Rural Leader Magazine February 2024

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Cover Story

Women Embrace Wellness in 2024: Five tips to Take Control of Sexual and Reproductive Health pg. 9 | FEBRUARY 2024 1

Contents 5 Giving Health

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.

About Us

Launched in March 2014, Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication with a mission to highlight every day people doing extraordinary things in business, education, music, community, art, sports, and leadership nationally and abroad. Rural Leader Magazine honors exemplary individuals on a variety of levels, such as the 20 under 20 Honors, 40 under 40 Honors, Best Small Town Restaurant, Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People, the Scholars of Collegiate Distinction, Fifty under Fifty, and the Eagle Elite Club.— Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Contact Us [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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7 Bow to have fun, stay active and be bold at every age: Five Benefits of Exercise COVER STORY 9 Women Embrace Wellness in 2024: Five tips to Take Control of Sexual and Reproductive Health

14 How to get more protein into your daily routine 15 Do you have high cholesterol? You may be able to join a clinical research study 17 Four ways small businesses can innovate without a big budget

11 Surgery soon? Tell your anesthesia provider about weight loss medications now

Editor’s Note Dear Readers, Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue. As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely, Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

What you do matters. @RuralLeaderMag

Tell us what you think about our publications, if you have a great idea for a story, or to just share. We may print your comments in Rural Leader Magazine. By sending us your comments, you’re giving permission to call you for an interview. Please be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number so we can reach you. Write to us at [email protected] | FEBRUARY 2024 3

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How to have fun, stay active and be bold at every age: Five Benefits of Exercise No matter your age or fitness level, experts agree that physical activity brings multiple benefits to your mind and body. If you wonder how being more active as you get older can help you live a happier, healthier life - and how to get started - taking small, simple steps to boost your activity level can make a big impact. “Age is just a number, and we’ll make sure it never slows you down, so why not begin the new year on the right foot by finding activities you love to do,” said Julie Logue, M.P.H., training manager at SilverSneakers. “You can ‘act your age’ by having the time of your life, whether you’re dancing, walking or playing pickleball with friends.” Remember, before starting any new exercise, it’s recommended to consult your health care provider. Here are a few benefits of exercise that may inspire you to move a little more. 1. Protect your bones and joints. Stronger muscles help protect your bones and joints as you age. But if you think lifting heavy weights is the only way to strengthen your muscles, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. If you haven’t been active, you can begin 6 | FEBRUARY 2024

strength exercises by starting slowly, using little to no special equipment, and gradually improving your strength over time. It’s best to seek classes or programs specifically designed for seniors, such as SilverSneakers by Tivity Health - the nation’s leading fitness program for older adults that offers in-person and virtual classes with the needs of seniors in mind. Seniors can find classes for all levels focused on building strength and flexibility as they age, along with cardio exercises to get their blood pumping. 2. Help prevent falls. About one in four Americans aged 65 and older will fall each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Regular exercise that builds strength and improves balance is one of the best ways to help prevent falls or recover from a fall. Classes like those offered by SilverSneakers can help strengthen your ankles, knees and hips for a sturdy foundation. Plus, they can help improve your core strength and upper-body posture - to help you stay upright and steady. 3. Learn about injury prevention. Injuries can | FEBRUARY 2024 7

COVER STORY pen at any age, but a few simple precautions can help to keep you moving injury-free. If you’re a beginner, choose instructors and exercise programs that start slow - even seated - and build your strength and flexibility gradually, so you can continue improving your fitness without risking injury. SilverSneakers even offers virtual classes designed for beginners to help get you started. 4. Enjoy socializing. One valuable benefit of being active is finding a class or community of people you enjoy spending time with. Whether you’re taking classes in person or online, you’ll know everyone else in the class is also aiming to stay more fit and healthy. Taking classes together is a fun bonding activity that will help you stay motivated and may inspire you to create your own group of friends for walking or doing activities together. 5. Improve mindfulness and reduce stress. Physical activity can reduce stress, help you stay more present throughout your day and enjoy your life to the fullest. Classes offered by SilverSneakers include Tai Chi and Yoga, which are easy ways to help you stay more mindful and boost your overall well-being. Getting started. SilverSneakers offers members a

network of up to 22,000 fitness locations, along with community-based options like community centers and parks. Workouts are offered at thousands of gyms, community centers and other participating fitness locations nationwide. Members can participate in live, instructor-led and on-demand virtual classes in a variety of lengths and formats. Options include programming for those with chronic conditions, plus healthy aging workshops on topics including fall prevention and virtual learning opportunities. If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, it may already include SilverSneakers. Learn more at—

Women Embrace Wellness in 2024: Five tips to Take Control of Sexual and Reproductive Health Are you making any New Year’s resolutions this year? If so, consider prioritizing your sexual and reproductive health. While often overlooked, they are undeniably integral to your overall wellness. Here are five tips to guide your goals for better sexual and reproductive health this year. 1. Schedule regular checkups. Make sure that you’re on track with regularly scheduled checkups at your OB/GYN that may include things like a pelvic exam, screening for cervical cancer, testing for STDs, birth control or any other concerns you or your health care provider may want to address. This is also the perfect opportunity to ask your health care provider questions and tell them about any issues you are having - so make a list before you go so you don’t forget. 2. Understand your birth control options and how to secure them. During your routine health checkups, it’s important to keep up to date with the latest 8 | FEBRUARY 2024

contraceptive methods and determine which option aligns best with your current stage in life and personal lifestyle choices. Ensuring you are well-informed about birth control methods that suit you and are keeping a steady supply is especially important in busier periods filled with social engagements and travel. 3. Have a back-up plan. For those unexpected moments that catch couples off guard, Cadence OTC’s Morning After Pill provides a reliable backup for ‘oops’ moments like when a condom breaks or when protection slipped your mind. “Prioritizing your health this year means not only having a plan, but also having a back-up plan,” said OB/GYN Nap Hosang, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Cadence OTC. “Cadence OTC is increasing over-thecounter access to safe, effective, affordable contraceptives for everyone everywhere, starting with Morning After Pill. Keeping emergency contraception on hand | FEBRUARY 2024 9

during this busy season can ensure you’re protected no matter what. Stocking up on emergency contraception to be able to take as soon as possible is crucial for its effectiveness.” Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Cadence OTC’s Morning After Pill is not only a safe and high-quality option but is now available for online purchase at half the price of the leading brand- making reliable and affordable emergency contraception more accessible at an affordable price. In addition, Cadence OTC is actively seeking FDA approval for Zena, a groundbreaking over-thecounter combination birth control pill, eliminating the need for a prescription or doctor’s visit. For more information, visit 4. Educate yourself. Keep abreast of the latest advancements in technology, science, and medicine that impact your health. The field of medicine is always offering new insights into preventive health measures through improved hygiene, nutrition, and exercise, as well as evolving treatments for various conditions. Seek trustworthy information from authoritative sources like government health websites and platforms established by medical and healthcare organizations or academic institutions.

5. Open communication with a partner. Maintaining a healthy relationship often hinges on regular, open, and honest communication with your partner. Sharing concerns and feelings about your physical relationship can lead to improved intimacy and enhance your overall well-being. Remember, taking good care of your overall health is an ongoing practice that can help you lead a fuller, happier, more joyful life. If something is unsettling or if there is tension between partners, communicating about those differences should be a positive experience because it offers the possibility of greater understanding and mutually acceptable improvement in the new year and beyond.—

Surgery soon? Tell your anesthesia provider about weight loss medications now

Health-related goals are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions. Everyone’s health journey is different, and for many this means taking medications or supplements that support weight loss. For others, this may mean crossing a surgery or diagnostic procedure off the to-do list. And for some, it can mean doing both. If you’re planning an upcoming surgical procedure of any kind, it’s important to have an honest talk with your anesthesia provider about prescriptions and supplements you are taking. “At the start of the year there is a trend in people taking more supplements and medications as they focus on their health-related resolutions, and they may not realize the potential interactions with anesthesia drugs,” said Dru Riddle, PhD, DNP, CRNA, FAAN, president of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA). This is particularly important if your resolution is to lose weight and you plan to use medications such as Ozempic® or Wegovy® (semaglutide), Saxenda® (liraglutide) or Zepboundâ„¢ (tirzepatide). Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists, de10 | FEBRUARY 2024

signed initially to manage type 2 diabetes, are also used for weight loss and require additional preparation for anesthesia providers to help minimize any complications during a procedure. For example, these medications delay the emptying of food from the stomach. Clinical guidelines call for a patient to fast prior to anesthesia. Food remaining in your stomach can cause serious complications such as vomiting and food aspiration into your lungs. Because of these risks, your provider may need to do additional screenings such as an ultrasound of your stomach contents before your surgery if you are taking these medications. Follow expert recommendations. According to AANA, if you are the patient or a caregiver to the patient, it’s important to talk to your surgical team about recommendations for withholding GLP-1 medications prior to surgery. You and your surgical team should discuss and consider: * If daily dose: hold day of surgery or procedure * If weekly dose: hold 1 week before surgery or procedure | FEBRUARY 2024 11

Each year, millions of people in the United States undergo various surgical and diagnostic procedures requiring anesthesia care. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) safely provide 50 million anesthetics per year, working in every setting in which anesthesia is delivered. CRNAs partner with you to create an anesthesia and pain management care plan that addresses all aspects of your care before, during and after the procedure. “Because medications, vitamins and other supplements may interact with anesthesia drugs or increase risk of complications, such as bleeding during surgery, it’s important to tell your CRNA and surgical team about everything you take,” said Micah Walden, DNAP, CRNA, a member of the AANA Practice Committee. “Some medications may have to be adjusted or temporarily stopped before your surgical procedure, and anesthesia medication delivery may require modifications.” Herbal supplements can impact your anesthesia care as well. AANA recommends you inform your surgeon and anesthesia professional about all herbal products as well as over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, minerals and teas. Your health care

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team will recommend a timeline that is best for you and the supplements you are taking. Depending on the product, you may be instructed to stop taking herbal or over-the-counter products at least 1-2 weeks prior to the scheduled procedure or surgery to prevent side effects, while others may have a longer time period. If you are not sure about any prescription or supplement you take, bring the containers with you to your preoperative anesthesia assessment and evaluation. During this time, you will also want to communicate your health history, prescription medications, allergies, cultural beliefs, and smoking or recreational drug use, including cannabis. It’s critical to be honest so the team has all the information needed to help care for you properly before, during and after your procedure. Additional resources.Having health goals is admirable. If you decide to take supplements or medications to support these goals and have an upcoming surgery, make sure to communicate everything clearly and honestly with your anesthesia provider and health care team. For more information on CRNAs and anesthesia care, visit— | FEBRUARY 2024 13

How to get more protein into your daily routine Are you working toward specific health goals for your New Year’s resolutions? If so, there’s a good chance that improving your eating habits is at the top of your list. With a lot of conflicting information out there, it can be confusing to sort out what’s helpful from what’s not when it comes to nutrition. The one thing many experts agree on is the important role protein plays in your overall well-being. “Focusing on protein as a major nutrient your body needs can help make a difference for your wellness goals,” said registered dietitian and Quest Nutrition paid partner Kristin Kirkpatrick, M.S. “And the good news is that it’s not hard to make small changes that will increase how much protein you’re eating every day.” To help you revamp your diet as the new year begins, Kirkpatrick offers four simple tips around boosting your protein intake. 1. Make protein a priority when cutting overall calories. If you’re trying to lose weight as one of your resolutions, whether with the help of a pharmacological source or strictly through dietary measures, protein will make a difference. “For starters, protein will keep you fuller longer, so you’ll eat less,” advised Kirkpatrick. “If your food intake is limited to begin with, protein will help in maintaining muscle mass so that you’ll lose fat, not muscle, during the process.” 2. Mix up your sources. Protein comes in a wide variety of different foods including meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese, legumes like beans, peas, lentils and soy products, plus nuts and seeds - as well as some grains. By varying your protein sources, that means you’ll also be getting a wider variety of different nutrients, vitamins and minerals. For example, you can choose eggs for breakfast, legumes for lunch and salmon for dinner. Regularly including protein in your snacks is also a great idea to help keep your energy up throughout the day. “To get through my mid-morning or afternoon

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slump, I love grabbing one of the Quest Protein Shakes. The Chocolate flavor is delicious, satisfying and filling,” said Kirkpatrick. “The Salted Caramel is my go-to for in my coffee in the morning, and in the evening, Vanilla fits my craving for something sweet - while staying high protein.” Quest Protein Shakes are rich and creamy, with 30 grams of protein, 3-4 grams of carbs and 1 gram of sugar, making them a delicious, satisfying way to drink protein without piling on carbs. Visit to find these and other products to help you meet your New Year’s goals. 3. Add protein to every snack and meal. A great way to ensure that you’re getting enough protein is to make it a priority to fit some into every meal and snack. “Adding protein throughout the day is easier than you think,” Kirkpatrick noted. “Try adding hemp seeds to your oatmeal in the morning, then enjoy a cheese stick as a snack or have a bowl of cottage cheese with cinnamon for a sweet treat - then finish the day with slices of lean meat in a salad.” 4. Don’t forget sources that aren’t traditionally known for protein. Protein-containing foods fall into the obvious (think chicken breast, eggs, beans and milk) as well as the less obvious, so it can pay to think outside the box. “For example, although nuts and seeds are often seen as fats, they contain protein as well. One-half cup of walnuts, for example, has about 9 grams of protein, and an ounce of pumpkin seeds has about 9 grams as well,” said Kirkpatrick. “Grains like spirulina and quinoa are other tasty options you can try that you might not immediately think about.” Improving your eating habits doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Following these tips to include more protein in your daily routine will help you follow your resolutions throughout the year, so you can feel good about the nutrition you’re getting while supporting your wellness goals.—

Do you have high cholesterol? You may be able to join a clinical research study

Many people struggle to lower their cholesterol, even though there are medicines available that can help lower LDL-C (the “bad” cholesterol). High cholesterol, if not treated, can lead to a type of heart disease called atherosclerosis.[1] This disease can raise your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. “Currently available treatments are effective tools to treat high cholesterol, but some must be provided by a doctor by injection and can be hard for people to access,” said Dr. Christie M. Ballantyne, Professor of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. PCSK9 inhibitors are medications to help treat high cholesterol. Researchers are studying an investigational PCSK9 inhibitor that people can take as a pill once a day by mouth instead of as a shot. Currently, there are clinical studies looking at the safety of this investigational medicine and whether it works. These studies will help researchers better understand whether this medicine can lower LDL-C and the chance of cardiovascular adverse events. MResearchers are looking for people to join these studies. To qualify, you must be aged 18 years or older and you either: * Take a statin medicine to lower cholesterol but still need to lower your LDL-C * Have a high chance of having a heart attack or

stroke and have high cholesterol even after taking a statin for at least a month If you join one of these clinical studies, you’ll get the study medicine and study-related medical exams for no cost. You’ll also be paid back for travel-related study costs, such as bus fare or gas for driving to and from the study site. You don’t need health insurance to join. “These ongoing clinical studies will help us understand whether our investigational once-daily oral PCSK9 inhibitor will be an effective treatment for certain people with high cholesterol,” said Dr. Robert Blaustein, Associate Vice President for Clinical Research, Merck Research Laboratories. “I encourage anyone who meets the eligibility criteria to speak with your health care provider to see if one of the clinical studies may be suitable for you.” Ask your doctor if joining one of these clinical studies may be right for you. For more information on the clinical studies, visit— Copyright © 2024 Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ USA, and its affiliates. All rights reserved. [1] Johns Hopkins Medicine. Atherosclerosis. 2021. Accessed December 12, 2023. Sponsored by Merck | FEBRUARY 2024 15

Four ways small businesses can innovate without a big budget By Irana Wasti, Chief Product Officer at BILL In today’s fast-paced business landscape, it’s important for small business owners to adopt a mindset for innovation. However, the misconception that innovation requires vast resources and significant time investment can often deter entrepreneurs and business builders from pursuing new ideas and strategies. But with the right approach and perspective, small businesses can foster a culture within the company to make innovation more of an ongoing tenet of a successful business. As small businesses look at their goals for the new year, with some businesses also thinking about how to do more with the same, consider these four practical tips to innovate without breaking the bank or spinning too many resources. 1. Nurture an innovation mindset with your team. Innovation starts with your team. Cultivating an innovation mindset among your team members is the first step toward achieving small wins that lead to breakthroughs. As someone who has led product development teams for over 20 years, I know that the ability and willingness to analyze the environment, listen to feedback, and adapt to change are key disciplines to delivering products that delight customers. Here are some key aspects to consider: 16 | FEBRUARY 2024

Embrace diverse perspectives: Different backgrounds and experiences bring unique viewpoints that can spark creativity and improve collaboration within your organization. Where you can, build diversity into your hiring strategy. Foster a culture of openness: Create an atmosphere where employees feel safe to share their ideas and insights freely. Make them feel that their opinions matter and that they have a stake in the company’s success. You can do this with monthly brainstorm sessions to get the whole team thinking about different challenges faced by the business. Promote continuous learning: Encourage ongoing learning and skills development. There are lots of free online training resources that help employees stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies. By nurturing an innovation mindset within your team, you can tap into their collective creativity, which can lead to cost-effective innovations that drive your business forward. 2. Listen to your customers and innovate for them Research from McKinsey & Company has shown that improving the client experience can increase sales revenues by 2%-7%. However, one common | FEBRUARY 2024 17

pitfall in innovation is over-engineering solutions that don’t align with your customers’ needs. Prioritize innovation that is rooted in customer feedback, provides value, and aligns with business goals, and is measurable. Here are a few ways you can build trust with your customers and serve as a pipeline to fuel innovation: Provide multi-channel support: For customers who still need help after navigating your educational resources, offer support across the platforms that matter to them - such as email, social media, SMS, in-app support and more. Leverage tech-enabled tools, such as finance software that offers free phone and chat support with live agents. This meets your customers where they are, letting them reach you in a way they find comfortable and convenient. Deliver a personalized customer experience with AI tools: Chatbots make a particularly helpful AI-powered customer support tool. A chatbot can respond to customers in real time, offering additional information about your products or services or even fielding customer service questions. AI-powered marketing tools can be used for content creation, social media management, and more. Chatbots and other AI tools can do more than just answer customer inquiries about your products. The best AI tools can adapt and learn from customer behavior. Cascade the outside, inside: Often customer feedback does not go beyond the customer support team. To help drive more organic innovation, enable regular touch points between team members who face customers and team members who are on the front lines of innovation. By keeping your customers’ needs at the forefront of your innovation efforts, you can ensure your new ideas are well-targeted. 3. Ensure your tech tools help you move the business forward Efficiency is a cornerstone of cost-effective innovation. Leveraging technology to automate manual tasks lets you accomplish more in less time, freeing up valuable staff time to focus on strategic and creative thinking. You want to work with technology partners that can help you customize tools to meet the needs of your business and facilitate integration. Remember that innovation can come from anywhere in your business so keep your automation goals broad. Here’s how some small businesses have found solutions that make an impact: Automate financial operations: Using technology to eliminate manual activities, such as invoicing, bill payments and financial reporting, helps you stream18 | FEBRUARY 2024

line operations and reduce human error. It also helps you get back to focusing on what matters to you, your business. Finding a solution that pre-populates invoice information can save business owners, on average, 50% of time on bill pay alone. One of BILL’s customers, Ascent Respiratory Care, a home health care provider that helps patients with respiratory issues, eliminated writing paper checks entirely. “We do not write checks anymore. I would say about 95% of what we do is all paid out via BILL, whether it’s a hard copy check or an electronic payment,” said Ascent Respiratory Care Senior Business Development Associate Heather Thompson. Use data analysis to uncover business insights more easily: Solutions that bring efficiency and optimization to your business can provide valuable analytics that can uncover insights to fuel innovation, inform your decision-making and identify areas for improvement. Golf Genius has seen firsthand how financial analytics has provided better control, visibility and efficiency. “I believe we’re saving thousands of dollars a quarter as a result of real-time budget tracking. Before [BILL], people would ask where they were against their budgets, and now we know,” says Golf Genius CFO, Lou Lombardo. By harnessing technology to optimize key foundational parts of your business operations, you can achieve cost savings and efficiency gains that contribute to your overall business innovation. For example, BILL’s Financial Operations Platform for SMBs allows businesses to manage and optimize their cash flow all on one platform, delivering the most comprehensive suite of capabilities for SMBs. 4. Don’t be afraid to fail forward. Innovation is inherently risky, and not every idea will yield immediate success. However, the more efficient and automated some functions or processes are, the more a small business can embrace a culture of “failing forward,” where failure is viewed as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. It will help employees have the space and time to be more creative or innovative. Here’s how to do it: Encourage experimentation: As product leaders, oftentimes we tell our peers: “If experiments aren’t failing often, then you are not experimenting enough”. Encourage your team to experiment with new ideas and approaches, even if they come with a degree of uncertainty. Build in time to test-run the idea, with an evaluation checkpoint, before implementing it system-wide. Iterate and refine: After an experiment, assess what worked and what didn’t. Use these insights to refine your approach and try again.

Acknowledge lessons learned from failures: Celebrate the lessons learned from failures. This will encourage a culture where innovation is valued regardless of the outcome, giving business owners a competitive edge and supporting employee retention. Remember that many groundbreaking innovations have emerged from a series of trial and error. By embracing failure as a stepping stone to success, your small business can take actionable steps toward building a culture that promotes creative thinking, and develop innovative solutions without a big investment. In conclusion, innovation isn’t solely reserved for large corporations with deep pockets. Small businesses can thrive in today’s competitive landscape by adopting an innovation mindset, listening to custom-

ers, harnessing technology to optimize and adapt to market shifts, and being unafraid to experiment and learn from failures. With the right strategies and a commitment to cost-effective innovation, your small business can stay ahead of the curve. At BILL, we’re 100% focused on helping SMBs to get more control, visibility, and efficiency in their business. Automating financial operations can be a game changer for your business, saving valuable team time on inefficient manual processes and focusing on high-value strategic tasks instead. BILL helps businesses thrive with technology that is powerful, secure, and easy to integrate and use. To learn more, visit— | FEBRUARY 2024 19

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