Rural Leader Magazine June 2023

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JUNE 2023

Cover Story Honoring Naval History: 5 Ways to Keep Museums Afloat and History Alive, pg. 17 |JUNE 2023 1

Contents Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.

About Us

Launched in March 2014, Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication with a mission to highlight every day people doing extraordinary things in business, education, music, community, art, sports, and leadership nationally and abroad. Rural Leader Magazine honors exemplary individuals on a variety of levels, such as the 20 under 20 Honors, 40 under 40 Honors, Best Small Town Restaurant, Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People, the Scholars of Collegiate Distinction, Fifty under Fifty, and the Eagle Elite Club.—

9 Escape the everyday routine and make family memories this summer 11 Four ways parents can help their young drivers be road ready 13 Five ways accessing working capital is changing for all businesses 14 How design has helped the rebirth of a 100-year-old American brand 15 Graduation season is here: Tips and resources to help young women be more financially savvy

15 Talk with kids about substance use; you can make a difference COVER STORY 17 Honoring Naval History: 5 Ways to Keep Museums Afloat and History Alive 19 Helping teachers and students prepare as school supply costs surge 21 Innovating for the Future Through Collaboration 23 Nine in ten parents say their child is at grade level. About one in four are.

Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Contact Us [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Tell us what you think about our publications, if you have a great idea for a story, or to just share. We may print your comments in Rural Leader Magazine. By sending us your comments, you’re giving permission to call you for an interview. Please be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number so we can reach you. Write to us at [email protected]

Editor’s Note Dear Readers, Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue. As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely, Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

What you do matters. @RuralLeaderMag |JUNE 2023 3

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Escape the everyday routine and make family memories this summer There’s a reason summer is a popular time to vacation. With the kids out of school, and the weather warming up, take advantage of the sunshine and your family’s more flexible schedule to share experiences and strengthen your family bonds. This year will be an especially popular year for vacations. Do you crave an escape from your daily routine - 64% of people say they do - if even for a few days? In a recent study conducted by Mintel, in partnership with Kalahari Resorts & Conventions, nearly 62% of parents intend to take more family vacations in 2023 than they did in 2022, and 77% said their goal was to make memories and 74% to have fun. Are you ready to start planning your vacation? Check out these three family vacation ideas that are perfect for having fun and making memories together this summer. 1. Explore a new city. Exploring a new city together can be a fun and exciting adventure for the whole family! Choose a destination and make a list of mustsee spots and activities so you can plan accordingly. Your list should include restaurants for the foodies in your family, amusement parks and attractions for the thrill seekers, shops for the fashionistas and a spa visit for those who want to relax. Don’t overload your itinerary! Remember, your family should come back from vacation feeling refreshed. Build in downtime in between events and outings, too. Quiet, relaxing moments together allow everyone to recharge for the next activity and allow you to reflect on the memories you’re making. 2. Take a road trip A family road trip is the quintessential American vacation experience and for good reason. According to the Mintel study, 50% of parents prefer to drive and 72% of parents say it’s important to pick a destination they can drive to. No two road trips are alike. Even if you’re taking the same route as others, when and where you decide to stop is completely up to your family, making each road trip a unique experience. When planning a road trip, you can pick one or several destinations and plan for pit stops along the way. Also, the flexibility of a road trip means you can

stop and explore a town or attraction on your route that piques your interest with minimal disruption to your planned itinerary. The best part of a family road trip is that quality time is built into it. Spending time together in the car gives you plenty of opportunities to connect and talk about what you’re most excited to see and experience. 3. Stay at a resort. A family vacation at a resort is a great way to have fun while taking the stress out of trip planning. Instead of going out to several locations in one city, you can adventure, shop, eat and relax all in one place. A destination like Kalahari Resorts & Conventions has something for everyone, all under one roof! Home to America’s largest indoor waterparks, kids of all ages will make memories and are sure to have fun at both the indoor and outdoor waterslides, pools and lazy rivers. Stop by the family entertainment center and play some games as a family or try an escape room. The resort’s signature dining options have dishes and drinks to delight everyone’s palate. There’s also a full-service spa experience for prime pampering in between activities. Don’t forget to stop at the unique retail shops to pick up souvenirs and gifts to commemorate your trip. You can choose from one of four conveniently located resorts (Wisconsin Dells, WI; Sandusky, OH; Pocono Mountains, PA; and Round Rock, TX), pick a route and enjoy a road trip to your resort vacation. And no need to worry about the weather! Mintel found that 81% of parents say it is important to pick a location they can enjoy that is not dependent on the weather. That’s not a problem because it’s always sunny and 84 degrees inside Kalahari, so you can enjoy a true summer vacation no matter what it’s doing outside. To learn more, visit Don’t let this summer slip by getting lost in your day-to-day routine Let these three ideas inspire your family vacation so you can start planning your trip to make memories and have fun together this summer.— |JUNE 2023 9

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4 ways parents can help their young drivers be road ready Do you remember the excitement of getting your driver’s permit and license? For teens, driving represents freedom and independence. However, they must understand it’s a privilege with serious responsibilities. You may be feeling some anxiety about your teen driver, but you can help prepare them for this important milestone. Before letting your teenager behind the wheel, check out these four tips that can help them get ready to hit the road. 1. Drill the basics. Before you hit the road, train your teen on the basics. Show them how to adjust the seat, steering wheel and the side and rearview mirrors to suit their needs. Make sure they can locate the car registration, insurance card and car manual and discuss situations they’ll need to pull them out. Also, take a few minutes to review the vehicle controls and demonstrate how each works. For example, point out and explain the dashboard controls, turn signals, headlights, safety features like airbags and seat belts, wipers, emergency lights, parking brake and release, engine on/off and warning indicator lights. 2. Review rules and responsibilities. Talk with your teens about the rules and responsibilities of driving so they can get themselves and their passengers safely from Point A to Point B. It’s especially important to emphasize that driving requires their full attention and that removing or reducing distractions, such as their phone, is essential. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a teen’s chances of crashing increase six times when dialing a phone and 23 times when texting. Meanwhile, State Farm’s 2023 Distracted Driving survey found that drivers who had their license for five years or less were significantly more likely to use smartphone apps and record

and watch videos while driving than drivers who had been licensed for more than 10 years. Let your teens benefit from your driving knowledge and experience. Share stories about distracted driving and the outcomes for drivers, passengers and pedestrians. These stories can help them understand that even a momentary distraction can lead to serious consequences. 3. Practice driving at night. Experienced drivers know driving at night is more difficult than during the day. Practice is essential to staying safe while driving in the dark. More than half of the State Farm survey respondents did not have nighttime driving practice while learning to drive. Nearly half did not feel they had sufficient driving practice overall before getting a license. Make sure your young driver gets some night-driving experience so you’re both more comfortable with evening outings. 4. Be a good role model. Your teen’s driving education starts at home. You can’t rely solely on driver’s education class to teach your teen the rules of the road and safe driving practices. Model safe driving practices by remembering to buckle up and always keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. Also, when you’re in the driver’s seat - whether it’s to the grocery store, school or sports practice - use the trip to explain the choices you’re making behind the wheel. You can also share tips you learned from your driving experiences that may not be covered in class. Be proactive and get your teen road ready this summer. Using these four tips and other Teen Driving 101 tips from State Farm, you can ensure your teen is prepared to get behind the wheel.— |JUNE 2023 11

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Five ways accessing working capital is changing for all businesses Liquidity is the “it” financial term of the moment as businesses brace for a potential slowdown. Without sufficient cash or the ability to borrow funds quickly, many companies could face tough business decisions and struggle to cover costs or seize growth opportunities. Banks are now in a situation where they need to keep more cash on hand - which means tighter lending conditions than businesses have seen in some time. Companies needing working capital face additional scrutiny and limited options to access vital funding. This scrutiny disproportionately impacts newer, smaller businesses that don’t meet traditional markers for bank-backed funding options. Even if a company can secure lending, climbing interest rates increase the bottom-line cost of those loans, deepening the cash flow crunch many businesses face today. Traditional sources of capital aren’t keeping pace with today’s business needs The Federal Reserve reports that only 53% of small employer businesses receive all the money they seek when they apply for a loan, line of credit or advance, and about 1 in 5 get nothing. Because the lending risk increases, banks often can’t lend to younger companies, even if they’re fundamentally healthy. The options businesses typically turn to come with drawbacks that make obtaining funds out of reach for many businesses. Banks, online lenders and factoring come with red-tape challenges, higher costs, hidden fees or simply aren’t reliable sources of funding for the long term. New options help businesses take control of their cash flow: A new generation of working capital solutions allow businesses of all sizes to access more capital without the need for risk-based underwriting. In many cases, this can be done without taking on debt, giving away equity or jeopardizing customer relations. There’s an increasing trend of large enterprises working with banking and technology platforms to offer early payment programs for their supply chains. These programs allow businesses to offer a small discount on their approved invoices in exchange for early payment, making it a win-win solution without high costs or unfavorable terms. The benefits of early payment programs and technology-driven working capital solutions make

these excellent strategic choices for many businesses looking to diversify their funding sources: * Faster cash flow. Lower costs. Early payment on discounted invoices without exorbitant fees and unreasonable restrictions means greater control and often lower costs by eliminating lending risks. * More reasonable standards for lending. Loan programs that look at the whole health of a business, including growth and leadership - a critical element for small businesses that are succeeding but might be too young to qualify under existing rules - give more businesses access to funding. * Rapid deployment of working capital. Funding should move at the speed of business. A partner that can deliver working capital quickly and reliably instead of taking multiple weeks to resolve is vital. * More flexibility and control for small and medium-sized businesses. Because they are working with large companies, smaller suppliers often have less leverage when negotiating payment terms. A solution that offers smaller businesses the flexibility they need and the control they desire will create a healthier supply chain. * Multiple solutions, one partner. A partner that brings multiple solutions to the table to fit a company’s unique business needs and the ebb and flow of its business is critical. Every business is unique, so “one-size-fits-all” solutions might not work. One company on the cutting edge of working capital and supply chain financing is C2FO. C2FO is the world’s largest on-demand working capital platform, helping businesses tap into the large amounts of capital locked up in accounts receivable. The company powers the early payment programs used by some of the world’s largest enterprises and their supply chains, delivering over $275 billion in funding to supplier customers to date. Maintaining liquidity and diversifying with a dependable cash-management strategy is essential for all businesses, especially for small businesses facing market fluctuations. To learn more about C2FO’s suite of working capital solutions, visit— |JUNE 2023 13

How design has helped the rebirth of a 100-year-old American brand When you think of the most important, influential companies in America, the first image that may pop into your head is their logo. This is common for long-lived brands spanning decades - or over a century - and even more so for well-designed, memorable logos that represent the company in a visually meaningful way. For example, when you hear the name “Westinghouse,” you probably imagine the distinctive brand logo designed by renowned graphic designer and art director Paul Rand (1914-1996) back in 1959. Throughout his illustrious career, Rand created numerous well-known logos for companies like IBM, UPS, ABC and NeXT. Rand’s familiar logo is now undergoing a facelift thanks to acclaimed contemporary designer Paula Scher, who has reimagined the famous logo with a colorful approach that’s appealing to today’s consumers, while still paying homage to its original creator. Brief history of an iconic American brand: George Westinghouse founded his company in 1886, and through a partnership with Nikola Tesla and the development of the AC power system, Westinghouse defeated Thomas Edison’s DC power in the “war of the currents.” For the next century Westinghouse 14 | JUNE 2023

achieved fascinating firsts in electrical innovation, including the first long-distance transmission of high-voltage AC power, the first commercial radio broadcast and the camera that captured the first steps on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission. Today, the Westinghouse logo can be found on products ranging from nuclear power plants and large industrial motors to televisions, light bulbs, generators and more. The famous brand logo designed by Paul Rand is made from the letter “w” with three circles atop each peak and a bold line underneath. Not only is the design eye-catching and memorable, but it suggests the idea of electronic circuits connecting, representing the company’s foundation and continuing product line. “The enduring legacy of this logo design is undeniable,” said Director of Brand Experience at Westinghouse Electric Corporation Kevin Drain. “And the longevity of this clear, clean, evocative image speaks to the power and passion behind Rand’s vision.” Redesigning an iconic brand for the next generation: As the company planned to revitalize the brand, they sought one of the best designers in the country

to help reimagine the logo for a modern audience. Paula Scher was their top choice, as a highly influential graphic designer well known for her creative work for companies including Citibank, Tiffany’s, Microsoft, Adobe, Coca-Cola and the Walt Disney Company, just to name a few - plus venerable institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art, the Sundance Institute, the Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic. In 2001, Scher was awarded the profession’s highest honor by the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the AIGA Medal, to recognize her distinguished achievements in the field, and is one of the world’s most highly regarded designers today. Using Paul Rand’s original Westinghouse brand manual as inspiration, Paula Scher created a visually compelling redesign for the new look of Westing-

house. The design incorporated bright colors, larger typeface and the circle element to appeal to a younger audience while still honoring the company’s legacy of technological innovation. This new design system is a powerful tool in perpetuating the generational legacy of the brand. “The evolution of this logo is proof that great design will always be great,” added Drain. “If you have a classic design like Rand’s logo, why not keep it - especially when it’s been created to stand the test of time. Scher has taken the original design and modernized it brilliantly, bringing it into the 21st century.” Check out the new look for the logo design by visiting— |JUNE 2023 15

Graduation season is here: Tips and resources to help young women be more financially savvy

Whether you’re graduating from high school or college, chances are you’re becoming more independent about handling your own money. While finances can be stressful, they don’t always have to be which is why a new initiative from Secret Deodorant focuses on providing young women with access to free resources to help them kickstart their financial journey. Through this program, Secret has partnered with five highly renowned female finance experts to offer advice about increasing your financial knowhow, posting financial literacy discussions on social media through #SecretMoneyMoves to explore the ins and outs of budgeting, negotiating your first salary, understanding your credit score and more. “Managing your finances can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re becoming financially independent for the first time,” said Carmen Perez, Founder and CEO of the budgeting app MUCH. “But with 16 | JUNE 2023

access to the right tools, this milestone can be an empowering next step into adulthood.” Here are some tips to help empower you on your journey to financial wellness. It’s all about that budget: Better money management begins with one simple tactic: budgeting. Tracking exactly how much money is coming in (like your paycheck) and how much is going out (everything you’re spending) is essential to learning how to decrease debt and start saving. “It’s important to know how much money you’re spending every month compared to your monthly paycheck,” shares Perez. “If you’re spending more than you’re bringing home every month, it’s time to make a change - or you could end up in debt.” Take a good look at your expenses to see where you could cut back. Which of your costs are essential,

like rent, utilities, groceries and debt repayment, and what can you trim (going out to eat, non-essential purchases)? Finding areas where you can cut down on expenses will help ensure that you don’t rely on credit cards - which can lead to more expenses when you have to pay the interest. Some financial experts swear by the 50/30/20 rule: aiming for about 50% toward essential living expenses, 30% for flexible spending (entertainment) and 20% toward goals such as savings. If you’re seeing more than 30% going to entertainment, you may need to cut back. Start an emergency fund. As soon as you’re sure you can keep up with necessary bills and expenses, it’s important to get in the savings habit, even if it’s a small amount each month. Consider setting up an automatic deposit of a few dollars from each paycheck into a separate savings account - then leave it alone. If you do have an emergency later (like an unexpected car repair), you’ll be glad you have your emergency fund. Pay down debt more actively. Another goal to work toward is paying down your debt as quickly as possible, to reduce the amount of interest you’re paying. Start by paying just a few more dollars than the required minimum payment each month. There are two schools of thought on paying down debt: one is to identify the credit card or loan

charging you the highest interest rate to pay down more aggressively first, which can save you the most money in the long run. Another is to pay toward the smallest debt you owe first, so you’ll have the satisfaction of seeing one debt completely paid off sooner - which can inspire you to keep going. Either approach will get you started on the road to better money habits, so pick one and stick to it. Don’t be afraid to talk about money - and get help when needed: While many people are reluctant to talk about money with their friends or family, you can learn a lot from others if you’re willing to have an honest discussion. You may also be able to get help from them when you need it, whether in the form of a loan or just some timely advice to help you manage your money better. “Talking about money may feel uncomfortable at first,” added Perez, “but it’s a great first step toward feeling more confident about handling your own finances.” Learning how to successfully budget, manage debt and achieve your financial goals is within your grasp. Take control of your financial journey today and visit to learn more about Secret’s financial empowerment initiative, financial experts and how to get access to free educational resources.— |JUNE 2023 17


Honoring Naval History: 5 Ways to Keep Museums Afloat and History Alive There are approximately 120 navy vessels designated as national historic landmarks in the United States. Naval ship museums help preserve American maritime heritage and educate future generations about the history of these ships. These museums are often housed in retired warships and submarines, bringing history to life as visitors explore these maritime vessels. Some of these museums you may be familiar with - the USS Midway, USS Enterprise and USS Pampanito, to name a few. Others may not be as famous but offer a glimpse into key moments in our country’s naval history. For example, the SS Red Oak Victory is one of the last surviving WWII Victory Ships built on an emergency basis to carry vital supplies and troops to all theaters of war. Well-known or not, all these museums have one thing in common - costly preservation. “We have a responsibility to future generations to preserve historic ships like the SS Red Oak Victory and to raise awareness through events like the Longest Night of Museums,” said Fred Klink, Director of 18 | JUNE 2023

Marketing and current Executive Committee chairman. “The ship provides visitors with a truly unique hands-on experience plus an opportunity to learn about not only the ship but also the remarkable efforts of the WWII homefront workers who built her. Our 100% volunteer crew not only conducts tours but does all of the maintenance and restoration work. A historic ship is a huge financial effort, and we rely on donations from corporations, organizations and generous individual donors to support our efforts to keep history alive.” Maintaining and operating these floating museums often falls to veterans’ groups with minimal or no government funding. These naval museums rely on the generosity and support of their members and the public to preserve the ships and the history they contain. You don’t need to be a millionaire to support naval and maritime museums. Here are five simple ways you can support naval ship museums near you and across the country. 1. Visit. One of the easiest and most fun ways to

support naval ship museums is to visit them! The mission of these museums is to preserve and teach the public about naval history through exhibits, displays and collections. By purchasing a ticket and exploring the museum, you’re helping generate revenue for the museum and bringing its mission to life. 2. Volunteer. It takes a lot of people to run a museum. You can help your local naval museum by volunteering to lead tours, staff the information desk, assist at special events and perform day-to-day tasks that keep the museum open and operational. Set aside a couple of hours every week or take longer shifts once or twice a month to help relieve some of the workloads from existing volunteers and museum staff. 3. Donate. Many naval ship museums rely solely on donations to operate and maintain their collections. Show your support by putting aside money to donate to your local naval ship museum or support other museums across the nation. Big or small, every dollar helps keep naval history alive. 4. Spread the word. Don’t keep it to yourself! Tell others about naval ship museums and encourage them to visit and support. Plan an outing with friends, family or co-workers to your local naval museum so they can experience naval history firsthand. Stop by the gift shop on your way out and buy a souvenir to remember your outing and support the naval ship museum’s operations. 5. Tune in. If you can’t visit a naval ship museum

nearby or want to visit others outside your town, you can do so from the comfort of your own home. World of Warships, a naval tactical game, is encouraging players to tune into their annual Longest Night of Museums livestream to support naval ship museums near and far. World of Warships prides itself on its longstanding relationship with naval museums. Wargaming, the game’s developer, supports its efforts to preserve naval history by raising donations to restore several museum ships and spreading awareness of these museums. In 2021, the game’s developer Wargaming launched its first Longest Night of Museums event, attracting 1.4 million viewers on Twitch alone. During this livestream, viewers could take virtual tours of over a dozen naval museums worldwide and learn about each vessel’s maritime history. On May 18, you can join others for free virtual tours of 18 naval museums worldwide. Tune in via YouTube or Twitch and visit to learn more. Naval ship museums are critical to preserving naval history, educating the public and honoring those who served on these ships and continue to keep them running. Support naval ship museums through these five easy actions and be a part of protecting history.— |JUNE 2023 19

Helping teachers and students prepare as school supply costs surge very summer, parents nationwide get ready for the upcoming school year by purchasing necessary school supplies. However, a whopping 92% of classrooms have students with families who can’t afford many of the basics, according to AdoptAClassroom. org. Families are feeling stretched by inflation, forcing some to choose between buying new clothing, putting food on the table, or paying rent and utilities. Many teachers are also being pinched, with 96% already spending money out of their own pockets (an average of $860 each year) to help their students by purchasing necessary classroom supplies. Preparing for this coming school year may be even more challenging, due to the rising costs of goods that are required for any classroom. For example, the cost of pencils is up 40%, and the price of a ream of paper is up 60%. These expenses - for families and teachers - are likely to reach an all-time high this summer. With the financial burden on teachers growing, even more students may enter classrooms without the items they need. Mission-driven partnerships working to help Nonprofit organizations and corporations are recognizing these challenges and working together to help make a difference for teachers and students. Over the last two years, for example, Subaru of 20 | JUNE 2023

America, Inc. has focused their Subaru Loves Learning® initiative on a partnership with, which will support more than 470,000 students nationwide with school supply donations by this summer. This ongoing collaboration has been able to provide teachers across the country with flexible funding to purchase more of the supplies they need to help their students thrive. Students and educators are requiring even more support in face of today’s unprecedented challenges, and the Subaru Loves Learning initiative helps pave the way toward childhood success and academic innovation. “As families begin preparing for each new school year, not every student has the same opportunities to make the most of their education,” said Alan Bethke, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Subaru of America, Inc. “Together with, our retailers are helping to relieve some of the financial burden from teachers while helping all students secure the resources they need to learn and succeed in the classroom.” Recognizing the impact of social good across the country: The success of this initiative and many more are being recognized by Engage for Good’s annual Halo Awards, North America’s highest honors for corporate social impact initiatives engaging consum-

ers or employees. The prestigious awards celebrate programs that blend brand purpose and social impact to build a better world and bottom line. The Subaru Loves Learning initiative in partnership with was recently recognized with the Gold Halo Award in the “Best Education Initiative” category. Their efforts have so far equipped 167,943 students with necessary school supplies, funding 5,699 classrooms across the U.S., with 100% of the funding going to high-needs schools. High need is defined as a school that has a Title I Schoolwide Program and/or a school where 40% of the student population qualifies for the free or reduced-price lunch program. The initiative not only provides tangible items, but it also helps to make teachers feel appreciated and

supported as professionals, boosting their morale which can help make the difference between a teacher continuing to teach or leaving the profession. It also gives students equitable opportunities to succeed in school, regardless of their family’s financial means. “When you give under-resourced children new supplies, you make them feel valued, build their confidence and ease the mind of their parents,” added Bethke. “Education is foundational for strong, healthy communities and gives children a pathway out of generational poverty.”— |JUNE 2023 21

Innovating for the Future Through Collaboration Technology advancements are the drivers of our global community. They have and continue to pave the way to the future. With recent discussions on the pace of technology developments and debates over the benefits and drawbacks of rapid growth, it is now as important as ever to be thoughtful about the company’s approach, as a global society, to new technology innovations. Are we working on technological advancements that will lead us to a better future? Are we innovating with the purpose of creating a positive impact on society? As a brand that stands for Life’s Good, LG is committed to innovating for a better life. This mission runs deep throughout our work at LG NOVA, LG Electronics’ North America Innovation Center based in Silicon Valley, United States. LG NOVA is made up of a team of entrepreneurs tasked with exploring new business areas that can have a positive impact on people and the planet. LG innovates and invests in creating exceptional 22 | JUNE 2023

consumer experiences with its innovative products. LG NOVA is an extension of that commitment to innovation, working specifically to expand into new areas of development to grow LG’s business and provide new solutions and services that improve people’s lives. LG NOVA’s current focus areas - including digital health, clean tech and sustainability and smart industries - are in areas meaningful to the LG brand ethos of Innovation for a Better Life. While corporate innovation centers are not new, LG NOVA is unique. Combined with its focus on innovating for impact, its methodology of expanding into new growth areas is built around working with external innovators and startups to co-create new businesses and test them on the open market underneath the stability and strength of the LG brand. From this “outside-in” approach, LG NOVA can learn and grow from domain experts in the market, giving it a head start in the businesses it brings to market. For the entrepreneur or startup, LG’s global

resources and investments provide greater stability and opportunities to overcome the challenges facing new businesses today. The strategy is a winning situation for both parties. Soon after it was founded in 2021, LG NOVA introduced the Mission for the Future challenge program. The program was designed to bring startups from all over the world to LG NOVA for collaboration on technological innovations with the potential to create a positive impact on society. In its first year, the program received 1,300 applications from companies. In its second year, it received over 2,170 applications. The overwhelming response is an indicator of a greater movement and ecosystem focused on innovating for impact - of which LG is now a key player. Fast-forward to today - LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future challenge program is not just about LG innovation, it is also about creating a community of innovators to build the future. Through this program, LG is helping propel the growth of innovation for good throughout the industry. In particular, the areas which LG NOVA is pursuing exhibit key indicators of a desire for change and are now at the ready point for technological advancements to spur greater digital transformation. The delivery of healthcare, for example, has seen great change over the last few years. Healthcare is now front and center of our desire for a better life - and is now recognized as playing a huge role in our overall well-being. Of the close to 3,500 companies that entered LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future challenge over the last two years, one-third of them focused on digital health. More and more people are adopting new technologies focusing on improving their health. According to the Consumer Technology Association study, Driving Consumer Adoption of Digital Health Solutions, 70 percent of consumers say they are likely to use one or more digital health solutions in the future to improve their overall health or well-being. LG has entered the Digital Health space, launching its first solution in November 2022. Over the long term, LG is working on solutions to transform the way that people experience healthcare, with the hopes of providing greater access to more healthcare services for people who need them the most. The importance of clean tech and sustainability has risen dramatically over the last few years. Tech-

nological innovations have continued to progress in this area, creating greater possibilities and potential for viable businesses to grow with the mission of creating a more sustainable world. In our most recent industry engagements, we’ve seen tremendous energy and interest from startups, corporations, and investors in this space. Our focus in the LG NOVA program is on finding innovative solutions to provide more sustainable power and electric mobility. Now is the time for these technologies to put us on the right path forward and spur lasting change for a better future. With new advanced technologies, like artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality, mixed reality, data analytics and others changing the innovation conversation, entrepreneurs are contemplating how to make greater use of these new developments in a meaningful way to help people and the planet, whether it is with AI or in the Metaverse. Recognizing the pitfalls and benefits as well as changing the lens through which these technologies are viewed can help us discover the real value that these technologies can bring to advancing society. In this particular area, LG NOVA is exploring the use of new technologies in applications to solve real-world problems and looking at the potential for disruption through the use of new technologies in enterprise. We’re on the brink of a major technological evolution. In the last decade, technological innovation has taken a large role in shaping our society, from the invention of social media to the simple task of ordering food online. These changes are taking place as people shift their behaviors to adopt more digital technology, creating a greater opportunity for innovation. At LG, “We all are brave optimists who always boldly take challenges and ceaselessly innovate the way we work.” So, to LG, Innovation for a Better Life is more than a slogan. It’s about making a positive impact on people and the planet. LG believes that innovation can indeed lead us to a better future and that collaboration across companies and the ecosystem is key to maximizing the growth potential.— By Dr. Sokwoo Rhee, SVP of Innovation for LG Electronics, Head of LG NOVA |JUNE 2023 23

Nine in ten parents say their child is at grade level. About one in four are.

Shareeda Jones thought her nine-year-old daughter was doing well in school, even during the pandemic when remote and hybrid learning took a significant toll on student achievement. Shareeda said her daughter enjoyed school and her report cards were good. But when her daughter entered a new school, Shareeda found out that she was three grade levels behind. Since the pandemic, schools and families alike have focused on getting back to regular routines and getting their children back on track academically, but many parents like Shareeda have a misperception of how far behind their children are. New research by the national non-profit Learning Heroes finds that 9 out of 10 parents of children in grades K-12 nationwide believe their child is performing at or above their grade level - but the Nation’s Report Card reveals that just 29% of eighth-graders nationally are proficient in reading, and only 26% of them are proficient in math. Why the gap between parent perception and reality? Parents primarily rely on their child’s grades to know how they’re performing at school, and research shows that 80% of parents say their child receives mostly Bs or higher. However, only 30% of teachers rate report cards as one of the most important ways to gauge student achievement. Grades reflect many other important factors, including attendance, participation and behavior. “Parents are problem solvers. But they can’t solve a problem they don’t know they have,” said Cindi Williams, co-founder of Learning Heroes. “To help their children reach their full potential, it’s important for parents to partner actively with their children’s teachers.” What can parents do? To help parents understand 24 | JUNE 2023

what their children’s skill levels really are and what they need to succeed, the website GoBeyondGrades. org provides information in English and Spanish to help families search and sign up for district, community-based and online summer learning opportunities. At, parents can follow the ABCs: * Ask your child’s teacher if your child is at their grade level in reading and math. * Be in the know about your child’s learning and what’s expected in each grade. * Connect to programs for summer learning like tutoring, camps, activities and more. Access summer learning opportunities for your child: Nationwide, there are many fun, engaging and educational programs to help children with reading, math and life skills, and summer is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of them. Many summer programs are available at low or no cost due to pandemic-era funding from the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER). With the help of these recovery dollars, school districts are able to provide high-quality options for students by mixing learning time with summer fun and exploration. This federal funding will expire soon, so now is the best time to take advantage of many educational opportunities. With the knowledge that her daughter was years behind in reading, Shareeda took action by teaming up with her child’s teacher and identifying summer learning opportunities. As a result, her daughter is now on track to be ready for the fourth grade.— |JUNE 2023 25

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