Rural Leader Magazine May 2022

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MAY 2022


Going Green Isn’t Easy: Three Challenges Farmers Face with Organic Farming, pg. 7 | MAY 2022 1


Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.

About Us

Launched in March 2014, Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication with a mission to highlight every day people doing extraordinary things in business, education, music, community, art, sports, and leadership nationally and abroad. Rural Leader Magazine honors exemplary individuals on a variety of levels, such as the 20 under 20 Honors, 40 under 40 Honors, Best Small Town Restaurant, Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People, the Scholars of Collegiate Distinction, Fifty under Fifty, and the Eagle Elite Club.—

5 What does a health and fitness coach do? Is it the career for you?

14 Sustainable beef: How cattle are part of the climate solution

COVER STORY 7 Going green Isn’t easy: Three Challenges Farmers Face with Organic Farming

17 Three Ways to Make your Oral Care Routine More Sustainable

9 Five Tips for Increasing Your Financial and Emotional Confidence 10 Are your kids safe online? How you can protect your kids on the Internet 11 Five Tips to Help you Find the Best All-Inclusive Resort for Your Next Vacation 13 Adults Living With Someone With Recently Diagnosed, Symptomatic COVID-19 May Be Eligible For A Clinical Study

19 Top Energy Actions You Can Take to Help with Climate Change 20 The Water is Calling: Four Easy Ways to Enjoy Fun and Freedom on a Boat this Summer 21 Investing in Early Childhood Educators Made it Possible for These Teachers to Achieve Their Dreams 23 Best Ideas for Tech Gifts This Mother’s Day

Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Contact Us [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

2 | MAY 2022

Tell us what you think about our publications, if you have a great idea for a story, or to just share. We may print your comments in Rural Leader Magazine. By sending us your comments, you’re giving permission to call you for an interview. Please be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number so we can reach you. Write to us at [email protected]

Editor’s Note Dear Readers, Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue. As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely, Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

What you do matters. @RuralLeaderMag | MAY 2022 3

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What does a health and fitness coach do? Is it the career for you?

Health solutions and preventative wellness have never been more crucial. Today, six in 10 Americans live with at least one chronic disease, many of which can be prevented by eating well, being physically active, avoiding tobacco and alcohol, and getting regular health screenings. People are increasingly choosing to prioritize their well-being today to enjoy a longer, more fulfilling life. Google’s 2021 Year in Search results illustrate this momentum, as “women’s health” was searched more in 2021 than ever before in the United States, while interest in mental health broke records globally. Now more than ever, individuals are seeking experts to support their desired changes, turning to health coaches and educators to help them live healthier lifestyles. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports overall employment of health education specialists and community health workers is projected to grow 17% from 2020 to 2030 - much faster than the average for all other occupations. Career outlook aside, if you feel passionate about learning how to be healthier and achieving your own wellness goals, a career as a health coach could allow you to turn that passion into a meaningful career.

This was the case for ASU Online student Vicki Sheerin, who developed a life-altering passion for health and wellness after realizing weight loss would allow her to be more active in her children’s lives. “I once struggled with weight gain, then had a moment in 2018 where I felt a spark telling me I had to do something about it,” she said. “My fire and determination [for this profession] came from seeing how much my weight loss was having a ripple effect in others’ lives.” What does a health and fitness coach do? In this newer profession, lifestyle and fitness practitioners are expert facilitators of mindset and behavior change. Health coaches serve an important need by empowering people to take control of their well-being. In doing so, they help people develop a sense of purpose and cultivate lasting behavioral changes necessary to optimize their well-being, foster thriving and help prevent disease. Health coaches are not limited to working in any singular location. Those with a background or degree in fitness science can “work in the burgeoning field of wellness, supporting health and well-being in a variety of settings, working with individuals, groups | MAY 2022 5

or communities,” said Dr. Devi Davis-Strong, a lecturer at Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions. By becoming a health coach, you can help others improve their health through guidance and counseling, providing the resources necessary to advance the wellness of individuals and communities alike. If the idea of empowering people to live healthier lives sounds exciting, you may consider starting on the path to becoming a health coach. How to become a health and fitness coach. To create such lasting change as a wellness coach, one needs to be sufficiently knowledgeable about evidence-based processes of lifestyle change and lifestyle, wellness and positive psychological knowledge and skills. Your first step to entering this fulfilling career path is finding an educational program that provides the necessary background and helps you obtain useful credentials. Arizona State University, for example, launched the first online bachelor’s program in the nation focused on preparing students for the fields of both health and wellness coaching and fitness science. ASU Online’s Bachelor of Science in health sciences with a focus on healthy lifestyles and fitness science uses an interdisciplinary approach and online simulated hands-on experiential learning to provide students with the skills needed to work in preventative health care and the knowledge necessary to pursue advanced health degrees. Courses cover core subjects including: * Nutrition * Physical fitness * Stress management * Coaching and behavioral health psychology * Anatomy and physiology * Evidence-based practice According to Karen Gregory-Mercado, Ph.D, MPH, MCHES, NBC-HWC, director and senior lecturer for the degree, the curriculum centers on two foundational components: healthy lifestyles and fitness sciences.

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“Healthy lifestyles focuses on teaching skills and competencies supporting meaningful behavioral changes and improved wellbeing by expanding knowledge about health theories, coaching psychology, ethical principles and evidence-based applications in nutrition, stress and substance use/abuse. Fitness sciences prepares students to design, communicate and utilize evidence-based physical activity programs,” she said. A degree in this area can lead to a fulfilling career, or prepare students for further certification. While completing this degree through ASU Online, students may sit for nationally-accredited, advanced certification in health and fitness areas such as those offered by the American College of Sports Medicine. “These certifications, in addition to coursework, prepare graduates for opportunities in worksite wellness, community wellness and fitness centers, health coaching, health education and health promotion,” said Dr. Davis-Strong. Career prospects in health sciences. With the background provided by this degree in healthy lifestyles and fitness science, you could pursue a wide variety of positions, including: * Health and wellness coach * Behavior management specialist * Occupational health and safety specialist * Medical and health services manager * Community health worker * Fitness and wellness coordinator * Medical and health services manager * Postsecondary health specialties teacher The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a much higher than average job outlook for Group Fitness Instructors and Health Education Specialists over the next decade. These careers are expected to grow 39% and 17% between 2020 and 2030, respectively. To learn more about how you can earn a degree to begin your health and fitness sciences profession, visit—


Going green Isn’t Easy: Three Challenges Farmers Face with Organic Farming Organic production represents less than 1% of U.S. crop acres, but according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the demand for organics is rising. As a result, many farms are adding organic acreage to their farming operations. “Consumer demand for more organic vegetables has driven our company in that direction,” says Adrian Garcia, an in-house pest control adviser with Braga Fresh Family Farms. For Burkey Farms, the decision was purely economic. “We looked pretty smart when we sold organic corn for $9 per bushel, and conventional corn was at $3.10,” said Eric Thalken, operations manager. mOrganic farming can be profitable, but there are still several obstacles to widespread adoption. Below are three significant challenges facing organic farmers. 1. Pest and weed control. Weed, disease and insect control are shared challenges for organic growers. They have limited pesticide options because they can

only use those approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). Some producers like Burkey farms use biological practices like cover crops that prevent soil erosion, increase soil quality, suppress weed growth, prevent disease and manage pests. Organic farms may also use mechanical weed control, though that requires two cultivations and two passes with a rotary hose. In rainy years, weeds can still get the upper hand. At Braga Fresh Family Farms, in-season weed control is often by hand. Over the past three years, the farm began to rely on robotic weeding machines to save labor and remove weeds more effectively. To control pests, the farm has purchased thousands of beneficial insects - including parasitic wasps, lacewings and Aphidoletes - that are released into the field by a drone. They then reproduce and feed on harmful pests. While these strategies work well in the West, it’s nearly impossible to keep ahead of constant pest pressure in tropical climates where it rains most | MAY 2022 7

afternoons. Hot, humid weather fosters insect reproduction, weed growth and fungal diseases. Biopesticides can be used, but they need to be applied almost daily, increasing costs for farmers. 2. Shrinking yields and growing costs. Despite strides to improve organic tools and practices, yields still lag. USDA data from 2016 show conventional crops out-yielded organics for every U.S. crop except forages. “We spend less on crop seed, fertility and chemicals but more on equipment, labor and cover crops than an average farm in our area,” Thalken says. “Overhead can be slightly more with increased costs of administration.” Production costs for organic agriculture can vary widely. In California, Garcia estimates that costs to grow organic vegetables are 20%-25% higher than non-organic, due to added pest control steps and higher labor costs. Fertilization is a major variable. Commercial organic fertilizer is expensive, and it’s challenging to reach the necessary nitrogen levels needed for farming. Burkey Farms saves on fertilizer costs by applying hog manure. As with conventional crop producers who rely on manure for fertilizer, there is a risk of damaging the buildup of sodium and potassium in the soil. 8 | MAY 2022

3. Environmental impacts. The environmental impacts of agricultural production vary by practice. With lower yields, organic production requires more land to generate the same amount of food. According to a 2016 analysis of USDA yield data, if all crops switched to organic production, more than 100 million more farmland acres - an area the size of California - would be needed to achieve the same crop output. OMRI-approved pesticides have impacts, too. Organic farmers commonly use copper sulfate as a fungicide. Although a natural compound, copper sulfate can accumulate in the soil and harm soil microbes, according to the Genetic Literacy Project. The multiple passes for weed control in organic production consume more fuel and increase soil compaction. Disturbing the ground with mechanical weed control also can erode soil and damage soil health. Whether growing crops conventionally or organically, all farmers share in meeting expectations for sustainable food production. “At the end of the day, the population is growing,” said Liz Hunt, head of sustainable and responsible business at Syngenta. “We need to make sure we are meeting these needs in a way that optimizes land and input use.”

Five Tips for Increasing Your Financial and Emotional Confidence If you think coping with finances is overwhelming, you’re not alone. A recent study found that nearly 4 in 10 (37%) people avoid dealing with their finances, and more than 3 out of 4 feel stressed and concerned. In the new study, “Path to Prosperity: The Guardian Study of Finances and Emotional Confidenceâ„¢” conducted by Guardian Life Insurance of America, two notable findings stand out: 1) Financial confidence is connected to emotional confidence, and 2) having higher income does not guarantee financial confidence. Instead, adopting certain behaviors and habits around finances helps people become more financially and emotionally confident. Better yet, you can learn these habits to help improve your own financial confidence, no matter your income level. Here are 5 tips from the study to help improve your financial and emotional confidence. 1. Live within your means. Creating a budget that helps you save rather than living paycheck-to-paycheck is one key to financial confidence. Among the groups identified by the survey as the most financially confident, termed “Confident Planners,” 87% said they get more satisfaction from saving and investing extra money than spending it. Developing a saving habit by spending less than you earn will help create a feeling of confidence over time. Knowing you’ve saved and invested some of your income can help you feel confident you can face difficulties - or enjoy a more protected retirement. 2. Educate yourself about finances. Another important element for developing confidence is knowledge. Fortunately, it’s never been easier to find resources to help you become more educated about financial concepts and strategies. In the survey, those who feel more financially secure have a plan - and having a plan relies on knowledge. The Confident Planners group reported a greater understanding of financial concepts such as aspects of retirement planning, how to receive full Social Security benefits, insurance needs, investments and annuities. 3. Create a written long-term strategy. Applying your financial know-how to develop a long-term strategy - in writing - is another key component for confidence. The least confident group surveyed, termed “Day-to-Day Decision Makers,” tend to lack a strong financial plan, focusing instead on day-today demands. This group is overwhelmed with daily stress and finances and are most likely to panic when investments hit a market dip. Without a long-term plan, you are unlikely to feel confident about your

ability to cope with unexpected financial stresses, much less being ready for major transitions like retirement. Having a written plan allows you to view your strategy and assess your progress toward your goals. In the survey, over half (51%) rate having guaranteed income in retirement as a top priority, but only 33% make the effort to be sure their financial expectations are realistic and achievable. Creating a long-term plan can help you achieve these goals. 4. Strike a balance between risk and protection. Any financial investment involves risk. Being able to avoid taking on too much risk for your situation can help you feel more confident. But how much risk is too much? That depends largely on your unique situation, including your income, age, financial obligations and family needs. One vital risk strategy involves diversifying your investments. While nearly half (45%) of those surveyed were interested in protecting their family financially if they die or are unable to work, only 25% believe they need a thoughtful blend of insurance and investments to be both safe and successful. One way to help protect against risk is to ensure you have sufficient savings, investments and insurance to protect your family’s needs. 5. Consult a financial professional. The most confident people surveyed also work with a financial professional to help them develop an achievable longterm plan that balances risk appropriately for their circumstances. Individuals who work with a financial professional - no matter what their income level also tend to have a written financial plan, leading to increased savings and a higher level of confidence. A financial professional can help you create a solid long-term plan to help protect your income, your future and the interests of your loved ones. “The study shows that income is not the sole driver of confidence,” said Michael Ferik, Head of Individual Markets at Guardian. “The findings reinforce the need to pair behaviors with long-term planning to set a strong foundation linked to both financial and emotional confidence.” Adopting these habits can help you increase your emotional and financial confidence moving forward, helping you feel better prepared for whatever the future holds. To learn more about the Guardian study, visit: financial-emotional-confidence.— | MAY 2022 9

Are your kids safe online? How you can protect your kids on the Internet It’s never been more important for parents to ensure their children are safe and staying productive online. With so many popular apps, websites and streaming services, keeping track of what your children are exposed to can be difficult. Even the most cautious kids can become victims of cybercrimes, especially child identity theft. Children 18 years old and younger are often targets of identity theft because their unmarked credit scores and Social Security numbers are rarely monitored. According to a report by Javelin Research, child identity fraud costs families in the U.S. almost $1 billion a year and requires much time for parents to resolve. The report also found that: * 1.25 million children were victims of identity theft in 2021 * 1 in 50 children became an ID fraud victim in 2021 These statistics are frightening, but that doesn’t mean that parents need to live in fear. By taking proactive steps to protect your children online, you can empower them to use technology responsibly while keeping them safe from potential online threats. Child internet safety: A national concern. Child 10 | MAY 2022

internet safety is not a new topic, but it’s become even more relevant to the public thanks to the rapidly growing number of social media platforms and other digital sites and apps. The issue is so prevalent that it’s caught the attention of lawmakers. Introduced to the U.S. Senate in February, the Kids Online Safety Act is a bipartisan bill that would create new rules and safeguards to protect children from stalking, exploitation, addiction and dangerous materials online. “The internet can open up a world of experiences for children, but it can also expose them and the whole family to digital crime,” said Kelly Merryman, President and COO of Aura, an all-inone digital safety platform. “Parental controls are a powerful tool that allows your children to safely explore the internet while giving you much-needed peace of mind.” Keep your kids safe with parental controls. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that kids as young as eight years old spend an average of six hours per day looking at screens, and that number only goes up as kids get older. While you can’t monitor every minute your kids spend online, you can use parental controls to protect them as

they enjoy the latest trends, games and shows. Aura, an all-in-one digital safety app, recently acquired Circle Parental Controls, the creator of the leading parental control and screen time management solution for families. Aura is now offering a bundled family plan that will include all of its digital safety features - identity, device, account and financial protection - with Circle Parental Controls. With this solution, parents can: * Manage all mobile devices wherever kids go * Filter content by age and interests

* Create individual profiles with limited or restricted access to apps, websites and streaming services * Set screen time limits for kids’ profiles * Keep tabs on your kids’ internet usage With these tools, families can foster healthy internet habits in kids as well as protect them (and you) from potential cybercrimes. To learn more about parental controls and access a free trial of Aura’s family plan, visit Aura’s website.—

Five Tips to Help you Find the Best All-Inclusive Resort for Your Next Vacation Warm sand between your toes, a cool drink in your hand, the sun setting over the beautiful ocean ... these are the dreams of an ideal vacation. It’s time for that much-needed tropical getaway where bare feet, hammocks under palm trees and swim-up bars are just what you need to make new memories. With an all-inclusive resort, planning is minimal so you can focus on enjoying what matters most your vacation. The best resorts have something for everyone: mom relaxing at the spa, dad having a cocktail poolside, kids playing all day and adventurous friends seeking beachfront activities and entertainment. And while today’s all-inclusive resorts deliver elevated experiences and offerings for every age and interest, not all are alike. For example, some all-inclusive resorts offer enhanced food and beverage

options such as ceviche and handmade empanadas alfresco served in a seaside lounge, while others may offer mojito and tequila lounges or unforgettable views with customized drinks prepared by expert mixologists. But not all resorts offer this level of service. Before you book your all-inclusive vacation, make sure your resort has the following five items: 1. Look for a variety of cuisine, and then some A vacation means a break from cooking and meal planning, so when looking to book an all-inclusive resort, make sure they offer multiple onsite restaurants to remove the hassle of deciding where to eat with your group, while giving a chance to try various cuisines. Hilton Cancun, an All-Inclusive Resort, offers numerous restaurants and dining experiences. For example, you can savor the rich traditions of Mexican cuisine at Maxal, while Auma, the | MAY 2022 11

ential restaurant, prepares meals with theater in full view of fire and flame. 2. Find all the fun in the sun. Second to plentiful food and drink at hand, the best thing about an all-inclusive resort is all the activities included in your stay. Be sure to find a resort that offers everything you want. Most Mexican and Caribbean resorts have pools and beaches. But if you need adventure, seek resorts that also include water sports equipment for snorkeling and kayaking. The fun should continue when the sun goes down. Look for resorts offering live music, dazzling shows and dancing. 3. Privacy by the sea. Hilton’s All-Inclusive Resorts offer a range of breathtaking beachfront resorts in coveted locales for families with kids of all ages, and couples. If your vacation is a romantic getaway, you’ll want seclusion and serenity. All-inclusive hotels often cater to couples’ needs by offering privacy options including adult pools, private swim-out suites and jetted tubs, plus romantic restaurants, world-class spas and casinos. Or, choose an all-inclusive resort with a kids’ club, which offers supervised and fun programs for children while giving mom and dad some space to hit the links or enjoy a quiet meal. 4. Education destination via culture. The best 12 | MAY 2022

all-inclusive resorts integrate local culture into food and beverages, activities and hotel design. According to a recent travel trends report travelers are “looking for unique experiences to immerse themselves in, seeking meaningful ways to connect with the different cultures and destinations whilst discovering something new.” Learning about and enjoying new cultures stimulates the mind and satisfies the curious soul, without leaving the resort. Great all-inclusive resorts integrate the local culture with engaging programs, classes and experiences that will enhance your vacation, such as salsa and merengue lessons, tequila tastings and local crafts. 5. Above and beyond hospitality. You want a place that spoils you yet feels like home. The right all-inclusive resort will have more than beachfront accommodations. Seek world-class spas, personalized concierge, friendly team members and high-end offerings. While looking to experience new places and cultures, you also want the trust and reliability that comes from a well-respected company. The best brands offer loyalty programs with earned points to help book that special vacation. Once you have selected your resort, book, pay and go. All you need to do is have fun. The all-inclusive resort handles the rest.—

Adults Living With Someone With Recently Diagnosed, Symptomatic COVID-19 May Be Eligible For A Clinical Study In the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, there continue to be surges in cases in parts of the United States. Many of these cases may occur when people catch the virus in their communities, and bring it home, where it can spread to other members of their household. Some doctors are currently enrolling individuals for a clinical study to determine whether an investigational oral medicine may be able to help prevent that household transmission. Clinical studies are research studies performed with volunteers that aim to evaluate if investigational treatments are safe and effective for people. “There is a continuing need to investigate new therapies to help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19,” said Dr. Fabian Sandoval, president & CEO of the Emerson Clinical Research Institute. “In particular, we need to focus on people living with SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals because they’re at higher risk of becoming infected and continuing the spread due to their close proximity to these individuals for extended periods of time.” Unvaccinated adults living with someone who is symptomatic and recently tested positive for COVID-19 may be able to enroll in a clinical study, called MOVe-AHEAD, which is evaluating an investigational oral antiviral medicine to help prevent COVID-19 infection within households. The MOVe-AHEAD clinical study is being conducted at over 50 sites across the U.S. To take part

in the study, individuals must be 18 years or older and cannot have confirmed or suspected COVID-19. Individuals are not eligible to participate if they have received a COVID-19 vaccine or have previously had laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Additionally, potential study participants must live with an adult or child who: * Tested positive for COVID-19 in the last five days; and * Currently has at least one symptom of COVID-19, such as fever or difficulty breathing For a household to qualify for the study, there can be only one household member with symptoms of COVID-19 and a positive test. Other criteria apply. Once accepted, participants will be in the study for up to 35 days and have six visits to the clinic, with one of the visits being virtual by telephone. Those enrolled in the study will receive study-related care at no cost, and may receive reimbursement for study-related time and travel. “Through this clinical study, people have an opportunity to potentially help uncover new medicines that may help prevent COVID-19 transmission.” For more information on this clinical study, visit This sponsored article is presented by Merck. — | MAY 2022 13

Sustainable beef: How cattle are part of the climate solution

Beef has gotten a bad rap when it comes to environmental sustainability, and the important role cattle play in environmental conservation is often omitted from headlines. It’s true that cattle produce methane, a greenhouse gas, and industry leaders are working to reduce the amount of methane cattle’s digestive systems produce. Dr. Ermias Kebreab, associate dean for global engagement in University of California-Davis’ College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, is studying the most effective feed supplements to limit climate impact. This, paired with the ecosystem benefits cattle provide, demonstrates cows are vital in sustaining healthy environments. “My research is focused on how we can make cattle more sustainable and reach climate neutrality. Cattle already provide natural benefits by enriching soil quality through carbon sequestration. I want to take cattle’s environmental benefits one step further,” says Kebreab. All too often the untold story is how cattle farmers and ranchers are actually helping to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, the world’s most abundant greenhouse gas, in the environment through 14 | MAY 2022

grazing cattle. Through grazing management and other sustainable practices, cattle ranching is positively impacting the environment - from the open space it preserves for wildlife habitat to the way cattle naturally regenerate soil and plant life which then capture carbon. Still skeptical? Read on to see how cattle and sustainability can go hand in hand. Capturing carbon. By simply grazing, cattle take part in carbon sequestration - the process of plants capturing and storing carbon dioxide underground [1]. In fact, proper grazing management is one of the best ways to store carbon in the soil [2]. This is because cattle recycle nutrients through the soil. They consume and digest plants and their manure enriches the soil, allowing new, healthy plants to grow quickly and effectively, and in turn, capture carbon [3]. Why is cattle’s role in carbon sequestration so important? U.S. soil holds up to 30% of the world’s carbon, and all that stored greenhouse gas is protected by the farmers and ranchers who graze cattle on that land [4]. If you were to develop on that

land, you’d release all the stored carbon and rob the soil of its ability to capture additional carbon in the future [5]. Protecting biodiversity. Cattle and bison have naturally preserved the North American ecosystem for centuries [6]. Today, farmers and ranchers across the country graze cattle on varying landscapes and in a range of climates, preserving land that is home to countless species of plants and wildlife [7]. In fact, the land that U.S. ranching families manage preserves the habitat of hundreds of animal species, like butterflies, waterfowl, songbirds, elk, deer and countless others, including many that are on the endangered list [7,8]. Without farmers and ranchers grazing cattle on the land, habitats could be permanently destroyed by development, leading to the endangerment and possible extinction of plant and wildlife species. Part of the climate solution. Through decades of research, innovation and improvement, the U.S. is the leader in sustainable beef production, but it doesn’t stop there. The beef industry is committed to continuous improvement and through programs like the Beef Checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance program, farmers and ranchers across the country have access to the training and tools they need to continue to protect the land. While grazing and grasslands are already storing carbon, offsetting emissions in the atmosphere and preserving open space, cattle farmers and ranchers know it is their duty to protect the land they have been entrusted to manage.—

1. Smith, P. 2012. Soils and climate change. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4: 539544.2. Schuman, et al. 2002. Soil Carbon dynamics and potential carbon sequestration by rangelands. Environmental Pollution 116: 391-396.3. Scott, Dave. 2018. Livestock as a Tool: Improving Soil Health, Boosting Crops. NCAT.4. Silveira, et al. 2012. Carbon sequestration in grazing land ecosystems. University of Florida Extension.5. Follett, R.F., J.M. Kimble, and R. Lal. 2001.?The Potential of U.S. Grazing Lands to Sequester Carbon and Mitigate the Greenhouse Effect. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers.6. Neiburger, E.J. 1986. Central States Archaeological Journal. Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 140-143.7. Brunson, MW and L. Huntsinger. 2008. Ranching as a Conversation Strategy: Can Old Ranchers Save the New West? Rangeland Ecology & Management 61(2): 137-147.)8. Barry, Sheila. 2021. Beef Cattle Grazing More Help than Harm for Endangered Plants and Animals. | MAY 2022 15

Photograph by Kai Casey 16 | MAY 2022

Three Ways to Make your Oral Care Routine More Sustainable More people are looking for ways to reduce the environmental impact of everyday habits and actions, and some companies are helping them do just that. Did you know sustainability actions can include your oral care habits and the oral care products you use daily, like your toothbrush and toothpaste tubes? Crest and Oral-B have been working on developing sustainable solutions from improving their product designs to responsible manufacturing using 100% purchased renewable electricity. In order to help less plastic material waste go to landfills and find innovative solutions, the Crest and Oral-B Recycle On Us program recycles your oral care waste that cannot be processed through traditional recycling. The best part: It’s free and easy! It’s just one small action you can take for positive impact. Want to further reduce the environmental impact of some of your daily habits? Here are three concrete actions, including the Recycle On Us program, to help make a difference when it comes to your oral care routine: 1. Turn off your tap. Did you know that turning off the tap while you’re brushing your teeth can save up to 8 gallons of water a day? In between wetting your toothbrush and rinsing your teeth after you’re finished brushing, make sure to turn off the water rather than letting it run down the drain. Even better, consume less energy by opting for cold water. 2. Recycle your used oral care products. Did you know it’s possible to recycle things like old toothbrushes and dental floss containers? First, check the packaging to see if it can be recycled curbside. If not, Crest and Oral-B’s Recycle On Us recycling program helps consumers recycle many of their oral care products that cannot be processed through traditional recycling, including:

* Toothbrushes * Toothbrush heads * Toothpaste tubes * Mouthwash containers * Dental floss containers * Floss picks It’s easy. Here are the 3 easy steps to participate in Recycle On Us: * Step 1: Request a free shipping label at Recycling. * Step 2: Gather and put your used oral care materials in any size box, seal and attach the shipping label. * Step 3: Ship the box from your local shipping center directly to their processing facility for recycling - so your discarded items can be turned into things like park benches, clothes and more. 3. Unplug your electric toothbrush. Most electrical appliances continue to use some electricity as long as they are plugged in, so remember to unplug the base charger when you’re not charging your electric toothbrush to help save energy. Perhaps you’re already practicing some of these actions - great work! Keep it up and see if you can incorporate all three into your oral care routine. You’ll see it’s easy to help reduce your environmental impact and be more sustainable. The planet thanks you!— | MAY 2022 17

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Top Energy Actions You Can Take to Help with Climate Change You’ve probably heard a lot about climate change, but it can be difficult to know what you can do to help. As one person, you do have the power to make a positive impact on the health of the planet and a great place to start is by looking at the energy choices you make at home. Communities around the country have begun the transition to a clean energy future. More and more of the electricity used is being generated from clean, renewable sources instead of fossil fuels, which pollute the air and contribute to climate change. Protecting the planet is important, not just on Earth Day, but every day. You and your family can be part of the solution by using energy wisely. Make a plan to make your energy choices count, and you can feel good about supporting a healthier climate and saving money on your energy bills. Here are three big-impact energy steps to consider: 1. Save energy with ENERGY STAR. Products that earn the ENERGY STAR label are independently certified to save energy and help protect the climate. Using less energy saves you money on household energy bills, while reducing your overall carbon footprint. By being more efficient and making choices to use less energy, you’re helping support a complete transition to clean, renewable energy. 2. Switch to green power. By choosing to use electricity generated by renewables such as wind and solar instead of polluting fossil fuels, you will be supporting a cleaner energy supply and making a difference in the fight against climate change. Take advantage of opportunities in your community to choose green power as the energy source for your home. 3. Be part of the clean energy future. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently launched

the ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade, an initiative that guides homeowners through a series of high-impact, energy-efficient improvements for the home that can save the average family about $500 a year on utility bills. You can choose the improvements that make the most sense for your home and implement them at your own pace. The upgrade includes: * Clean and efficient heating and cooling with a certified air source heat pump * Super-efficient hot water with a certified heat pump water heater * Smart climate controls with a certified smart thermostat * High-performing Energy Star certified windows and storm windows * A well-insulated and sealed attic * Making your home electric vehicle charger ready Taking these steps will help you make high-impact choices to improve your home and the health of the planet. They can also help you transition from fossil fuels to a cleaner, healthier and more comfortable home. Learn more at— | MAY 2022 19

The Water is Calling: Four Easy Ways to Enjoy Fun and Freedom on a Boat this Summer

Ready to make the most of your summer? Grab your friends and family and get out on the water. Boating gives you the freedom to explore the outdoors and offers added wellness benefits. Studies show being on the water improves emotional health, relaxation and creativity. “The water is open to everyone and provides the perfect summer escape,” said Ellen Bradley, Discover Boating senior vice president. “If you’re looking to get away and spend time with your loved ones, it doesn’t get much better than being on a boat where you get to choose your own adventure, experience the unique joys of disconnecting from stress on land and have fun.” From day cruising to fishing, sailing and watersports, boating offers something for everyone, and it’s more accessible than you may think. In fact, boaters come from all walks of life, backgrounds and areas of the country, with an estimated 100 million Americans going boating each year, according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association. MDiscover Boating is the leading resource for all things boating whether you already own a boat, you’re just getting started or simply want to test the waters. These insider tips provide easy ways to get on the water and make the memories of a lifetime this summer. 1) Rent or share a boat. Rental options are available on most waterways and provide hourly, daily or weekly access to a variety of boat types. Rental 20 | MAY 2022

outfitters should provide tutorials on operating a boat, share safety instructions and offer suggestions on destinations. Another option is peer-to-peer boat rentals, where most services allow you to search by zip code, find a boat near you and then connect with the boat’s owner, gather the details and hit the water. 2) Join a boat club. Find a boat club near you to access a variety of boats. You’ll pay a monthly fee and be able to book your time on the water online. Most boat clubs take care of docking, cleaning, maintenance and boat training courses. 3) Take a class. Take the helm and become a confident boater. Sign up for a boating lesson to hone your powerboating, sailing or watersports skills by mastering the basics while having fun along the way. On-water training courses, watersports camps, youth boating programs and more are offered across the U.S. 4) Find your dream boat. Chart your own course to boat ownership by visiting, where you’ll find a boat finder and loan calculator tool to help determine your budget and identify the different types of boats that fit your lifestyle and interests. Visit Discover Boating’s Go Boating Today tool to start planning your summer adventures. Use the social media hashtag #SeeYouOutHere to share your boating moments.—

Investing in Early Childhood Educators Made it Possible for These Teachers to Achieve Their Dreams

Early childhood teachers and those who dedicate their careers to the first years of childhood - the time in life with the most brain development - have been lauded as essential, even heroes, since the start of the pandemic. As frontline workers, they’ve stepped up to support the development of our youngest learners during a tumultuous time. Recognizing this ongoing need to care for teachers and caregivers, Bright Horizons, one of the world’s largest providers of high-quality child care, continues to support these educators with vital benefits and resources to help them grow professionally. Bright Horizons is offering all of its teachers the opportunity to earn early education degrees absolutely free. The Horizons Teacher Degree Program is a first-ofits-kind program that allows all full-time employees in Bright Horizons’ early education and child care centers to earn an associate and bachelor’s degree in early childhood education at no cost to them, covering all out-of-pocket expenses, including tuition, fees and books. The Horizons Teacher Degree Program supports aspiring teachers from across the country, and, in some cases, the world. Kelsey Campbell, now a full-time educator at Bright Horizons’ Clever Kids Learning Center in Lakewood, Colorado, was one of the first infants to attend the center in 1998. As an adult, she rejoined the center in 2013 as a part-time educator and shortly thereafter began earning her associate degree in Early Childhood Education from University of Arizona Global Campus in February 2021. She is work-

ing toward her bachelor’s degree - all for free through the Horizons Teacher Degree Program. “Getting my degree represents a lot to me,” says Campbell. “It represents my future, opening up more career opportunities that I wouldn’t have if I didn’t have a degree.” Meanwhile, Sidra Azam moved from Pakistan to the United States at 19 years old. She began working in child care part-time and quickly fell in love with the field of early childhood education. She is the Lead Educator for the infant and toddler program at Bright Horizons at Bishop Ranch in San Ramon, California. Azam opted into the Horizons Teacher Degree Program, attending the University of Arizona Global Campus’ Early Education Administration program, one of five higher education institutions that supports the Horizons Teacher Degree Program. Azam recently graduated from the program with her bachelor’s degree in early education administration and is the first person in her family to earn a degree. “Growing up, higher education wasn’t given much importance in my family, especially for women,” says Azam. “Throughout my life, my education took a back seat due to family responsibilities until I was introduced to the Horizons Teacher Degree Program.” Learn more about the Horizons Teacher Degree Program at— | MAY 2022 21

22 | MAY 2022

Best Ideas for Tech Gifts This Mother’s Day Find it challenging to come up with new ideas for Mother’s Day? Show your mom how much you love and appreciate her with gifts she’ll really use - such as home technology that makes life easier. Help Mom keep her phone supercharged and clean . Americans spend more than a third of their waking hours on their phone, so consider a convenient and speedy wireless charger for your mom. Some wireless chargers are ultra-portable, while others also double as a stand for phones or other devices. Make sure to choose one that suits your mother’s needs - as well as her type of phone - and she’ll be delighted to know her phone will never run out of juice again. Another great option for moms who love their phones is a phone sanitizer, which uses UV lights to kill viruses and bacteria. These come in a variety of sizes, and some are multi-use so mom can also sanitize her tablet, car keys and more. Boost her Wi-Fi connectivity and security. Everyone needs a strong Wi-Fi network to work, learn, communicate and enjoy entertainment at home - and nothing is more disruptive than an unreliable connection. With more family members video conferencing, gaming and streaming at home than ever before, this puts a strain on the network your mom depends on every day. If she’s coping with an old router, help her upgrade her Wi-Fi signal and speed with a new Motorola MH7603 Wi-Fi 6 mesh system, offering expandable coverage for areas up to 5,000 square feet at a speed of 1.8 Gbps so Mom can connect over 100 devices with bandwidth to spare. Each extender in the system also has two 1 gig ethernet ports for fast wired connections all around the house. Even better, protect Mom’s online privacy and identity with the Motorola MH7603 mesh system. The system comes with an intuitive motosync app, powered by Minim, for easy setup, automatic updates and intelligent cybersecurity. When enabled, the system automatically scans for malware and blocks it

in its tracks. Mom will also love the ability to block ads for faster performance and privacy. Additionally, for moms who are concerned about keeping kids safer online, the app provides customizable parental controls. Moms can create family profiles to filter content, set time limits, pause the internet, monitor each family member’s usage and more with this easyto-use app. Give her the gift of her kids’ smiling faces. Moms love nothing more than pictures of their kids and grandkids, but if she’s running out of room to display them, a digital picture frame is the perfect solution. This will allow her to rotate which pictures - or even short videos - are displayed, or she can enjoy them as an animated slideshow. Digital picture frames come in a wide variety of price points, styles and capabilities. Most are easy to set up by connecting with a computer, thumb drive or using Wi-Fi to connect with social media or other websites where pictures are stored. Some will allow you to send photos to them via email. Do Mom a favor and set it up for her - along with new photos that are bound to bring a smile to her face. Help her listen to her favorite content. If your mother loves listening to music, audio books or podcasts while she works or relaxes around the house, yard or garden, high-quality wireless earbuds or headphones are an ideal gift. Better yet, combine her new earbuds or headphones with a subscription to access her favorite content, such as Apple Music, Audible or Apple Podcasts. You know your mom best, so you’ll know which of these tech options will help your mom enjoy her greatest Mother’s Day yet.— | MAY 2022 23

24 | MAY 2022

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