Rural Leader Magazine January 2024

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Contents 5 Giving Health

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.

About Us

Launched in March 2014, Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication with a mission to highlight every day people doing extraordinary things in business, education, music, community, art, sports, and leadership nationally and abroad. Rural Leader Magazine honors exemplary individuals on a variety of levels, such as the 20 under 20 Honors, 40 under 40 Honors, Best Small Town Restaurant, Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People, the Scholars of Collegiate Distinction, Fifty under Fifty, and the Eagle Elite Club.—

COVER STORY 7 Building Hope: 9 Essential Steps to Reducing Youth Suicide 11 Vaccination Rates Aren’t Keeping Up: Harnessing the Power of Community to Combat COVID-19 & Misinformation 14 How Michigan is leading the charge for growth in electric vehicle use

19 Take on the new year with these four simple tips 22 Fueling the future: Addressing childhood food insecurity in our communities 25 Kick off the new year with a healthy smile! Your 2024 guide to proactive oral health 27 Take Charge of Family Security: 5 Vital Actions for a Safe New Year

17 Four revved-up resolutions to make in 2024

Editor’s Note Dear Readers, Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue. As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely, Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

What you do matters. @RuralLeaderMag

Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Contact Us [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Tell us what you think about our publications, if you have a great idea for a story, or to just share. We may print your comments in Rural Leader Magazine. By sending us your comments, you’re giving permission to call you for an interview. Please be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number so we can reach you. Write to us at [email protected] | JANUARY 2024 3

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Building Hope: 9 Essential Steps to Reducing Youth Suicide Adolescence is a critical time in everyone’s development - teens and young adults learn to make decisions, manage emotions, create deeper connections with peers and their communities, and build resilience. Young people’s developing brains are well suited to these tasks, but too often the systems that serve them are not. And the unique pressures they face today have fueled escalating rates of mental health challenges and the number of youth who die by suicide. The Jed Foundation (JED) - a leading nonprofit that protects emotional health and prevents suicide among our nation’s teens and young adults - recently issued “Youth Suicide: Current Trends and the Path to Prevention,” which highlights suicide trends among youth. One of the report’s key findings was that 10% of high school students attempted suicide in the past year. “Over the past few years, young people have been significantly impacted by society’s greatest challenges, including the pandemic, war, climate change, racial disparities and school shootings. They do this without the context, experience and resilience that adults possess,” said John MacPhee, JED’s chief executive officer. Although overall suicide rates have continued to increase, there is reason for hope and actions to be taken. The report highlights provisional data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that found that suicide rates for youth ages 10-24 declined between 2021 and 2022, including a significant drop (22%) for girls ages 10-14. With knowledge and resources, parents, educators, communities and policymakers can help reduce suicide rates among teens and young adults. “We have an opportunity to actively protect teens and young adults by compassionately providing them with the skills and care they need to succeed while also working to reduce the barriers and risk factors in our society,” said MacPhee. Supporting youth mental health and preventing suicide requires a systemwide, evidence-based approach. As part of the report, JED outlined nine essential steps to reducing youth suicide that offer solutions to support all youth - including specific recommendations for groups of young people who face additional stressors - improve youth mental health, and prevent suicide. 1. Take a comprehensive approach. Adopting a 6 | JANUARY 2024

comprehensive approach is the first step in reducing suicide risk. A great example is JED’s Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention, which focuses on developing life skills, promoting social connectedness, identifying and supporting students at risk, increasing help-seeking behavior, providing mental health and substance misuse services, establishing and following crisis management procedures, and promoting means safety. 2. Create connection and community. In U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s 2023 advisory “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation,” he points out that youth are especially disconnected and isolated, which can fundamentally affect mental, physical and emotional health. Designing communities of care in schools, creating opportunities and spaces for young people to meet and gather organically, and supporting intergenerational connections can help address youth loneliness. 3. Meet basic needs and address trauma. There are strong links between poverty, societal and racial inequity, trauma and mental health struggles. That’s why it’s important to strengthen social safety nets to meet students’ basic needs - like housing, food, education and health care - and expand access to trauma-informed care. It’s also critical to use community- and family-based, trauma-informed approaches for reducing youth involvement in the criminal legal system to address important root causes of suicide. Youth (ages 10-24) involved with the criminal legal system die by suicide at rates two to three times higher than the general youth population. 4. Increase coping and emotional support skills. Self-awareness and interpersonal skills help young people better solve problems, manage emotional stressors, and control impulses, improving their ability to move through challenges. Trained, caring adults and young people can play a vital role in helping youth develop and access emotional support and coping skills, including how to identify and reach out to someone who may be struggling and connect them to professional support. 5. Meaningfully increase access to care. Too many young people reach out for professional help and run into barriers. We must support the implementation and enforcement of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, require insurance coverage of | JANUARY 2024 7

mental health services delivered in schools, ensure that provider networks adequately serve diverse populations, and design crisis services to meet the needs of communities. 6. Make widespread use of proven suicide prevention treatments and interventions. There are underutilized treatments that meaningfully reduce suicidal thoughts and attempts. Prioritizing the use of proven approaches like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS), cognitive behavioral therapy for suicide prevention (CBT-SP), attachment-based family therapy, brief safety planning interventions, and pharmacological interventions can help lower suicide rates. 7. Reduce access to lethal means. Reducing access to lethal means is a powerful way to reduce suicide. This is especially true for firearms. Firearms are the leading method of suicide death overall, and approximately 90% of suicide attempts by firearm are fatal. Everyone from families to gun owner groups to legislators can play a role in advocating for and implementing responsible gun storage to meaningfully reduce suicide risk. 8. Advocate for safe online spaces. More and more young people are engaged in online activities in a largely unregulated space. Policymakers and other stakeholders must take a pro-safety approach to apps and platforms where young people spend time, centering youth in any efforts to improve them. 9. Leverage technology to support youth mental health. Although technology can pose risks for young people, it also offers more ways to connect with each other and access mental health care. By leveraging technology, we can provide youth with access to professional help through telemedicine, connect to young people where they are in digital spaces, and

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use the virtual worlds of gaming, the metaverse, and extended reality to offer resources and support in real time. Everyone can do their part. “Suicide rates for young people have been rising for over a decade due to factors that include isolation, increasing access to firearms and difficulty connecting to mental health treatment. Particular groups of youth are disproportionately impacted because of the effects of social determinants of health,” said Dr. Laura Erickson-Schroth, JED’s chief medical officer. “Our first-of-its-kind report aims to provide a nuanced perspective on how these influences are driving suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts and deaths among different groups of youth, and identifies strategies that can help parents, educators, public officials and policymakers mitigate these trends to improve young people’s mental health and save lives.” However you’re involved in the life of a young person - as a parent, educator, coach or any other type of mentor - you can be the support they need. If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone right now, text, call or chat 988 for a free confidential conversation with a trained counselor 24/7. You can also contact the Crisis Text Line by texting “HOME” to 741741. If this is a medical emergency or if there is immediate danger of harm, call 911 and explain that you need support for a mental health crisis. Download “Youth Suicide: Current Trends and the Path to Prevention” at To learn more about how you can support the young people in your life, visit — | JANUARY 2024 9

Vaccination Rates Aren’t Keeping Up: Harnessing the Power of Community to Combat COVID-19 & Misinformation Sponsored by Novavax, Inc. It’s been more than three years since the beginning of the pandemic, yet COVID-19 is far from over and hospitalizations continue to be reported, as of October 2023, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).[1] Unfortunately, the impact and burden of disease has disproportionately affected Hispanic/Latino communities[2] - including Hispanic communities being disproportionately represented in COVID-19 infection and death rates.[3] Despite this higher risk of COVID-19, Hispanic Americans reported greater hesitancy and resistance toward the COVID-19 vaccine especially in the early pandemic.[4] “Vaccine mistrust and misinformation[5],[6] has hit our communities much more significantly than previously understood, affecting vaccine uptake[4] and risking a devastating impact on individuals’ and their families’ health,” explained Jose Torradas, MD, Emergency Medicine Physician and Co-Founder of Medicos Unidos, Inc. and paid spokesperson for Novavax. Added Dr. Torradas, “We must stay vigilant against COVID-19 by encouraging everyone who is eligible to consider receiving an updated COVID-19 vaccine as well as stopping the spread of misinformation by helping connect individuals with trusted healthcare information and providers if they have vaccine questions or concerns.” Understanding the Risks of COVID-19 & Protecting Yourself. Everyone can take action to put their best foot forward heading into this fall and winter season by getting vaccinated to help protect themselves and their loved ones - yet a recent poll conducted in September 2023 found that only 54% of Hispanic adults currently plan to get the new COVID-19 vaccine.[7] It’s important that all individuals stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccination[8] - and the time to consider vaccination is now, with updated vaccines arriving in pharmacies and doctors’ offices. These updated COVID-19 vaccine options have been developed to help protect against subvariants of the COVID-19 virus.[9] According to the CDC, older adults and people with weakened immune systems are at the highest risk for severe COVID-19 illness, as well as individuals who are immunocompromised and those with underlying medical conditions.[9],[10] 10 | JANUARY 2024

“Collaboration and engagement at the community level are critical to empowering individuals and families with the necessary information to take control of their health, and the greatest need is often most concentrated in communities of color[11] and requires tailored, culturally relevant efforts to reach out and encourage vaccination,” said Silvia Taylor, EVP, Chief Corporate Affairs and Advocacy Officer at Novavax, a global leader in vaccine development and research that is working to make safe and effective vaccines available to help protect those who need them around the world. Taking Action: Equitable Access to Vaccines & Trusted Information. Perhaps one of the most inescapable learnings of the past three years is the reality that everyone is in this together. “As the nation continues to battle the pandemic, we advocate for all in the Hispanic and Latino communities to have easy and effective access to the COVID-19 vaccines and the facts,” explained Dr. Torradas. What You Can Do. “It’s important to get the facts and know your risks,” emphasized Taylor. “If you have questions, speak with your doctor or pharmacist about your options, because protecting one of us can help protect all of us.” For more information about the science making these vaccines possible, visit Novavax’s To learn more about the latest authorized COVID-19 vaccine options and find a vaccination site near you, visit— [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID Data Tracker. Available at: https://covid.cdc. gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home. Accessed September 22, 2023. [2] KFF. COVID-19 Cases and Deaths, Vaccinations, and Treatments by Race/Ethnicity as of Fall 2022. Available at: Accessed September 25, 2023. [3] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reaching the Hispanic Community About COVID-19 Through Existing Chronic Disease Prevention Programs. Available at: https://www.cdc. gov/pcd/issues/2020/20_0165.htm#:~:text=For%20 | JANUARY 2024 11

example%2C%20CDC%27s%20weighted%20population,total%20US%20population%20(7). Accessed November 1, 2023. [4] Na L, Banks S, Wang PP. Racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 vaccine uptake: A mediation framework. Vaccine. 2023;41(14):2404-2411. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.02.079. [5] Brookings Institute. Skepticism and mistrust challenge COVID vaccine uptake for Latinos. Available at: Accessed October 5, 2023. [6] KFF. Addressing Misinformation Among Hispanic Adults: Snapshot from the KFF Health Misinformation Tracking Poll Pilot. Available at: https://www. Accessed October 11, 2023. [7] KFF. KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor September 2023: Partisanship Remains Key Predictor Views Of COVID-19 Including Plans To Get Latest COVID-19 Vaccine. Available at: https://

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qtz-8uv5hKws1IdD2lKDqW3jZgsJvvlTNUQeh1EKc0MblZi5EdJeu74x9ksqGFPAcUzWKnVzPnfpYdOA455wWWaiVOoxBSvA&utm_content=275926609&utm_source=hs_email. Accessed September 27, 2023. [8] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines. Available at: Accessed September 18, 2023. [9] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations are Now Available. Available at: respiratory-viruses/whats-new/covid-vaccine-recommendations-9-12-2023.html. Accessed September 21, 2023. [10] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People Who Are Immunocompromised. Available at: need-extra-precautions/people-who-are-immunocompromised.html. Accessed October 11, 2023. [11] Jason K., Wilson M., Catoe J., et al. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Black and Hispanic Americans’ Work Outcomes: a Scoping Review. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2023 Apr 28 : 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s40615-023-01594-6. | JANUARY 2024 13

How Michigan is leading the charge for growth in electric vehicle use

The U.S. has a plan to ensure that by 2030, half of new vehicles sold will be zero-emission electric vehicles (EVs). While progress has been made, a recent survey from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) found 34% of the U.S. population has never driven or even ridden in an EV. MEDC’s survey also revealed many Americans harbor concerns regarding the transition to EVs, including the cost of buying, maintaining and charging (85%), finding charging stations (85%), and equitable access to EVs and charging options (82%). Michigan is proactively addressing these concerns by investing in EV projects, establishing accessible charging infrastructure and building a robust EV workforce. Solving for equitable access to EVs, charging. A survey conducted by AAA found nearly 60% of people experience “charge anxiety,” feeling uncertainty around accessing or using an EV charging station. There are ways to ease this anxiety: * Integrate charging with other essential services: 14 | JANUARY 2024

Adding infrastructure to Wi-Fi hotspots, highway rest stops or postal services, can increase accessibility and make charging locations more attractive and useful, particularly in rural areas. Michigan’s Office of Future Mobility and Electrification (OFME), with Daimler Truck North America and DTE Energy, is developing a “truck stop of the future,” a new charging hub location for freight trucking designed to facilitate the transition of companies’ fleets to EVs. * Government incentives and support: Government entities can offer incentives and subsidies to private companies to install charging stations. Michigan’s OFME supports partners like Dunamis Charge and Volta to help establish a robust charging ecosystem in previously underserved regions. * Continued innovation and research: Michigan is at the forefront of developing and implementing new technologies to increase EV charging access. The in-development Electreon wireless roadway will see wireless charging technology embedded into the

road, allowing vehicles to charge while in motion and stationary. The electrified roadway will accelerate accessibility to EV charging for consumers and fleet operators, enabling continuous vehicle operations and turning public streets into sustainable shared energy platforms. Strategies for enhancing EV affordability. Interest is growing in the substantial fuel savings EVs can offer, with three in 10 people expressing keen interest. However, concerns about the cost of purchasing and maintaining an EV outweigh interest in fuel savings. Some opportunities to lower the cost include: * Lowering production costs: As EV production volume increases, the unit cost will likely decrease. Continued investment in research and development leads to breakthroughs in battery technology, helping reduce vehicle costs. In Michigan, Our Next Energy is developing batteries made from locally sourced metals, making them cheaper to develop. Similarly, strengthening ecosystems of EV component suppliers and service providers will create a more competitive market, leading to more choices and better prices for consumers. * Flexible pricing models for charging: Income-sensitive pricing models can make EV charging more affordable. Discounted or free charging during off-peak grid hours can also improve affordability. Utility companies can play a pivotal role in this step by supporting buildout of charging infrastructure and offering special rates for charging during non-peak hours. Michigan’s utility companies, like DTE Energy and Consumers Energy, offer programs and resources to help EV drivers save. * Government incentives for consumers: Tax credits, rebates or subsidies reduce the upfront cost of EVs, and reduced registration fees and lower road taxes can lessen the overall cost. The Biden administration and Michigan government have implemented such rebates. * Vehicle-to-grid support: Mobility leaders are developing technologies that allow EVs to sell excess energy back to the grid. This can provide an additional income stream to help offset costs for EV owners. EV education and awareness. Nearly a quarter of the population (24%) is interested in the sustainability benefits of electrified transportation. Still, because concerns about the transition to EVs persist, mobility leaders must educate consumers and the workforce about why benefits of EVs outweigh concerns. For general consumers:. * Educate prospective car buyers on the advantages of EVs. Car dealerships can familiarize buyers with EVs and the supporting

infrastructure available, while utility companies can share information about the integration of EVs with the grid, renewable energy options and off-peak charging benefits. * Establish community centers where people can experience EVs firsthand. Manufacturers and dealerships could host events to showcase their EV models, allowing people to test drive various options before committing to a purchase. * Mobility experts need to develop user-friendly resources that offer accurate, comprehensive information on the benefits of EVs, maintenance best practices, charging options and total cost of ownership. Websites could also include online tools that compare the total cost of ownership, emissions and other key parameters between EVs and internal combustion engine vehicles. For mobility talent and future workforce:* Educational institutions can incorporate EV and sustainable transportation information into curriculums to instill interest in related careers. For example, the University of Michigan recently established a $130 million EV center designed to prepare students for an EV future. * Two in 10 people (21%) believe the technology industry will be critical for America’s long-term economic success and stability, and 14% think the same about the semiconductor industry. These industries are essential to the long-term success of EVs, and educational institutions and mobility companies can demonstrate how the transition to EVs is critical to supporting the nation’s continued competitiveness and success. An electrified future. With more curiosity and interest in EVs, the U.S. is closer than ever to widespread adoption. However, there is still work to be done to bridge the gap between consumer and EV ecosystem readiness - and Michigan is leading the charge. Achieving a sustainable and widespread transition to EVs depends on increasing accessibility to charging infrastructure, making EVs more affordable for consumers, and educating the public about the myriad of benefits EVs offer. The state’s proactive and collaborative approach to addressing these factors can serve as a blueprint for success nationwide. For more information on Michigan’s initiatives, visit evecosystem/.— | JANUARY 2024 15

Four revved-up resolutions to make in 2024 When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, there are some “classics,” such as exercising more, budgeting better, or learning a new skill. But what about when it comes to our vehicles? According to new data from Hankook Tire’s Gauge Index Survey, many Americans are considering automotive goals for the new year: 79% said they would be likely to set a resolution about vehicle ownership, and another 51% indicated they would set one about their driving habits. Here are some revved up resolutions to consider for the new year and beyond: Stay on top of maintenance. For those planning to set a goal related to vehicle ownership, the top resolution is to stay on top of maintenance (26%). There are a few easy ways to help avoid speeding past routine maintenance. For example, make a note to check your tires at least once a week, ensuring that they are both properly inflated and that the tread is in good shape. Keep a penny in your glove box, and insert it into your tire once a week with Lincoln facing down; if his whole head is visible, it is time to replace the tire. Keep it clean. Nearly another quarter of respondents (22%) said they are likely to set a resolution to keep their vehicles cleaner. This can be as easy as making a trip to the car wash on a regular basis or keeping a trash bag in your car. And did you know that keeping your car cleaner can actually help paint 16 | JANUARY 2024

and wax jobs last longer? Not to mention, your passengers will appreciate a tidy interior. Buy a new vehicle. This one may actually be considered a classic, but 22% of drivers are likely to set a goal to buy or lease a new vehicle next year. If that may be you, now is the time to start considering your budget and what type of vehicle will best fit your lifestyle - whether that’s off-road, electric (EV) or something else entirely. Try a new driving experience. Even if you may not be in the market to buy a new car anytime soon, trying out a new type of vehicle may be a fun way to spend a day - and give you ideas for when it is time to refresh your own ride. Hankook found nearly a quarter (24%) of Americans who will set a driving-related resolution said they’ll try to drive a new type of vehicle for a full day in the new year, and 20% will aim to take a new type of vehicle out on a road trip, such as a vintage car or an EV. Another 20% are interested in learning more about different types of vehicles, even if that doesn’t mean getting behind the wheel of one. Regardless of what resolution you plan to set in 2024, it is always a good idea to use the changing of the calendar as a chance to make sure you are up-todate on all vehicle maintenance, registrations, and insurance to ensure a smooth drive into the New Year.— | JANUARY 2024 17

Take on the new year with these four simple tips

After a holiday season of parties and entertaining, it’s time to get back into our wellness routines and take on the new year ahead! It can be easier than you think to make 2024 a year of positive changes. To help you create some healthy balance, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Dawn Jackson Blatner shares a few helpful tips. 1. Prioritize self-care through sleep. Self-care isn’t just a buzzword or trend. If you want to improve your well-being after the holidays and beyond, it’s time to double down on self-care, especially sleep. Just one night without enough sleep can leave you feeling drowsy, low energy, slow and irritable, according to Sleep Foundation. This year, make your life easier and invest in your whole health by setting and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night so you can wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day. It’s helpful to create a relaxing bedtime routine, like reading a book or taking a warm bath, to let your body know it’s time to wind down. 2. Set clear, achievable goals. As we shift out of the holiday season, you may be thinking of how you can achieve your ambitions and change your habits in the new year. When setting goals, make sure they’re clear and achievable. When you set unrealistic expectations, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and abandon your resolutions. So, this year, be realistic so you’re more likely to achieve your goals and reap the benefits. Start by breaking your goals down into small, manageable steps. For example, if you want to work out more, don’t start by hitting the gym every day. Instead, start small by aiming to get active two to three times a week. Once you meet this goal, you can build on it! 3. Add nutrient-rich foods. After the holidays, you don’t need to overhaul your entire eating routine. Simply give your health a boost by adding foods rich in essential vitamins and nutrients to each of your meals and snacks. For example, add berries into your morning oatmeal, put extra veggies on a sandwich, or grab mixed nuts and hard-boiled eggs instead of processed chips for a quick snack on the go. Eggs are great for not only snacks, but also for meals like scrambled eggs for breakfast or shakshuka for dinner. Opting for Eggland’s Best eggs will ensure you’re getting superior nutrition in your diet, as they contain six times more Vitamin D and more than double the Vitamin B12 compared to ordinary eggs, to help boost immunity and wellness during cold season and keep you energized throughout the day. 4. Try new flavors. With a new year comes new 18 | JANUARY 2024

responsibilities, new activities and overall busy times. It can be easy to fall into the habit of the same boring meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner that neglect wholesome ingredients. To expand your palate and try new flavors, consider unique, better-for-you recipes when meal planning. Set a goal to cook a new recipe every week, inspired by a culture or nationality that you’ve been wanting to test out, like this delicious Bacon, Jalapeno, Red Onion and Spinach Scramble with Queso Fresco from Eggland’s Best. This recipe is sure to energize your mornings and set a positive tone for the day - and year - ahead! Bacon, Jalapeno, Red Onion and Spinach Scramble with Queso Fresco Prep time: 10 minutes; Cook time: 10 minutes; Serves 4 Ingredients · 8 Eggland’s Best eggs, large · 6 thick slices of bacon · 4 cups baby spinach leaves · 1/2 cup red onion, slivered · 1 jalapeno chile, stemmed and thinly sliced, seeding optional · 1 tablespoon vegetable oil · 1/2 teaspoon kosher or sea salt, to taste · 1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper, to taste · 1/4 cup crumbled queso fresco, farmer’s cheese or mild feta Directions. 1. Set a large skillet over medium-high heat. Once hot, add the bacon and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally until browned and crispy. Using a slotted spoon, remove bacon and reserve it in a bowl. Remove all bacon fat from the pan and add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add the onion and jalapeño and cook for 2-3 minutes, until wilted but not browned. Incorporate the spinach, mix, and continue cooking for a couple of minutes until completely cooked and wilted. 2. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, beat the eggs and season with salt and pepper. 3. Reduce heat to medium-low, pour eggs over the spinach mixture and as they cook, scramble with a wooden spoon or spatula. Cook to desired doneness. For tender eggs, cook them for 2-3 minutes. Top with the browned bacon bites and queso fresco. To find other delicious recipes to incorporate into your meal routine in 2024, visit—. | JANUARY 2024 19

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Fueling the future: Addressing childhood food insecurity in our communities Food insecurity is a growing issue in the United States and poses a particular challenge for families with children under the age of 18. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nearly 6.5 million American households with children experienced food insecurity in 2022, when they were uncertain of having or unable to acquire enough food to meet the needs of all their family members. The winter months can be especially hard for families facing food insecurity. Extra expenses during this time of year, like higher home heating costs, often force many families to make tough choices about basic needs. According to Feed the Children - a nonprofit focused on alleviating childhood food insecurity higher food prices, economic instability and other factors have made providing for a family even harder, with one in five children in the U.S. being hungry this holiday season. While there’s no single solution, individuals and organizations can step up to help. For example, one company is working to support students in highneeds communities with access to food and other critical resources. Supporting children now and year-round. Food companies play an important role in addressing this issue, often through collaboration with nonprofit groups. That’s why for over a decade, Frito-Lay has partnered with Feed the Children to provide food for families across the U.S. and help achieve its mission to create more smiles and a brighter future with every bite. At the start of the pandemic, Frito-Lay and Feed the Children recognized that the role of schools in the United States was changing. Due to this shift, 22 | JANUARY 2024

they expanded their partnership by launching Building the Future Together. Schools across the country are often providing more than just education. The partnership strategically evaluated what was needed most and set out to create a program that enables school districts to provide students and their families with everyday essential items and other much-needed resources. “Food security is more critical than ever and as a food company, we have a responsibility to do our part to ensure students and families have what they need to succeed,” said Nikki Jolly, Senior Manager of Corporate Citizenship and Social Impact at PepsiCo Foods North America. “We believe that when our communities thrive, we all thrive.” Supplies such as shelf-stable food items, hygiene products, books and more are given to school districts to distribute to students and their families throughout the school year and whenever they are needed most. The products stocked in schools’ resource rooms can be a lifeline for families, especially in times of tragedy. “We had a family impacted by a house fire and spent time in temporary housing, hotels, etc.,” said a staff member at Phoenix Union High School District. “We were able to tell this family to save money for living expenses and visit the resource center weekly ­­Â ­ ­- and sometimes biweekly - for food, snacks and hygiene products.” So far, the program has served over 110,000 families and has provided nearly 1.5 million pounds of resources. In its fourth year, Building the Future Together has launched in some of the highest-needs cities across the country to provide additional support to local school districts, including Atlanta,

Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Orlando and Phoenix. Schools that have participated in the Building the Future Together program say they’ve seen a 63% increase in school attendance and student engagement, a 38% increase in student confidence and a 25% improvement in student grades. The measurable impact of this program allows more students to complete their education, setting them up for greater financial stability and independence for themselves and their families. “Food insecurity is often invisible,” said Feed the Children President and CEO Travis Arnold. “We

rarely know what someone else is going through, which is why we need to take care of our neighbors. Feed the Children is thankful for the partnership with Frito-Lay and their support of the Building the Future Together program as we tackle the important issue of childhood food security.” There is still more work to be done to address childhood food insecurity. During the colder months, get into the spirit of the season and do your part to help children and their families receive what they need to succeed. To learn more or donate, visit— | JANUARY 2024 23

Kick off the new year with a healthy smile! Your 2024 guide to proactive oral health Are you ready to take on the new year with healthier habits and a boost of confidence? Then, it’s time to make your oral health a top priority! Not only does investing in your oral care create a healthy smile, but it can also improve your overall well-being. According to the University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry, good oral health is a leading health indicator and is important for communication, human relationships and even financial prosperity. If you want to be dentist-ready and feel your best in 2024, check out these five simple oral hygiene tips. 1. Consistency is key. The first step to a yearlong healthy smile is consistency. As your 2024 New Year’s resolution, promise yourself to make and maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for a full two minutes, and pay attention to how you’re brushing. Gently brush over your teeth and gums in a soft, circular motion. 2. Upgrade your oral health routine and toothpaste. Invest in your smile by upgrading your toothpaste and going to the dentist at least two times a year. Staying on top of your oral health routine and finding the right toothpaste can make a huge difference. Choose a toothpaste like Colgate Total Plaque Pro-Release, which offers long-lasting 24-hour antibacterial protection after two weeks of daily brushing. The unique breakthrough formula penetrates hard-to-reach places to fight plaque bacteria along the gum line. It’s clinically proven to significantly reduce harmful plaque bacteria associated with gingivitis and help you get ahead of oral health problems 24 | JANUARY 2024

before they start. 3. Watch what you eat and drink. You’re probably aware that sugary drinks and snacks can damage your smile, but acidic foods and drinks also pose a threat. According to the American Dental Association, products high in acids can wear away the enamel protecting teeth, making them vulnerable to cavity- and infection-causing bacteria. However, you don’t have to say goodbye to acidic foods and drinks entirely. Instead, limit them in your diet and opt for alternatives to save your teeth from excessive wear and tear. 4. Hydrate to be great. Staying hydrated has so many positive health effects, including supporting a healthy smile. For example, drinking plenty of water helps maintain saliva production. Why is saliva important? Because it rinses away bacteria and neutralizes acids in your mouth. Saliva is your body’s natural defense, so make sure you maintain a steady supply by hydrating. 5. Keep learning, keep smiling. When it comes to oral health, knowledge is power. Make sure to read the latest oral health tips so you can take an active role in your smile’s health. For example, follow dental associations on social media so you can stay up to date on dental care recommendations. As recommendations change, you can adjust your oral care routine to better care for your smile. Let 2024 be the year you double down on your oral health using these five tips. With a little time and care, you can be dentist-ready this year and beyond.— | JANUARY 2024 25

Take Charge of Family Security: 5 Vital Actions for a Safe New Year Amidst the many New Year’s Resolutions families set at the top of the year, creating household safety habits and ensuring preparation in an emergency should be at the top. With the CDC reporting 48% of Americans do not have first aid kits and 52% of Americans do not have copies of crucial personal documents, it’s evident Americans have a lot of work to do to ensure family members are knowledgeable and have safety plans in place. This year, to ensure safety is a top priority, check out these five important actions to help keep your family safe. 1. Create a home safety checklist. A comprehensive home safety checklist helps create a home environment that promotes security and peace of mind. The checklist should include checking smoke and CO detectors, including changing out batteries, locking windows, ensuring fire extinguishers are readily available in the kitchen and other shared spaces, and 26 | JANUARY 2024

properly storing household chemicals like cleaning products. Regularly review and update this checklist. 2. Enroll in hands-free safety services. Did you know only 28.7% of U.S. households have a landline? Without a landline, it can be difficult to contact emergency services, especially for young children. However, technology can be a valuable ally. The new personal and family safety subscription Alexa Emergency Assist allows anyone in the home to use their voice to call for help, giving more peace of mind with fast access to urgent response agents 24/7 365 days a year - without having to search for your phone in the time of an emergency. When you say, “Alexa, call for help” on an Echo device, including an Echo Kids device, you will be connected to a dedicated, professionally trained agent who can request dispatch of police, fire, or ambulance, avoiding potentially long call hold or wait times. | JANUARY 2024 27

Agents also have access to pre-saved critical information during the call - like your home address, medications, or allergies - saving time spent collecting information on the call and allowing first responders to be thoroughly prepared when they arrive at your home. The Urgent Response agent can also stay on the line with you until help arrives. 3. Teach personal safety habits. Encourage and empower your family members to develop personal safety habits. Emphasize the importance of staying aware of surroundings, exercising caution when speaking with strangers, and practicing basic self-defense techniques. When talking with your family about safety habits, underscore the importance of paying attention to smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms, and to never ignore them. If you subscribe to Alexa Emergency Assist, Smart Alerts allow Alexa to detect signs of trouble - like if your smoke or CO alarm is ringing - and will notify you so you can take action whether you’re at home or away. Don’t forget to highlight the importance of trusting your instincts and foster open communication so everyone feels comfortable voicing their concerns. By learning and practicing personal safety habits, you’ll equip your loved ones (and yourself!) with the tools they need to confidently navigate changing situations. 4. Develop a trusted network. When it comes to keeping your family safe, you don’t have to do it alone. Cultivate relationships with neighbors, friends, 28 | JANUARY 2024

extended family, and community members to build a strong mutual support network. A network of trusted individuals is an invaluable resource that can help provide assistance during times of need. If you subscribe to Alexa Emergency Assist, you can quickly notify your network in case of an emergency. The Emergency Contacts feature allows you to save up to 25 family members, friends, or loved ones to be automatically notified and informed when a call is placed to Urgent Response. A reliable network not only improves your family’s safety, it also fosters a sense of belonging and community. 5. Create an emergency plan. A detailed and thorough emergency plan can make a huge difference in a crisis. Sit down with your family to discuss evacuation routes, emergency contact numbers, and designated meeting points. Talk about each family member’s responsibilities during different types of emergencies. Even young children and teens have a role to play in an emergency, just by taking care of themselves. Once you have a plan in place, review and practice the plan so everyone is familiar with the procedures in case of an emergency. By preparing for unexpected moments, you’ll foster a sense of security and resilience. Use these five tips to kick-start the new year with a focus on family safety. In doing so, you’re laying the foundation for a safe and secure future and creating peace of mind for you and your loved ones.— | JANUARY 2024 29

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