasure trove of keys,” said Dr. Mendoza. “The data can help lead researchers to unlock new ways to improve people’s health.”

The NIH program is working to tackle one of the biggest obstacles in eliminating health disparities: many minoritized and underserved communities have been left out of research in the past, leaving a gap in understanding of what makes people - and their health needs - unique. “As a breast cancer survivor and black woman, it’s not ok that people like me are more likely to die from our disease than others. We’ve been invisible to researchers for too long,” said Joyce Brown, an All of Us Participant Ambassador. “This program has given me the chance to potentially improve the health of future generations, but that can only happen if we all come to the table.” Participants like Brown are having an impact. So far, more than 435,000 adults have joined the program, more than 300,000 of whom have completed all the initial steps of the program, including answering surveys, allowing access to electronic health records, and sharing biosamples. About 80% come from communities that have been historically underrepresented in biomedical research, which includes racial and ethnic groups who comprise about 50% of program participants. “COVID-19 brings renewed urgency, but the need to solve the underlying causes of health disparities that exist in cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and most other disease areas isn’t new,” said Dr. Mendoza. “The people who choose to join us in this historic effort and participate in the All of Us Research Program are essential partners in opening the door to a better future, in their own health, and the health of their families, friends and community.” People interested in learning more about enrolling can visit— | FEBRUARY 2022 7

Ask HR: How to Make the Most of the Current Job Market If you look at the numbers, the past few months have been a great time to search for a new job. In the U.S., the number of available jobs in 2021 topped 10 million, which is a record high, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Despite so many open opportunities, 6.3 million Americans were still unemployed as of December 2021. To help you understand how to navigate this unique, rapidly changing job market, Rob Mundell, senior vice president of Talent Solutions at Charles Schwab, shared his advice for people navigating the job market at every stage of their careers. “Now is a great time to think about how to make the most of your career, but not everyone knows where to start. One of the most fulfilling parts of my job is helping people along that journey,” says Mundell. “I’m grateful to work at a company also committed to doing just that, whether that means a well-deserved pay raise for employees, hiring for thousands of new roles, fostering a culture of continuous development, or offering robust reskilling programs for people who want a change.” Entering the workforce: Scale up your networking. There is no doubt this is an unprecedented time to start a career. Today’s remote work environment has flipped hiring norms on its head - making it easier for candidates to land their dream job with fewer applicants applying to open roles. Those looking for a new role should be engaging with their network regularly to help uncover positions that could be their dream role. Think about it, remote work has made it far easier to schedule a 30-minute video call than it is to meet for coffee, and networkers are likely to find more luck today convincing people to take the time to chat in a virtual setting. Reach out and ask for informational interviews. Virtual career events, which are available through schools or professional organizations, have become increasingly common. Never stop networking, even after you land a job. Rejoining the workforce after a break: Tell your story Over the past two years, job loss has been an unfortunate reality for many Americans - 25% of adults said they or someone in their household had lost their jobs due to COVID-19. A critical skill many individuals in the job market have had to display is the ability to practice perseverance. The good news is that experiencing an employment gap is less of a deal-breaker than job seekers may think, and most companies are sympathetic to 8 | FEBRUARY 2022

the challenges job seekers have faced. In this environment, storytelling is critical. For example, if you had to take time off work to care for family members or prioritize yourself, these are relevant attributes for an employer to consider. Now more than ever, companies are looking for resiliency, work ethic and passion, so don’t undersell your story. “One of my favorite aspects of the interview process is getting to know who candidates really are,” says Mundell. “Authenticity is always key for me. The better I am able to understand what motivates and inspires them, the more easily I can see how they’d contribute to a role and add to our culture.” Switching roles: Consider a change internally. For workers, the pandemic has sparked both introspection and transformation. Pandemic epiphanies, as they have been called, have resulted in many people pursuing career paths that align with personal passions and interests. This has been one of the driving forces of “The Great Reset,” in which half of America’s working population is actively searching for jobs or watching for new opportunities. But being part of The Great Reset does not always require leaving your current employer - in fact, as employers work to retain talent, more are willing to accommodate internal career moves. In particular, large organizations often encourage talent mobility and are willing to let employees shift roles if it means being able to keep them on board. And, as companies bring new talent into their ranks from outside their businesses, many are actively considering talent with transferrable skills who may bring different perspectives to open roles while coming from backgrounds in unrelated industries or job functions. When making a job switch internally, it is important to advocate for yourself, be vocal about what type of work motivates you and express where you see yourself contributing within the company. Regardless of what position you’re interested in, leverage your experience. Don’t underestimate the unique perspective you bring from your knowledge and time within the company. To view the thousands of new, open roles at Charles Schwab or learn about a career in financial services, tech or more, visit https://jobs.schwabjobs. com/.—

You can help solve medicine’s “one-size-fits-all” problem. Here’s how. Have you ever been put on a treatment that just didn’t work for you? Most people like to think that our doctors will always know what treatment will work best. It turns out that all the things that make people different DNA, age, gender, race, living conditions - can mean “trial and error” to find a treatment that works for individuals. The problem isn’t because health care providers are overlooking data and research about what treatments might work best for you. Often, the knowledge simply doesn’t exist. That’s because many groups have been left out of research in the past. The result is less information about the health needs of women, Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ+ and Asian-American patients, and people with multiple conditions. That can leave your health care provider making best guesses, based on what worked for other patients who may not share the factors that make you unique. Those differences can mean treatments come with extra side effects or might not work at all. For example, because of certain genes, a commonly prescribed blood thinner, clopidogrel, does not work in about 50% of people with Asian ancestry. To learn why a treatment works better in one patient than another, scientists need data - lots of data. The National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program is well on its way to fill that need by inviting one million people to help build one of the largest and most diverse medical databases in existence. Participants choose what types of data they contribute, and whether they would like to receive information about their DNA, free of charge.

“We know that ‘one-size-fits-all’ medicine fails too many people,” said Joshua Denny, M.D., M.S., Chief Executive Officer of the NIH program. “The more than 400,000 people who have already joined the program are making it possible for researchers to better solve many medical mysteries, diagnose faster, prevent better and treat more accurately.” Protected by privacy and security safeguards, the data equips registered researchers with real-world information to study better ways to prevent, manage and treat disease, including common conditions like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Andrea Ramirez, M.D., M.S., Senior Advisor to All of Us, is a practicing endocrinologist and has seen first-hand the challenges of managing patients with diabetes. “There are so many factors that can impact what treatment will get the best results for a patient, including genetic variations,” says Ramirez. “All of Us goes beyond finding the DNA information and allows researchers to study diabetes therapy in relation to participants’ electronic health records, environment and lifestyle. That combination of data shared through All of Us changes the game and opens doors to answering questions more quickly.” The participants who join the research program can help make sure scientists like Ramirez won’t be slowed down by the lack of data when they search for answers to the health issues that affect your family or your community. To learn how you can become a participant and contribute to the effort to better understand how health needs differ from person to person, including your own, visit— | FEBRUARY 2022 9

You Can be the Future of Healthcare Do you know a biomedical scientist? Chances are you do. She could be the woman you see in the park most weekends with her two little children and their dog running around, or the man who’s riding on your favorite mountain biking trails every Saturday. Maybe she is the young woman in your 6 a.m. yoga class every Tuesday who you’ve never said hi to. They look just like us, and we would never know they get up each weekday to help us and our loved ones live longer and healthier lives - because they know that #ScienceWorks. Biomedical scientists are researching ways to transform the quality and type of health care we all receive. Can you imagine a world where it’s possible to find out what health conditions we are genetically at greatest risk of developing, being able to detect and diagnose them early, and have safe preventative, treatment and management options - all based on discoveries about our own unique bodies? Biomedical scientists can. That’s what many of them are spending their careers working on, to move toward a future of “personalized medicines.” The FDA has described personalized medicine as an innovative approach to tailoring disease prevention and treatment that takes into account differences in people’s genes, environments and lifestyles. The goal of personalized medicine is to target the right treatments to the right patients at the right time. This treatment paradigm, this brighter healthcare future of personalized medicine, it is within our reach - but it needs our trust, encouragement and support. Our scientists have the ability to drive this 10 | FEBRUARY 2022

new treatment paradigm from an idea to a reality. It is not an easy road they take. Before FDA approves any personalized medicine, it must meet rigorous standards for safety and effectiveness, typically requiring extensive pre-clinical research, clinical trials and quality manufacturing development. The research required to get to where we can go is complex and lengthy. It also may be the greatest investment we ever make. In fact, scientific research is the great hope we have for a healthier future. Can you imagine being able to anticipate and prevent a disease such as cancer, or detect it early to manage or cure it in ways that today might seem impossible? There’s a world for us where healthcare can be more efficient and more effective. This is the promise of biomedical science, fueled by its scientists. They know that #ScienceWorks, and it will work for our healthy future if we work toward policy solutions that continue to enable this research and innovation. If you do know a biomedical scientist, or someone interested in pursuing a career in biomedical science, please thank them for what they do, or encourage them in their pursuit. The future needs them. They are our friends and neighbors in our parks, on our trails and in our yoga classes. They are also our heroes. To learn more about #ScienceWorks and its incredible scientists, please visit www.scienceworks. us.—

Planning a Spring Break? Here are 5 things to Look for in Your Resort Warm sand between your toes, a cool drink in your hand, the sun setting over the beautiful ocean ... these are the dreams of an ideal spring break. After what feels like years of video calls with friends, it’s time to re-connect and take that much-needed tropical vacation where bare feet, hammocks under palm trees and swim-up bars are just what you need to make new memories. With an all-inclusive getaway, planning is minimal so you can focus on enjoying what matters most - your vacation. The best resorts have something for everyone: mom relaxing at the spa, dad having a cocktail poolside, kids playing all day and adventurous friends seeking beachfront activities and entertainment. And while today’s all-inclusive resorts deliver elevated experiences and offerings for every age and interest, not all are alike. For example, some all-inclusive resorts offer enhanced food and beverage options such as ceviche and handmade empanadas alfresco served in a seaside lounge, while others may offer mojito and tequila lounges or unforgettable views with customized drinks prepared by expert mixologists. But not all resorts offer this level of service. Before you book your all-inclusive spring break, make sure your resort has the following five items: 1. Look for a variety of cuisine, and then some A vacation means a break from cooking and meal planning, so when looking to book an all-inclusive resort, make sure they offer multiple onsite restaurants to remove the hassle of deciding where to eat with your group, while giving a chance to try various cuisines. Hilton Cancun, an All-Inclusive Resort, offers numerous restaurants and dining experiences. For example, you can savor the rich traditions of Mexican cuisine at Maxal, while Auma, the experiential restaurant, prepares meals with ritualistic theater in full view of fire and flame. The resort also features a trattoria serving Mediterranean classics, a Southeast Asian concept, a high-energy all-day lounge, an ice cream and churro shop and a taqueria with a mezcal and tequila bar. 2. Find all the fun in the sun Second to plentiful food and drink at hand, the best thing about an all-inclusive resort is all the activities included in your stay. Be sure to find a resort that offers everything you want. For instance, most Mexican and Caribbean resorts have pools and beaches. But if you need adventure,

seek resorts that also include water sports equipment for snorkeling and kayaking. The fun should continue when the sun goes down. Look for resorts offering live music, dazzling shows and dancing. 3. Privacy by the sea Hilton’s All-Inclusive Resorts offer a range of breathtaking beachfront resorts in highly coveted locales for families with kids of all ages, and couples. If your spring break vacation is a romantic getaway, you’ll want seclusion and serenity. All-inclusive hotels often cater to couples’ needs by offering privacy options including adult pools, private swim-out suites and jetted tubs, plus romantic restaurants, world-class spas and casinos. Or, choose an all-inclusive resort with a kids’ club, which offer supervised and fun programs for children while giving mom and dad some space to hit the links or enjoy a quiet meal. 4. Education destination via culture The best all-inclusive resorts integrate local culture into food and beverage, activities and hotel design. According to a recent travel trends report travelers are “looking for unique experiences to immerse themselves in, seeking meaningful ways to connect with the different cultures and destinations whilst discovering something new.” Learning about and enjoying new cultures stimulates the mind and satisfies the curious soul, without leaving the resort. Great all-inclusive resorts integrate the local culture with engaging programs, classes and experiences that will enhance your vacation, such as salsa and merengue lessons, tequila tastings and local crafts. 5. Above and beyond hospitality A final box every traveler should check is a place that spoils you yet feels like home. The right all-inclusive resort will have more than beachfront accommodations. Seek world-class spas, personalized concierge, friendly team members and high-end offerings. While looking to experience new places and cultures, you also want the trust and reliability that comes from a well-respected company. The best brands offer loyalty programs with earned Points to help book that special vacation. Once you have selected your resort, book, pay and go. All you need to do is have fun. The all-inclusive resort handles the rest.— | FEBRUARY 2022 11

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Three Ways You can Help Local Small Businesses Thrive

There are millions of small businesses in the United States owned by passionate people working hard to make their dreams a reality. Rather than buying from a big retailer the next time you need something, consider supporting the locally owned businesses around you. When you support a small business, you’re not only helping build your community, but also directly impacting someone’s life. Every customer counts when it comes to small business, which means your dollars can help that small business owner thrive. For example, as the nation’s largest insurer, State Farm has more than 19,000 agents who are small business owners themselves, who are committed to restoring lives, rebuilding neighborhoods and investing in the communities where they live and work. This desire to help started 100 years ago when the company was founded by a farmer who was concerned that big city insurance companies would not serve the specific needs of his business and community. Here are three simple ways to support small businesses and have a positive impact: Get to know your community through its businesses. Your support matters all year long. For many people, this means shifting their mindset to thinking about local options first and getting to know the types of products and services your local businesses are providing. Whether you are purchasing items for yourself or someone else, start to understand how these local businesses can fill your needs. Don’t forget, many small businesses offer gift cards, which are wonderful ways to show ongoing support. Support small business service providers. Small businesses aren’t just for tangible goods. Many provide important services, such as your local mechanic, dentist or insurance agent. So, no matter your needs,

try and find businesses that are active in the community. You can spot these businesses by seeing how they engage with their neighbors. Look for the providers that are going above and beyond to support the neighborhood and other small businesses. By supporting those that have a strong investment in your community, you are helping them create a greater impact. “From doughnut shops to beverage distributors, from hair salons to warehouses, State Farm agents are perfectly suited to help small business owners protect their dreams, their livelihoods and their families,” said Chief Agency, Sales & Marketing Officer and former State Farm Agent Rand Harbert. “We offer products and services business owners need, and State Farm agents are small business owners themselves.” Share your experience. Many small businesses rely on satisfied customers to tell others so they can grow their client base. People trust word of mouth, so your effort makes a difference. In fact, more than eight out of 10 people around the world said they completely or somewhat trust the recommendations of friends and family, according to Nielsen. Plus, two-thirds said they trust online opinions from consumers. So, tell a friend in person, share a post on social media, or leave a positive review online. If you’re a small business owner, consider using your platform to build up other entrepreneurs in your neighborhood. — The next time you have a need arise, think of how a small business can help. Every effort counts to build your community, show your support, and ensure you continue to have thriving small businesses near you.— | FEBRUARY 2022 13

How adults can help the children in their lives become more resilient

While the past two years have been tough on everyone, they’ve been especially hard for children living with challenging family circumstances or in communities hit hardest by health and economic difficulties. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the Children’s Hospital Association recently declared children’s mental health a national emergency due to the serious toll COVID-19 has taken on families. According to the CDC, between March and October 2020, the percentage of emergency department visits for children with mental health emergencies grew by 24% for children ages 5-11. The pandemic also caused a decline in children receiving primary care and behavioral health services, which can negatively impact their well-being. What can adults do to help children cope? Supporting children facing unprecedented changes and challenges is key to helping them develop emotional skills - like resilience - that will last a lifetime, according to Dr. Arethusa Stevens Kirk, national senior medical director at UnitedHealthcare. Children and adolescents have faced unprecedented stressors in their environments: quarantines, illness in families and other disruptions. The pandemic has affected the stability and structure of families, with over 140,000 U.S. children experiencing the death of a parent or grandparent from COVID-19, according to the AAP. According to AAP research, children of racial and ethnic minority families are at 4.5 times greater risk of losing a caregiver. “I grew up in and out of foster care starting at age 14 | FEBRUARY 2022

4, so I understand how important it is to help children remain resilient in the face of challenging environments. Knowing how to talk with children and demonstrate compassion helps reduce stress in their lives,” said Kirk. “As a pediatrician, I see how vital it is that we teach them skills like resilience, flexibility, confidence and persistence.” Resources to support children’s mental health and development To help children develop critical life skills, Sesame Workshop, the non-profit organization behind the children’s program “Sesame Street” has introduced new resources to help children build resilience. Made possible by UnitedHealthcare, the new content includes three online storybooks and an online course for providers. The content helps teach confidence and how to encourage practicing persistence and dealing with change - all key ingredients to resilience. For providers: The “Roads to Resilience” online course is designed to help providers including healthcare workers, educators, and housing and social service providers use the new resources, along with tools and new ideas to foster professional development. For children: Three storybooks feature the “Sesame Street” Muppets Karli, Lily and Alex. * “The Monster Dash: A Story about Resilience and Flexibility” explores dealing with change. Because of her mom’s struggle with addiction, Karli has spent time in foster care, living with a lack of predictability and control. But caring adults have given her tools to build resilience. Being flexible and pivoting

when circumstances change is a big part of resilience. * “Looking for Special: A Story about Resilience and Confidence” teaches children about confidence. Lily and her family haven’t always had enough food, and for a while they didn’t have a home of their own - but they’ve endured hard times and are stronger for it. * “Bounce Back: A Story about Resilience and Persistence” shows Alex practicing persistence. When Alex’s father was incarcerated, Alex and his family faced big challenges, and he had to cope with hard feelings like fear and anger. Persistence is another part of resilience and, like everyone, Alex needs to find ways to manage his frustration and practice patience. “Resources and skills like these help children cope with difficulties. Anyone involved in a child’s care holds power, and they can use that power to help children feel safe, seen - and hopeful,” added Kirk.

“By working together, we can improve children’s overall health and well-being.” For over 10 years, UnitedHealthcare and Sesame Workshop have worked together to improve the well-being of children and families - especially those most vulnerable - by providing tools to build a strong foundation for lifelong healthy habits. This partnership includes the “Growing Every Day, Every Way” program, which provides families and caregivers with resources to address topics including food insecurity, physical activity, developmental milestones and healthy habits, to help kids everywhere grow smarter, stronger and kinder. These resources are available in English and Spanish for parents and providers to access and download at— | FEBRUARY 2022 15

You can Be the Future of Healthcare Do you know a biomedical scientist? Chances are you do. She could be the woman you see in the park most weekends with her two little children and their dog running around, or the man who’s riding on your favorite mountain biking trails every Saturday. Maybe she is the young woman in your 6 a.m. yoga class every Tuesday who you’ve never said hi to. They look just like us, and we would never know they get up each weekday to help us and our loved ones live longer and healthier lives - because they know that #ScienceWorks. Biomedical scientists are researching ways to transform the quality and type of health care we all receive. Can you imagine a world where it’s possible to find out what health conditions we are genetically at greatest risk of developing, being able to detect and diagnose them early, and have safe preventative, treatment and management options - all based on discoveries about our own unique bodies? Biomedical scientists can. That’s what many of them are spending their careers working on, to move toward a future of “personalized medicines.” The FDA has described personalized medicine as an innovative approach to tailoring disease prevention and treatment that takes into account differences in people’s genes, environments and lifestyles. The goal of personalized medicine is to target the right treatments to the right patients at the right time. This treatment paradigm, this brighter healthcare future of personalized medicine, it is within our reach - but it needs our trust, encouragement and 16 | FEBRUARY 2022

support. Our scientists have the ability to drive this new treatment paradigm from an idea to a reality. It is not an easy road they take. Before FDA approves any personalized medicine, it must meet rigorous standards for safety and effectiveness, typically requiring extensive pre-clinical research, clinical trials and quality manufacturing development. The research required to get to where we can go is complex and lengthy. It also may be the greatest investment we ever make. In fact, scientific research is the great hope we have for a healthier future. Can you imagine being able to anticipate and prevent a disease such as cancer, or detect it early to manage or cure it in ways that today might seem impossible? There’s a world for us where healthcare can be more efficient and more effective. This is the promise of biomedical science, fueled by its scientists. They know that #ScienceWorks, and it will work for our healthy future if we work toward policy solutions that continue to enable this research and innovation. If you do know a biomedical scientist, or someone interested in pursuing a career in biomedical science, please thank them for what they do, or encourage them in their pursuit. The future needs them. They are our friends and neighbors in our parks, on our trails and in our yoga classes. They are also our heroes. To learn more about #ScienceWorks and its incredible scientists, please visit www.scienceworks. us.— | FEBRUARY 2022 17

Top Three Florida Hotels Where You Can Mix Business and Pleasure Business trips can take you to some beautiful locations. Why not make the most of these business trips and mix in a bit of leisure as well? Extend your stay after a conference or company retreat so you can relax and enjoy the sights. You can also bring your family and turn a business trip into a memorable family vacation. If you’re planning your next “bleisure” trip, Innisfree Hotels has several ideal properties for hosting business conferences and family getaways, complete with delicious dining options and plenty of fun in the sun. Below are the company’s top three hotels in Florida that effortlessly mix business and leisure so you can get more out of your travels - bleisure travels! 1. Courtyard Amelia Island, Fernandina Beach, FL Host your next meeting steps from the Atlantic Ocean at the brand-new Courtyard Amelia Island in tranquil and beautiful Fernandina Beach, just 28 miles from Jacksonville International Airport. This bright and modern beachy hotel boasts more than 6,000 square feet of flexible meeting and event space, with a signature Lighthouse Room that can be divided into three sections, with two additional spaces 18 | FEBRUARY 2022

nearby - perfect for breakout sessions. Other key features of this idyllic property include: * Conveniently located across from Fort Clinch State Park * Walking distance to the beach, short drive to historic downtown * The Bistro on-site offers fresh breakfast daily * Beautiful pool deck * Connected to SpringHill Suites if suites are desired 2. Hampton Inn & Suites, Panama City Beach, FL Directly facing the beautiful emerald-green water of the Gulf Coast, the Hampton Inn & Suites is conveniently located in the center of the action in Panama City Beach. With a total of 1,546 square feet of meeting and event spaces, this hotel is the perfect spot for your board meeting, training classes, retreats and social events. Here, you can make memories with both family and colleagues with features like: * A beachfront pool deck and hot tub overlooking the Gulf of Mexico * On-site dining and complimentary hot breakfast served daily * Gulf-front breakfast seating and bar * Dune walkover to the beach

* Walking distance of Pier Park, a shopping, dining and entertainment complex 3. Hilton, Pensacola Beach, FL. A conference room is more than just a conference room at the Hilton in Pensacola Beach. With more than 30,000 square feet of meeting space, including second-floor executive conference rooms with a walkout balcony overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, you can inspire your team with a breathtaking beach view. This hotel offers the largest event space on Santa Rosa Island, ideal for hosting business meetings and destination weddings. Everything you need is under the same roof, from food and flowers to entertainment and accommodations. Other highlights include: * Two outdoor pools and a hot tub overlooking the

Gulf of Mexico * Private cabanas * Meeting rooms just steps away from the beach * On-site dining including Sal de Mar, a poolside tapas restaurant * Full-service cafe in the lobby serving grab-andgo baked goods, sandwiches, salads and Starbucks coffee You don’t have to compromise. You can work and have fun at the same time when visiting these Innisfree Hotel locations. To learn about these and other properties for business and leisure, visit— | FEBRUARY 2022 19

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