Rural Leader Magazine May 2024

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MAY 2024

Cover Story

New Clinical Trial Opening for People with Rare Ovarian Cancer, pg. 19 | MAY 2024 1


7 How to build, maintain and improve your credit Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.

About Us

Launched in March 2014, Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication with a mission to highlight every day people doing extraordinary things in business, education, music, community, art, sports, and leadership nationally and abroad. Rural Leader Magazine honors exemplary individuals on a variety of levels, such as the 20 under 20 Honors, 40 under 40 Honors, Best Small Town Restaurant, Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People, the Scholars of Collegiate Distinction, Fifty under Fifty, and the Eagle Elite Club.— Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Contact Us [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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9 Three ways to maximize nutrition in your baby’s diet 10 Five Financial Tips to Take Your Business to the Next Level By Irana Wasti, Chief Product Officer at BILL 15 When Allergy Season Knows No Season: The Climate Change Connection By Jad Daley, President and CEO of American Forests

COVER STORY 19 New Clinical Trial Opening for People with Rare Ovarian Cancer 21 How tech advances inspire one company to upskill entire communities 23 Mindfulness tips to support early learners’ development now

Editor’s Note Dear Readers, Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue. As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely, Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

What you do matters. @RuralLeaderMag

Tell us what you think about our publications, if you have a great idea for a story, or to just share. We may print your comments in Rural Leader Magazine. By sending us your comments, you’re giving permission to call you for an interview. Please be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number so we can reach you. Write to us at [email protected] | MAY 2024 3

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How to build, maintain and improve your credit At first glance, building credit can seem like a challenge. How can you get the credit you need when you have little or negative credit history to start with? Don’t get discouraged, though; there are many ways you can build, rebuild or improve your credit. Best ways to build credit * Apply for a secured credit card. A secured credit card works just like an unsecured card, but it’s guaranteed upfront by a cash deposit. Making on-time payments and keeping a low credit card balance helps your credit-building. * Ask a family member to add you as an authorized user on their own credit card. You’ll get your own card, but the primary card holder sets the limit on how much you can charge. It can be good for both of you: You’ll learn how to manage a credit line, and the account holder can earn rewards on what you buy. Just keep in mind that if the main cardholder misses or makes late payments, it could end up on your credit report. * Manage loans soundly. A history of on-time payments shows you can responsibly manage your line of credit. Consider having a cosigner on a loan if you aren’t able to qualify on your own. Maintaining good credit habits * Make payments on time, all the time. Pay credit card companies, utility bills and other accounts on time and always for at least the minimum payment. Consider using calendar reminders and tools like automatic payments and money transfers. Missed payments will lower your credit score quickly, but on-time payments show that you use credit carefully. * Use different types of accounts. Your credit score improves when you responsibly use more than one type of credit account, including personal loans and installment loans, like a car loan. Be mindful of how many new credit accounts you apply for as too many hard inquiries into your credit file can negatively affect your credit score. * Use your credit card regularly but keep your utilization low. Your credit utilization ratio is the percentage of your available credit that you actually use. Try not to use more than 30 percent of your available credit. For example, if you have a $1,000 credit limit, try to keep your balance under $300. * Keep current credit card accounts open. Unless you have a reason to close an account, consider keeping it open even if you don’t use it. Keeping an unused account open increases available credit, improving your use ratio. 6 | MAY 2024

Get your credit back on track * Check your credit report for errors and know your credit score. Your credit score is a snapshot of your credit history and shows lenders how responsible you may be as a borrower. Your credit report outlines your credit activity, your credit history and the status of your accounts. It’s important to check your credit report every year and dispute any errors. Also consider using a tool like Navy Federal Credit Union’s credit score simulator to see how you can affect your score, for good or bad. * Create a budget or use a budget worksheet comparing your income and expenses. The best way to live within your budget and avoid bad credit is to catch problems early. With a realistic budget and a close eye on your bank account, you can see where you need to change course to get back on track quickly. The more you practice good credit habits, the more your credit history will improve - helping prepare you for the future financing you may need.— Navy Federal Credit Union is federally insured by NCUA. | MAY 2024 7

Three ways to maximize nutrition in your baby’s diet As a parent, it’s normal to be focused on your baby getting enough of the nutrients their little bodies need to grow and thrive. Once babies are eating solid food, it’s the perfect time to start widening their palates by introducing a variety of healthy plant-based options. Here are three tips from Plum Organics to help you choose foods that will start your baby on a good path toward adventurous flavors and textures for years to come. 1. Introduce bitter and savory flavors early. You may naturally want to choose sweet foods like fruit when you first start feeding your baby solid food, like mashed-up bananas and applesauce. However, it’s a better idea to get your child acclimated to a wider variety of flavors that represent more foods they will encounter as they grow early on, including savory and even bitter tastes. That way they will be more open to liking foods like vegetables and proteins, which are not sweet. Some parents will opt for baby foods that combine fruits and vegetables to sneak veggies in, but fruits often mask the bitter flavor of vegetables, which defeats the purpose. Instead, try foods that introduce different flavors through vegetables only, so babies learn early that all foods are not - and don’t need to taste - sweet. “Babies are born with an innate preference for sweet foods and an aversion to bitter foods,” said Whitney English, M.S., R.D. and co-founder of Plant-Based Juniors. “To foster a diverse palate and support adventurous eating, we need to train babies’ palates to enjoy bitter flavors by introducing them early and often!” To help you get started, leading organic baby food brand, Plum Organics offers a Zucchini, Pea + Kale with Thyme pouch which is organic, non-GMO and contains no added sugars. “Herbs and spices also contain bitter compounds, and it’s helpful to get babies acquainted with them early too,” added English. “Right from the start, you can add them to meals to create interesting and diverse flavors. The only spices you’ll want to avoid are those with heat, like chili powder or peppers.” 2. Focus on vitamin C to boost iron absorption According to the Mayo Clinic, iron is a priority nutrient for children, as it aids their bodies in many important ways such as using oxygen and helping to 8 | MAY 2024

make red blood cells, both of which are crucial for growing children. And unfortunately, many children do not get enough iron, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. “Iron is a critical nutrient for growth and development, which is why needs are high during pregnancy and early childhood to support rapid growth and the production of energy, red blood cells and brain cells,” said Alexandra Caspero, M.A., R.D. and co-founder of Plant-Based Juniors. But because iron can be harder to absorb in the body, it’s important to include vitamin C in the diets of babies and young children, as that nutrient can better enhance iron absorption. “Iron is found in two forms: heme and non-heme iron. Heme iron is found only in animal foods like meat, poultry and seafood. It’s much more easily absorbed than non-heme iron. Non-heme iron is found in both animal and plant foods such as legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds and leafy greens and is harder to absorb than heme iron,” explained Caspero. “Fortunately, pairing non-heme iron with a source of vitamin C can increase the absorption of non-heme iron by three to six times.” For this reason, Caspero recommends serving infant-friendly sources of vitamin C alongside iron-rich meals. For example, many Plum Organics pouches include vitamin C-rich foods like broccoli, sweet potato, blueberries, mango and more. 3. Make it easy to feed your baby healthier food on-the-go. While it may seem challenging to feed your little one nutritious food when you’re running from one appointment or playdate to another, you can make it easier for yourself by picking up some Plum Organics pouches, which are veggie-packed and great for parents and caregivers to make feeding a breeze. With a variety of flavors your baby is bound to love, you’ll be ready to offer a quick meal or snack whenever it’s needed, expanding your baby’s palate and providing the peace of mind that you’re feeding them well. Learn more tips about feeding your baby or toddler at— | MAY 2024 9

Five Financial Tips to Take Your Business to the Next Level By Irana Wasti, Chief Product Officer at BILL Building a business is an incredible journey - and like all journeys, every stage is different. Running a startup, for instance, is very different from running a midsize business. As your business grows, your needs evolve too. Scaling a business often means navigating different types of risks, expanding product or service offerings, and executing more complex operations. The tools or technology solutions you had as a startup may be different to the resources you need now to help you manage a larger team, support more customers, or solve more complexities in your business. Just one example: when it comes to thinking about finance tools or technology, there are so many different choices on the market that it can be difficult to understand which is the best one for your growing business. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, here are four finance-focused tips to help your growing business continue thriving. 1. Be Smart About Spend & Expense Management As your business grows, you need full visibility into your evolving company budgets and how your employees are spending. Adding new employees and 10 | MAY 2024

departments makes it harder to fully monitor organizational spending, opening your business up to the risk of overspending or fraud (whether intentional or not). Finding efficiencies in the overall spend and expense process can also deliver valuable time back to employees so they can focus on your business and customers. Automating your spend and expense management can help. Stay agile with budget management: Scaling up means more budget complexity. Adopting a spend management solution helps to keep you nimble and can allow businesses to approve and delegate budgets adeptly, ensuring control over financial health without the hassle. Automate your expense processes: For every business owner, streamlining the approval and reimbursement process is a game-changer as you scale. Automation in expense management can significantly reduce the administrative burdens, enhancing efficiency and allowing for a smoother financial workflow. For example, BILL customer Marine Layer, a growing retail apparel brand that focuses on sustainability, saved at least three to four hours per week on expense management. “BILL gives us more up-to-

date expense reporting. It’s just a real time saver and definitely speeds up our financial close. Not having to manually code for our monthly close really saves time and makes the close more efficient,” said Kelly Ransom, Financial Accountant at Marine Layer. 2. Get Ready To “Pay Global” Even if You Are Not Global Yet MAs your business grows, you might also be looking at partners and vendors you’re working with to ensure they can help you scale the operations for your business needs. At this stage, many small and midsize business (SMB) owners will look to expand their vendor network, both domestically and internationally, in order to improve cost, quality, and business efficiency. But to do that, SMBs need safe, secure and efficient financial platforms that can handle vendor payments, whether domestically or internationally. This is particularly important as traditional international wire transfers can be expensive and complex. Leveraging integrated financial automation software for international payments can help ensure a faster, more secure and effective process. Choose the right global payment partner: It’s important to look for a technology partner that will simplify operations, offer competitive exchange rates and provide comprehensive data management. The right financial platform can provide seamless global payments integration and robust features to process international payments quickly, securely and easily. I also always encourage businesses to look for a global payment solution that grows with your business. Diversify payment methods: Payment preferences vary depending on what part of the world your sales or services are coming from. It’s helpful to offer a variety of payment options to your vendors, such as credit or debit card payments, contactless payments, and digital wallets. The right technology partner can allow you to offer multiple options for international payment needs. Sync with accounting software: I also encourage businesses to leverage payment partners that integrate with major accounting software providers to ensure seamless management of both domestic and international payments, by streamlining your workflows and eliminating the need for double data entry. New York-based apparel brand Bombas sends roughly 50% of their payments to 10 international vendors, even more when they need to bulk up their inventory to prepare for the holiday rush. However, Melissa Harris, Director of Accounting Operations at Bombas, isn’t worried about making international payments because they use BILL. “BILL Accounts Payable does it all in one shot, using the same process

for both domestic and international payments. It’s been a much more seamless process with BILL than it has been with other AP systems I’ve used,” said Harris. 3. Get Real-Time Data and Insights for Growth A frequent challenge for businesses is they don’t typically have large teams of finance professionals to provide analysis, insights, data and forecasting. Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) technology is changing that. With FP&A, SMBs can predict future cash flow, understand trends and opportunities, and make better business decisions, faster. Timely data and analytics can help you make the best decisions to help take your business to the next level. Strategic financial planning: FP&A technology enables SMBs to collaborate closely with executives and department heads, aligning financial goals with the overarching business strategy. By assessing market trends, competitive landscapes, and internal capabilities, businesses can create robust long-term financial plans that support sustainable growth. Budgeting and forecasting: Businesses can also develop detailed annual budgets that reflect accurate cash flow forecasts. This technology supports the creation of rolling forecasts, allowing companies to adjust their financial plans in response to changing market conditions and evolving business needs. 4. Maximizing Financial Rewards. Taking advantage of financial rewards is not just about the bottom line - it’s an opportunity for businesses to show appreciation and build a positive workplace culture. Many SMBs are already familiar with rewards programs for travel, but why not extend those benefits to everyday spending? Virtual cards with rewards programs can be a game-changer for SMBs. One common way businesses like to use virtual cards is for business subscriptions management. This ensures payments are made on time, within budget, and without the risk of overcharging, with real-time visibility into spending. Implementing rewards programs: Similar to consumer rewards programs, virtual cards with rewards programs are a powerful tool for businesses. Choosing financial tools that offer cashback, points or other incentives transforms everyday expenses into opportunities for savings or investment. It’s a great way to turn routine transactions into opportunities that add value to your business. 5. Choose Technology Partners that Can Increase Operational Efficiency Continued on page 13 | MAY 2024 11

Five Financial Tips, Cont'd from page 11 According to The BILL 2024 State of Financial Automation Report, SMBs are increasingly looking to AI and automation to improve efficiency and productivity. In fact, 85% of SMBs are enthusiastic about using AI for their financial operations. One of the most important considerations is which company you choose to partner with to deliver these AI capabilities for your daily operations. You want to work with technology partners that understand the opportunity for you to harness the use of AI for your business to drive impact. For example, AI can help you improve customer experiences, gain efficiencies, or scale. This in turn can free up your valuable time, allowing you and your staff to focus on more strategic tasks that can foster innovation and growth for the business. While AI technology is still developing and will continue to evolve, there are great technology partners that can help your business maximize AI. Choose a partner that is innovation-forward, already innovating with AI, and is an early adopter with your

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unique needs and interests top of mind. Key Takeaway. There’s a transformative shift happening in how SMBs are served by technology. Innovative finance tools like spend and expense management, international payment processing, and FP&A technology are increasingly essential for growth-focused businesses. As your business evolves, embracing these financial technologies will be crucial in shaping your journey toward sustainability and success. At BILL, we’re dedicated to helping businesses get more control, visibility, and efficiency in their financial operations. Automating financial operations can be a game changer for your business, saving valuable team time on inefficient manual processes, and enabling you to focus on high-value strategic business needs instead. To find out more, visit to start your risk-free trial.— | MAY 2024 13

When Allergy Season Knows No Season: The Climate Change Connection By Jad Daley, President and CEO of American Forests Climate change is reshaping our world in unexpected ways, including the worsening of seasonal allergies. This was confirmed by a 2019 study showing a significant positive correlation between long-term temperature increase and an increase in both seasonal duration and pollen load. With fewer frost days leading to earlier springs and later falls, the longer, more intense allergy seasons are leaving millions of people searching for relief. Many global programs are working to address climate change on a larger scale. However, there are steps we can take at the local level to help improve conditions in communities that may be disproportionally exposed to environmental hazards. For example, residents of urban areas are more likely to suffer from respiratory issues compounded by worsening seasonal allergies, especially in parts of our communities that have higher levels of air pollution. Pollution from car exhaust and heavy industry, specifically pollutants like Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide and particulate matter can exacerbate 14 | MAY 2024

urban allergies. Thankfully, there is one simple action we can take right now to help combat climate-fueled heat, air pollution and pollen exposure-plant more trees in our communities. This is especially important in lower income neighborhoods where trees are shown to be systemically lacking, according to American Forests’ Tree Equity Score. This unprecedented analysis of every urban neighborhood in America shows average tree cover deficits of 26-38 percent for these communities, and average temperatures of 7-10 degrees Fahrenheit above citywide norms. One example of an urban area in need of Tree Equity support is Southwest Detroit. With trucking routes and factories operating alongside neighborhoods and schools, respiratory-related hospitalizations are three times higher than the state average. According to Tree Equity Score, neighborhoods in this part of Detroit have a fraction of the tree cover common in other parts of the city and can be more Continued on page 17 | MAY 2024 15

Allergy Season, cont'd from page 15 than 18 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than the citywide average, which further exacerbates air pollution and pollen exposure. With the support of the ZYRTEC® ReLEAF Project and American Forests, the Detroit Tree Equity Partnership is working toward a goal to plant 75,000 trees over a five-year period. Increased tree canopy cover can cool a city block by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit, while also helping to manage respiratory issues by absorbing and deflecting pollutants. Additionally, planting more trees in urban areas, such as Southwest Detroit, can help mitigate seasonal allergies. While that might sound surprising, we are able to strategically select the tree species we plant to maximize environmental benefits such as shade coverage and reducing air pollution while minimizing pollen exposure. This is possible by using cutting-edge climate- and health-focused urban forestry techniques developed by American Forests in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service. As part of our science-based approach, we use resources like

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the Ogren Plant Allergy Scale (OPALSâ„¢) to help inform a city’s Preferred and Prohibited Planting Species List. For example, OPALSâ„¢ indicates that mulberry trees produce pollen that triggers seasonal allergies, while certain species of maple trees have less of an adverse effect on allergy sufferers. The ZYRTEC® ReLEAF Project and American Forests are working to help people from all backgrounds have equitable access to resources that advance the well-being of both people and our planet. Climate change continues to impact our environment and allergy sufferers, and we can all do our part to help. The path to cleaner air and a healthier future lies in our hands, and it starts with the strategic placement of the right trees in the right places for healthier and more climate-resilient cities.— Image courtesy Nick Hagen / American Forests | MAY 2024 17


New Clinical Trial Opening for People with Rare Ovarian Cancer Connie Bell’s journey with low-grade serous ovarian cancer (LGSOC) began unexpectedly in her 30s. Residing in Madison, Wisconsin, Connie was 36 when she first noticed her unusual symptoms, which she and her gynecologist initially dismissed as being related to existing conditions like interstitial cystitis and irritable bowel syndrome. But her symptoms, which included mild pelvic pain and two unusually heavy, painful periods, persisted. It wasn’t until several months later, after multiple medical visits, tests, and escalating concerns, that she ultimately received a devastating diagnosis of LGSOC, a rare ovarian cancer. This diagnosis, however, was merely the first step in what continues to be an extensive and challenging journey for Connie and many others with LGSOC. LGSOC, a rare, insidious, and persistent type of ovarian cancer that has an alarming ability to adapt and persist despite current treatments, such as standard chemotherapy, due to its distinct molecular and histopathological profile. Unfortunately, approximately 85% of people with LGSOC will have their cancer recur. Compounding this issue is the absence of FDA-approved therapies tailored specifically for LGSOC, which underscores a tremendous gap in patient care. In response to these challenges, researchers are actively pursuing new therapeutic approaches. Leading these efforts is Verastem, a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to innovating therapies 18 | MAY 2024

for difficult-to-treat cancers like LGSOC. Their focus is on RAS/MAPK pathway, a crucial cellular system that fuels the aggressiveness and treatment-resistance of LGSOC, and many other, tumors. Through these innovations, Verastem aims to offer renewed hope to patients like Connie, who urgently need better LGSOC treatments and a greater assurance that their cancer will not return after remission. People with LGSOC face obstacles in detection and treatment While current prevalence estimates for low-grade serous carcinoma are not available, it has been estimated that LGSOC represents less than 10% of new epithelial ovarian cancer cases and presents unique complexities that severely hinder diagnosis and treatment. One of the factors that sets LGSOC apart from the more common high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) is its impact on younger women. Diagnosed as early as the 20s and 30s, it can often inflict devastating consequences on fertility. But, despite its early presentation, LGSOC typically isn’t diagnosed until its advanced stages when treatment options are limited. This is because, as with Connie Bell, it can begin with easy-to-overlook symptoms like bloating, back pain, and menstrual irregularities, which can delay an accurate diagnosis. “My original gynecologist was not initially concerned, but thankfully ordered an ultrasound which revealed a suspicious cyst. A follow-up MRI revealed | MAY 2024 19

widespread malignancy, at which point she still didn’t think it was cancer but referred me to a cancer center to be sure,” describes Connie. “It was there that a gynecologic oncologist recognized the seriousness and scheduled me for surgery to remove the tumors.” But Connie still wasn’t clear on her diagnosis. “I entered surgery without knowing whether or not I would wake up with a cancer diagnosis, and I didn’t find out that it was the low-grade serous form until two weeks after my surgery,” said Connie. Even after an accurate diagnosis is made, people with LGSOC face another daunting journey - finding the right treatment. Treatment options for LGSOC are extremely limited because these tumors harbor distinct biological complexities that make them slow yet persistently growing, inherently less responsive to standard chemotherapy, and highly prone to returning even after achieving remission. Yet, despite these critical distinctions, patients with LGSOC are often treated with the same regimens as other cancers, such as the standard treatments used for HGSOC, leaving many feeling like they’re receiving “treatment leftovers” instead of therapies tailored to their specific needs. This disparity primarily stems from a long-held misunderstanding of LGSOC’s unique requirements, as it was only officially recognized as a distinct form of ovarian cancer in 2014. Like many others with LGSOC, Connie’s condition and its treatment journey have had a tremendous impact on her daily life. “I have three nieces and a nephew I can’t keep up with anymore,” she said. “It’s just so sad to me that I’m missing out on those different experiences and life events, that I feel like my life is forever changed and that I’ll have to be on medication for the rest of my life. This is my new normal, and I have to learn to deal with it.” However, new treatment strategies targeting the molecular intricacies of LGSOC aim to bridge long-standing treatment gaps and offer a brighter “new normal.” The potential of RAS/MAPK targeting therapies The RAS/MAPK pathway plays a pivotal role in cell growth and development. However, mutations in RAS genes can drive uncontrolled cell growth and tumor formation, which occurs in an astounding

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~30% of all human cancers and a whopping ~70% of LGSOC cases. Unfortunately, while the prominent role of RAS in driving cancer has been widely known for over three decades, many therapeutic approaches have proven unsuccessful. This is because cancer cells can find alternative ways through the RAS/MAPK pathway to bypass their therapeutic effects. Verastem is pioneering new approaches to address these issues with their lead candidate, avutometinib. This investigational first-of-its-kind RAF/MEK clamp is designed to block multiple parts of the RAS pathway simultaneously in a single molecule. This multi-pronged approach aims to deliver a more effective and durable solution against adaptive drug resistance issues that have hindered RAS-targeted therapies for years. In addition, Verastem is developing another drug, defactinib, which targets selective FAK signaling - a separate mechanism that cancer cells use to evade RAS/MAPK-targeting therapies. The investigational combination has already shown potential benefits for patients with LGSOC as part of Verastem’s RAMP (Raf And Mek Program) and is currently being investigated in the confirmatory Phase 3 RAMP 301 study (GOG-3097; ENGOT-ov81/NCRI). Exploring a novel combination therapy with RAMP 301 The international Phase 3 RAMP 301 study aims to determine if the novel combination of avutometinib and defactinib may provide clinical benefits compared to standard treatments for recurrent LGSOC. The trial is seeking approximately 270 patients with recurrent LGSOC who have undergone prior platinum-based therapy and whose disease has progressed. The study, conducted by gynecological cancer specialists, will measure the effectiveness, safety, and quality of life measures of the investigational combination. If you or a loved one are interested in learning more about this study, please visit: LGSOCstudy. com—

How tech advances inspire one company to upskill entire communities How can you assess the impact of a technological advancement like AI, which has raced at lightning speed across every sector of the globe? While the opportunity of AI is still evolving, some companies see its importance as going beyond the business impact - focusing on how it affects people as well. Leading global IT services provider Cognizant is one such company. To showcase how Cognizant aims to train and upskill employees and communities around the world during the era of AI, Tobi Young, Senior Vice President and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at Cognizant, answers questions about how her company strives to make a difference in today’s fast-moving tech landscape. What does Cognizant do? Cognizant modernizes and manages the IT systems that keep the world running. As a Fortune 250 company employing approximately 350,000 people worldwide, we help enterprises across industries digitally transform their businesses to stay on the cutting edge. We work shoulder to shoulder with our clients to ensure the infrastructure supporting their mission critical enterprise systems is future-ready. How does Cognizant’s global reach affect its relationship with employees? While Cognizant is a global company, we aim to serve people locally. It feels like a hometown company because of the way

we treat the people who work with us. You can’t be a company today that consumes the knowledge and energy of 350,000 people without investing in their hopes for the future of their communities. It’s vital to be involved in those communities. What impact is AI having on your clients, your employees and their communities? Every client wants to know you can solve their problems, and they need to know you have the technology edge to use AI. For our employees, we focus on upskilling to grow their capabilities to use new technology. But we don’t stop there. We’re also going into communities and training people on how to join the technology workforce of the future. No matter where you live, you don’t want to be left behind. You want to know what AI is, what it means, and how to use it. You want to know if you’re going to have a job tomorrow, and that your kids will have a path forward. How is AI affecting Cognizant’s philanthropy?Cognizant has awarded $70 million in philanthropic funds to our global communities since 2018. That investment will continue growing as we support community upskilling and training in the era of generative AI. It also reaffirms Cognizant’s commitment through our recently launched Synapse initiative to drive economic mobility by preparing one million people for the future workforce. In support of | MAY 2024 21

this initiative, we’re aiming to reach 300,000 people through grants, volunteerism, mentoring and education partnerships. Through Synapse, we will continue partnering with nonprofits engaged in skilling and upskilling, from organizations teaching tech skills to girls and members of underserved communities to nonprofits helping veterans and military family members upskill for cutting-edge jobs and more. We look forward to continuing to improve lives through technology education and training. How does Cognizant choose where to invest philanthropic dollars? As generative AI takes off, upskilling is an increasingly crucial corporate investment - and it’s not just something companies should invest in internally. Corporations are responsible for providing this opportunity to their communities. That’s why Cognizant focuses philanthropy on organizations that meet a few different parameters. One thing we look for is organizations that provide early access to learning and networking. Another important focus is those that create pathways for people entering or advancing careers in technology. Third, we look at organizations that inspire new ideas that push the technology industry forward in support of skilling. Through these focus areas, we work with these organizations to inspire, educate and prepare people to succeed in today’s quickly evolving workforce. 22 | MAY 2024

Additionally, our associates offer their time and talents to further our reach and help our communities reap the full extent of potential productivity gains from the evolving Gen AI economy. Our associates, for example, lead tech bootcamps and hackathons, conduct 1:1 mentoring and career readiness workshops, and they build tech solutions for NGOs and train NGO staff. What would you advise other companies evaluating their corporate giving plans? During this time of transformative change, trust is central, especially in the communities you serve. Now is the time for companies to affirm their investment in the future by “walking the walk.” We prioritize this at Cognizant. We help communities by not just investing in our own current employees, but by investing dollars in the communities of people who will make up the future workforce. Different needs must be met in different communities, so it’s key to partner with groups already on the ground to help train and upskill so individuals can get better jobs and share in something we all want - a bright future. Learn more about Cognizant’s Synapse initiative to train one million people for the jobs of the future at— | MAY 2024 23

Mindfulness tips to support early learners’ development now While mindfulness once felt like a wellness trend, it’s become a way of life for adults hoping to maintain healthier routines, be intentional in their work and handle daily stresses efficiently. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware of your thoughts and feelings in a moment without judging them or negatively reacting. But what about kids? Even at an early age, stress can lead to harmful brain development, potentially shrinking brain capacity, locking in fight, flight or freeze responses and escalating mental health disorders. A stressed brain is blocked, frustrated, over-reactive and anxious. The CDC recently published a policy report on youth mental health, which listed daily mindfulness practices as the #2 strategy to drive improvement. Mindfulness and self-regulation can impact a child’s ability to learn, and these skills are crucial for growth inside and outside the classroom. The CDC recommended K-12 classrooms practice mindfulness more regularly, but even early childhood education centers can attest to the positive impact of adopting this mindset. Bright Horizons, a leading global provider of high-quality early education and child care, is naturally integrating mindfulness into the daily routines of early learners at hundreds of its child care centers. Utilizing Inner Explorer, a platform designed to support mental health and well-being, Bright Horizons centers implement this daily mindfulness program to help its children learn critical skills like self-awareness, self-regulation and empathy. “Young children don’t know how to recognize and manage their emotions. They use coping tools available to them until they learn new strategies. Emotional recognition and regulation skills can and should be taught, just like any other set of skills. One of the most valuable strategies we can teach them is mindfulness,” said Bright Horizons Chief Academic Officer Rachel Robertson. “Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose, and we know it can play a crucial

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role in helping young children manage their emotions and actions. But, it requires intentional support from teachers and parents to develop it. Beginning mindfulness practices at an earlier age also boosts important cognitive skills. It has a significant impact on executive function, creating habits that carry into adulthood and nurturing several skills identified as essential for future success.” Want to integrate more mindfulness practices into a child’s daily routine? Robertson has several tips and techniques parents and teachers can use: * The STOP Strategy: Stop, pause and focus. Take a deep breath. Observe what’s going on around you and inside yourself. Proceed. * Gratitude Moments: Spend a few moments each day sharing what you are grateful for. * Nature’s Symphony: Close your eyes and identify as many sounds as possible, from birds chirping to leaves rustling or cars nearby. * Starfish Breathing: Take five breaths as you trace your hand, one finger at a time. * Mindful Walk: Pick one sense like sight and notice how many different colors you can see. * Shake the Sillies Out: Pretend you’re a statue, take a deep breath and shake the energy out! The possibilities of mindful activities for you and early learners are endless, and the benefits of more intentional practice cannot be denied. To learn more about Bright Horizons, visit— | MAY 2024 25

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