Westies & Besties - December 2023

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The UK'S Only West Highland White Terrier Magazine




ISSN 2634-4130



FESTIVE & FUN One of our features this issue is written by Will Green, the Director of Sales & Marketing of raw food brand, Paleo Ridge. Will explores the concept of our pets being so entwined in our daily lives that they start to become an extension of ourselves and who and what we are as owners and as human beings. It got me wondering about how many decisions I have made for our Westie Buffy and whether those decisions were more about me or our dog? The psychology behind dog owners and what we choose and why we choose something is absolutely fascinating, you can find it on page 18.

Kim Latham Editor

Daniel Stone has also been busy researching from across the pond. Daniel looks at how our beloved West Highland White Terriers first ended up in America after what was probably a bit of a long journey from the Highland of Scotland! Christmas is nearly here again, and it just wouldn’t be Christmas without seeing all of our readers’ beautiful photographs featuring their wonderful Westies in the runup to the Big Day. Oh, and don’t forget to check out our extremely popular annual Christmas Gift Guide which is full to the brim of Christmas spirit and goodies galore. Thank you to the extremely talented Bruce Bouley who kindly allowed us to share his beautiful, dreamlike image on our front cover this month…and thank you to you, our supportive and loyal readers. We are grateful for you every day. Wishing everybody a peaceful Christmas and New Year. Enjoy! Buffy, Chief Cuddles Officer

Photo Credit: Buffy, Chief Cuddles Officer Image by Kim Latham



Publisher Westies & Besties Ltd Ground Floor 13 Cable Court Pittman Way Fulwood Preston PR2 9YW Editor Kim Latham Tel: +44 7496 310169 Email: [email protected] Commercial Director Alex Griffin Tel: +44 7496 310173 Email: [email protected] Front Cover Image Image supplied by Bruce A Bouley Design Jayden Ali Printing WPG Group Westies & Besties Magazine is published by Westies & Besties Ltd (the Publisher) and printed on behalf of the publisher by WPG Group. Westies & Besties Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Westies & Besties Magazine and the Westies & Besties Masthead/ logo is trademarked and are marks of Westies & Besties Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the Publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Westies & Besties Magazine are not necessarily those of the Publisher or those of its contributors. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, the Publishers cannot/will not be held accountable for the accuracy of the information here therein, or any consequences arising from it. The Publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited articles or manuscripts in the case of all product reviews. Judgements have been made in the context of the product tested. (All photographs have been supplied unless otherwise mentioned.) Advertisers in this publication must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Advertising Standards Authority. Westies & Besties Ltd is not responsible or liable for a company or individual’s advert. Readers are advised to see a fully qualified veterinarian before attempting to try any of the suggestions made by a contributor.


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It may or may not surprise you, but it turns out that pet owners love their animals more than they love some fellow humans.


Vegan brand, HOWND, which has created a new range of wellness treats in five different flavours, has won an award for its innovative creations.


GUESTS 18 Learn to spot the signs that there are insects in your home such as fleas and mites and find out how to get rid of them altogether.


Just like humans, it’s really important that your Westie stays hydrated. Find out about company, Pawer Water, which is aiming to boost the wellbeing of canines through their hydration supplements.


Feed your friend some Christmas delights during the holiday season with some fun recipes from Furr Boost.



WONDERLAND Readers from around the world share their wonderful photographs of their best pals all geared up for Christmas.


Dog-G8, an innovative company that has created a versatile, concertina gate to protect Owners’ Besties have won a prestigious award at the PetQuip awards after appearing on Dragon’s Den. 44


EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED Many owners form a strong emotional bond with their dogs…but why is this and what are the implications of it?

GUIDE If you’re looking for some inspiration on what to buy for your Westie loving loved one then look no further than our annual Gift Guide! ACROSS THE POND Ever wondered how our Scottish Terriers made it all the way to America? Daniel Stone has been busy finding out from his home in Santa Barbara.


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Pets Versus People

Do owners love their pets more than people?

• One in three Brits prefer their pets to their friends • One in 10 owners love their pets more than their family members • Younger generations have more affection for their pets than other age group



new study has found that pet owners have more love for their pets than the humans in their lives, with 80% choosing their pets over the people in their lives.[1] Research shows that just over one in 10 pet owners love their animal companions more than their family, while one in three admit that they prefer their pets to their friends. The research, carried out by Go.Compare Pet Insurance, also found that younger generations generally have a deeper fondness for their pets than other age groups. Around 34% of those who loved their pets most were aged between 25 and 39. Meanwhile, the majority of pet owners who said they loved people more than their pets were over the age of 55, showing how the older generations are more likely to cherish their close relationships.

Westies & Besties - December 2023


The study follows the celebration of National Pet Wellness Month in October. Despite a large number of UK pet owners announcing their devotion to their pets, Go.Compare says a giant 91% do not have pet insurance.[2] Ceri McMillan, pet insurance expert at Go.Compare, said: “Our research highlights the incredible love that the nation’s pet owners have for their animal companions, meaning that getting cover for your pet is more pertinent than ever. In a recent study of ours, a large quantity of pet owners stated that they didn’t feel pet insurance was worth the money. “While it isn’t a legal requirement, getting cover for your pets can help protect you against high medical costs in the long run. Most policies cover veterinary treatment for illnesses and incidents, and some policies can cover diagnostic and euthanasia costs for the worst-case scenario. Pet insurance is there as a safety net to prevent you from being caught off guard by surprise medical expenses, which can often be extremely high.”

Our research highlights the incredible love that the nation’s pet owners have for their animal companions, meaning that getting cover for your pet is more pertinent than ever.




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rits are being warned to look out for fleas this month as the bloodsucking insects could invade millions of homes. The experts at Online-Bedrooms. co.uk are helping homeowners identify whether or not their homes are infested with fleas with eight common warning signs. With temperatures starting to dip, many Brits will be turning their heating on to cope with the colder conditions. This can result in clusters of fleas invading homes across the


country, as the tiny insects thrive in warm and humid conditions. The early warning signs of fleas in homes include tiny specs on the carpet, itchy bumps on the skin and pets scratching themselves more than usual. Nic Shacklock from Onlinebedrooms.co.uk said: “As we get further into the autumn season we want to warn people not to be surprised if their homes are invaded by packs of fleas. “They don’t just latch onto pets, they can also give us nasty bites that’ll have us itching uncontrollably.

Westies & Besties - December 2023

“Some early warning signs that indicate your home is infested by fleas include excessive scratching from pets and small, red splashes appearing on bedding. “If you find fleas in your home, we advise using baking soda as well as a solvent of lemons, white vinegar and water on areas where they’ve been present.” Here are eight early warning signs that fleas are in your home: 1. Red itchy bumps If you notice red, itchy bumps on your body it’s likely fleas have either been biting you throughout the day or have been lurking in the covers at night. Or if you have


4. Flea eggs Look out for tiny white flea eggs which may be dotted around the house. If you find flea larvae in carpets it may be a sign of newly hatched eggs.

a four-legged friend at home, they may have latched onto your skin. 2. Excessive scratching from pets The most common warning sign of fleas is pets scratching themselves. Make sure to regularly check their fur and take off their collar to get a proper look. 3. Dark speckles on the carpet Fleas like to attach to carpet fibres and can bury themselves deep in the material. If you have a lightly coloured carpet and notice dark speckles dotted around, you could have an infestation on your hands.

5. Pets avoiding their beds If your dog or cat starts to avoid sleeping in their bed or looks physically uncomfortable, it might be due to fleas attaching to the material. 6. Red splashes on bedding Fleas can be difficult to spot at times, but if you notice unusual red splashes of blood on your bedding it may be that one of the insects has been squished. This


could indicate that your bed is harbouring the tiny critters. 7. Jumping fleas While small in size, fleas that jump can be easier to spot. If you see black spots leaping in the air, it’s likely to be fleas rather than tiny flies floating around the house. 8. Bald patches on your pets If you notice missing fur and bald patches appearing on your pets’ skin, it may be an indicator that fleas have latched onto them. The excessive scratching can be a cause of this so make sure to put a comb through their fur to detect any signs of the critters.



Pawer Water aims to boost the wellbeing of our canine friends BY KIM LATHAM A ground-breaking canine wellness supplement has hit the pet sector.


awer Water aims to optimize overall wellbeing for our beloved four-legged friends by transforming the way they hydrate, ensuring that dogs receive the vital hydration necessary for a healthy and active lifestyle. Water plays a critical role in maintaining a dog’s health, but sometimes our Besties don’t drink enough to stay properly hydrated. Dehydration can lead to a range of issues, including lethargy, decreased organ function, and other serious health complications. Pawer Water addresses this concern by providing a premium supplement designed to enhance the hydration process and promote optimal wellness. Pawer Water’s formula is carefully crafted with a range of “pawerful” ingredients, specifically chosen to support canine hydration and wellness needs. This innovative blend includes electrolytes (potassium & sodium) to replenish essential minerals lost during


exercise or hot weather, collagen and hyaluronic acid to support bones, joints and skin, as well as vitamins C and E and antioxidants (grapeseed extract) to support the immune system and promote overall vitality. Each ingredient is meticulously selected to ensure maximum efficacy and safety. “Our mission at Pawer Water is to provide dog owners with a reliable solution to optimize hydration and improve the well-being of their furry companions,” said Nathalie Ohana, Founder of Pawer Water. “We understand the importance of proper hydration for a dog’s overall health, and we’re excited to introduce a supplement that not only addresses this need but also enhances their daily lives. It’s not just about drinking, it’s about drinking well.” Pawer Water is easy to incorporate into a dog’s routine. Simply add the supplement to their regular drinking water. The delicious natural chicken broth flavour is specially crafted to appeal to dogs’ palates,

Westies & Besties - December 2023


Pawer Water has already been recognised by the pet industry having made the finals of both the PetQuip and PIF Awards for new product innovation.

Image supplied by Pawer Water

encouraging them to drink more water. With Pawer Water, pet owners can have peace of mind knowing their furry friends are boosting the hydration they need to thrive.

The benefits of Pawer Water 1. Optimal Hydration: Pawer Water is designed to enhance hydration and encourage dogs to drink more water, keeping them properly hydrated and promoting overall health. 2. Electrolyte Replenishment: Our supplement contains

essential electrolytes that support hydration by replacing minerals lost during physical activity or warm weather. 3. Bones & Skin Support: Our hero ingredient, collagen aims to support healthy skin, bone development, healthy joints for increased mobility and beautiful glossy fur! 4. Immune Support: Our formula includes vitamins and antioxidants to help dogs stay on top of their game. 5. Easy Integration: The supplement can be easily added to a dog’s regular water bowl, making it simple to www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com

incorporate into their daily routine. 6. Pawlicious Flavour: Pawer Water features a mouthwatering natural chicken broth taste that appeals to dogs, encouraging them to drink more water! 7. Recyclable packaging: We work hard to be as sustainable as we can. We manufacturer locally in the UK, our sticks are recyclable and so is our outer packaging. Pawer Water has already been recognised by the pet industry having made the finals of both the PetQuip and PIF Awards for new product innovation. 11


The Dog-G8 Company Add to their Accolades with a Silver Award at the PetQuip Awards BY STAFF WRITER


he Dog-G8 Company from Horsham who this year appeared on BBC One’s Dragons ‘Den and were offered investment by Deborah Meaden and Sara Davies, have received a Silver Award at the recent PetQuip Awards which were held at PATS Telford. They were also one of only 10 companies to make the finals of the Pet Industry Federation’s New Pet Innovation of the Year Award this year. Their range of highly versatile, concertina gates that aid dog owners with training, prevent dogs from escaping, and reduce the potential risk of an attack on postal and delivery workers coming to the house particularly important as we approach Christmas. They are also extremely useful at this time of year with the firework season that starts from Bonfire Night and goes up to New Year when dogs can get spooked by fireworks and can run out of the door and sadly on occasions, lead to fatalities on the road. The Dog-G8 gate was the inspiration of Peter Maxted, the founder of the company who has been a pet sitter for over 20 years and a dog owner for the same amount of time. He was very aware of the risks


associated with dogs at front doors e.g., escapes, attacks, thefts and although there were other gates on the market, he felt they were inadequate and ineffective enough to work for all breeds. He therefore decided to design and sell his own version so he could keep his and client’s dogs safer at the front door. Peter’s son Chris is also a director in the business and has been working alongside Merseyside Dog Safety Partnership and the University of Liverpool to raise awareness of dog attacks and their impact on delivery workers. For dog breeders who need to segregate their dogs in the house but also want to allow their dogs to be un-caged, the gates provide the perfect option. They will also keep puppies safe as well as preventing them from escaping from a room. The Dog-G8 product is British made and features a concertina, modular and retractable design. The product is incredibly versatile and can be used on multiple configurations ranging from the front door to stairways, hallways and many more. The gates modular design enables it to be spanned to any width, allowing the gate to be fitted to the widest of

Westies & Besties - December 2023


Image supplied by Dog-G8

configurations such as patio doors where standard, conventional gates cannot fit. The gate is made from mild steel, coated in chrome or white powder coat, bolted together with bespoke, customised clips which give the gate strength and durability. When the gate is not in use it sits flat and compact to one side it’s neat, unobtrusive, and out of the way. Finally, it is removable, enabling it to be easily stored away or docked to other configurations such as the Stairway to the Doorway (if extra brackets are purchased). The Dog-G8 can also be used in horse boxes, mobile home, and caravans. When the gate is spanned across the entrance, this allows any motor home or caravan user to have their habitation door open, without the risk of their dog dashing out. The gate will provide dogs with much needed ventilation and offers great visibility. The gate is excellent for when you’re parked up at campsites or beaches where perimeters cannot be

formed but you wish to have the door open. Since launch the company has seen massive growth and now sells directly to customers in the UK, Canada, United States, and Europe. The product went viral on Tiktok and Facebook attracting over 100 million organic views across all videos (search dogg8co to view) and they were the Theo Paphitis’ Small Business Sunday Winner in March 2021. The Dog-G8 Company launched a taller version at Crufts 2023, alongside offering customers a range of new colours. They have also received a patent for their gates this year making them unique on the market. Commenting on the win, Peter said: “We are absolutely delighted to have made the finals of the PIF Innovation Award and the PetQuip Awards this year and to win a Silver Award with this being the first time we have entered, is the icing on the cake. We are very much a family business, and it was great that my son Chris who is a Director in the firm together with his girlfriend, Harriet Roberts who looks after our social media, were able to collect the award on behalf of The Dog G8 Company.”




Get your Bestie Holiday Ready Images supplied by Furr Boost


f you’re looking to include your Westie Bestie in the Christmas festivities this year (why wouldn’t you?!) then why not reward them with some tasty treats using the awardwinning smoothie drink, Furr Boost? Voted Best Pet Product in the food and drink category at the PetQuip and Pet Industry Federation Awards 2022, each of the smoothie recipes contains a meat, fruit and vegetable, along with added oils and vitamins, so it’s more than a hydration drink, it supports the dog’s wellbeing in areas such as digestion, skin and coat, anxiety, metabolism and immunity.


Furr Boost is available in seven tasty varieties which all use the best quality 100% natural human grade ingredients: Chicken, Butternut Squash & Cranberry, Pork, Apple & Sweet Potato, Beef, Broccoli & Blueberry, Salmon, Sweet Potato & Blueberry, Venison, Butternut Squash & Cranberry, Vegan-Plant Based and our Special Limited Edition Christmas variety, Turkey, Parsnip & Cranberry. Other added ingredients include flaxseed, coconut and salmon oils, dried sea kelp, chicory root extract, yeast beta glucan, vitamins B&C and water. Each drink comes in a Tetra Pak Carton.

Westies & Besties - December 2023


Tasty ways to use Furr Boost this Christmas Winter Warmer Warm up your pooche’s furravourite Furr Boost slightly, place in a cup and top with sugar and xylitol free squirty cream. Add sprinkles using your dog’s favourite pet treats and a cookie for an indulgent festive fair. Furr Boost Pawpresso Martini Add ice and your pooche’s furravourite Furr Boost to a cocktail shaker, shake well, and pour into a martini glass, top with training treats cut in

half width ways so they float on top and serve. Christmas frozen treats Pour Furr Boost into festive ice lolly moulds together with a stick and place in the freezer. Serve once frozen to make a Furr- Boosting Christmas iced treats for your pooch. Gravy topper for Christmas Dinner Pour over your dog’s favourite pet food as a perfect Christmas dinner gravy topping.




Vegan Brand Wins

Gold PetQuip Award for Food/Treats Product of the Year

Image supplied by Hownd


OWND®, a leading brand of cruelty-free certified plant-based products for dogs, has won the coveted gold at the PetQuip Awards with its latest innovation - softbaked functional Wellness Treats designed for optimal health. The product range was selected by a select group of UK retailers and was up against 45 other brand finalists from the pet sector. With a focus on promoting overall wellbeing, a recyclable pouch range of five flavours provide targeted benefits for dogs of all life stages. HOWND Wellness treats are accredited by the Vegetarian (Vegan) Society, PETA Not Tested on Animals, and the Ethical Company Organisation.


HOWND Plant Powered Wellness Treats were selected by UK retailers and competing against 45 other brand finalists. HOWND also snapped up Silver for the Theresa Swann Exporter of the Year Award for their collaboration with Whole Foods Market USA with their natural pet care products. “We are over the moon to be selected. Our new range of wellness treats reflects our dedication to providing dogs with the highest quality products that address their specific needs,” says HOWND co-founder and product director Jo Amit. “We believe that by combining natural ingredients with irresistible flavours, we can enhance the overall health and happiness of dogs everywhere.”

Westies & Besties - December 2023


The plant-based trend is here to stay and vegan wellness treats are perfect for dogs with food intolerances and allergies to animal proteins or recovering from illness. With an innovative algae-based alternative to commercially produced Chondoritin for joint support, HOWND is the first brand to include a plant powered mobility supplement in its treat range. HOWND Wellness treats for dogs are hand-baked in biomass woodfired ovens. They are nutritionpacked, 100% plant based and

hypoallergenic to suit sensitive tummies. They come in five functional flavours: Golden Oldies with Phytodroitin, Glucosamine and Sunflower Hearts for joint mobility, Got an Itch? with Shiitake Mushrooms and Turmeric for healthy skin & coat; Yup You Stink! with Mint, Parsley and Lovage herbs to tackle smelly breath, Keep Calm with Camomile, Lavender and Valerian Root for stress relief; and Playful Pup with fresh Bananas and Marine Algae for growing pups and small breeds.


We are over the moon to be selected. Our new range of wellness treats reflects our dedication to providing dogs with the highest quality products that address their specific needs 17


The Psychology of Owning a Dog: Dogs as an Extension of Ourselves It’s well understood that most dog owners form a deep emotional bond with their dogs, many to the point that dogs become an integral part of our families. In both an emotional and social sense, family dogs become an extension of us. But how can this be explained and what are the implications?



Westies & Besties - December 2023

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Westies & Besties - December 2023


The concept of the extended self The concept of the “extended self” in psychology was developed by Russell Belk, a consumer behaviour researcher, in the late 1980s. The theory suggests that individuals often incorporate external objects and possessions into their self-identity. This can be summed up as “we are what we own”; we are the sum of all our possessions, family, and our environment. Belk proposes that people use possessions to define and express who they are. For example, the type of car you drive, the clothes you wear, or the art you hang on your walls can all be seen as extensions of your self-identity. In the pet industry we understand this as what pet you choose to buy, and the products you then buy for your pet. Dogs as part of our extended self Dogs are an extension of us on all three of Belk’s proposed levels: • Individual • Family • Community On the individual level, dogs can represent a manifestation of a person’s self-concept. This is linked to another concept of conspicuous consumption in which people buy things that they feel represent them. This is best observed with people being attracted to “status dogs” – by owning that dog, the owner gains a social status by implication. On the family level, this is far more straight-forward in that dogs become part of our family unit. In the community level, dogs can facilitate people to connect to the wider community. Like being part of a dog ownership club like the Kennel Club, breed clubs, or mixing with other dog owners or dog walkers and at training classes. How does this affect the way we buy things? The concept of the extended self has implications for consumer behaviour. People may buy products or choose brands that align with their self-concept or the image they want to portray to others. Goods designed for this purpose are known as Veblen goods. This concept traces back to the American Economist and Sociologist Thorstein Veblen; who in 1899 identified certain goods as being more likely to be purchased to show off to their peers; known as “conspicuous consumption”. This is an expression of value; where individuals can communicate aspects of their identity, values, and social affiliations to others through the products they buy. Products empower consumers to express value, making public statements about self-image, social-status, and identity (Carruthers, 2013).




With the rise of social media, consumers are showing off what they are feeding to their dogs, showcasing their dog’s health and their food of choice. For dog owners, this can relate to the kind of food that they buy; owners that want their dog to look their best with a shiny coat, pearly white teeth and a perfect body shape will choose a food that make these outcomes more realistic. For some dog owners, these goals are not as important so they will choose a different type of food. However, it is common for dog owners to feed the same foods for different reasons, perhaps choosing the same foods for behavioural reasons or due to allergies. Dogs as part of our culture With the rise of social media, consumers are showing off what they are feeding to their dogs, showcasing their dog’s health and their food of choice. Syrjälä (2005) explored the concepts of pets as social-extensions, based on the construct of extended-self in reference to “subcultures” of dog owners. When pets are seen as self-extensions, powerful subcultures can develop, particularly online, which can be linked to the way that dogs are fed, or the breed of dog that people own. Our choice of food Food choice of humans has been investigated in detail and has shown to be influenced by many

different factors, in particular, attitudes about a certain food, health claims and price. Connors et al. (2001), and Shepherd (1999) were able to link consumer food choice as a consideration to the wider family, and the extended self. As such, the premise of consumer behaviour for dog food for a family pet is as an extended-self, subject to an individual; with that individuals’ values and personality, affecting their perception, projecting their own personality onto the dog (Beck and Katcher, 2016). Latest Research Findings If we accept that as part of the extended-self, people project their own values onto their dogs. This can be demonstrated in what people eat compared to what they feed their dogs, particularly in their views on ultra-processed foods. A study of 2,257 dog owners in 2023 (Green, 2023) found strong and clear correlation between people’s views on nutrition for their own diets and for their dogs. Owners were asked for their opinion on eating ultra-processed foods and then separately on their attitudes of feeding their dog an ultra-processed diet.

Figure 1: Comparison of Opinions on Highly-Processed Foods for Dogs vs. their Owners.


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Data showed that 49.58% of respondents held an identical outlook for dogs and themselves and 79.09% of respondents were within one point of similarity, supporting Schleicher et al.’s (2019) prior findings that 53% of respondents had the same outlook of importance when buying healthy food for their pet versus themselves. The research showed a slight preference for owners to avoid highly-processed foods for their dogs in comparison to themselves. Products that match a consumer self-image have a greater probability of purchase, as the purchase contributes to the self-concept. For example, if a consumer sees themselves as a caring deeply for their own nutrition, they will have higher motivation to purchase a highly nutritious food for

their dog, such as raw dog food, as they want to give their dog the very best food (Schiffman, 2019; Blythe, 2019). Dodd et al. (2019) found a clear correlation between vegans feeding their dogs a plant diet which can be seen as part of the consumer identity, related to esteem and self-actualisation as part of the extended-self (Garay, 2021). These consumers have rationalised feeding their biologically carnivorous dogs a plant-based diet; likely to be an emotional decision – driven by both conscious and unconscious motivation. Research carried out by Green (2023) showed a clear correlation between outlooks on their personal consumption of highly-processed foods versus highly-processed dog food options, the correlation can be visualised (see Figure 2):

Figure 2: Comparison of Consumers Feeding Highly-Processed Foods for Dogs vs. Themselves.

What does this mean going forward? Overall, the concept of the extended self suggests that our identity is not solely defined by our physical bodies or internal thoughts and feelings; it is also shaped by the external objects and affiliations that we incorporate into our sense of self. This idea has been influential in understanding consumer behaviour for dog food.


As general trends for healthy eating continue to rise, alongside a greater general understanding of nutrition for humans and dogs, economists and other industry experts forecast further growth of natural forms of dog food including raw.

Westies & Besties - December 2023

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Walking in a


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Westies & Besties - December 2023


The Westie community around the world continues to thrive. Take a look at these beautiful photographs sent in by our readers.





Buffy, Ch ief Officer o Cuddles f Wes Besties M ties & agazine

Bonnie 28

Westies & Besties - December 2023



Mr Mo Kent

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Joey 30

Westies & Besties - December 2023


Maisie Maisie


Scrumpy www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com


Gift Guide

Merry Westie


Westies & Besties - December 2023

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Gift Guide

Compiled by Kim Latham

Paleo Ridge Christmas Turkey and Cranberry (500g) £3.90 Paleo Ridge’s new and limitededition Christmas raw dog food meal is a succulent blend of British turkey meat and bone, offal, fresh and juicy cranberries, with a side of vitamin-packed lamb tripe, and a vegetable medley. https://paleoridge.co.uk/shop-raw/ christmas-turkey-and-cranberry Image supplied by Paleo Ridge

Fur-getting someone’s Christmas dinner? Don’t be a Scrooge! With Burns Festive Turkey with all the Trimmings, getting every-paw-dy involved in the festivities coulfdn’t be easier. Introducing a new recipe that’s grain-free, fuss-free and deliciously complete. The wholesome recipe contains no additives, just turkey, potato, carrots, parsnips, minerals, and a dash of Christmas cheer. Available at Burnspet.co.uk Link here: https://bit.ly/46IoOTz Image supplied by Burns


Westies & Besties - December 2023

Gift Guide

Furr Boost Christmas Turkey, Parsnip and Cranberry Furr Boost Feeling Furr-bulously Festive Treat your pooch to the Ulti-mutt gravy topper, to thank them for being by your side all year. With all the benefits of the usual range, but with all the festive taste and makes the perfect stocking filler. Image supplied by Furr Boost

Corrie’s Capers Books Corrie’s Capers picture books make a grrreat Christmas gift. Written for Westie lovers young and old, you’ll never tire of these smashing wee stories which can be enjoyed all year long. Shipped worldwide. https://www.westie.scot/product-page Images supplied by Corrie’s Capers



Gift Guide

Ralph & Co Nest Beds £85.99 Designed to keep small breeds warm and cosy, this nest bed features top-quality fabrics and is lined with luxurious faux fur for comfort. Good for the planet and your dog, the beds are packed with recycled ocean plastics, providing orthopaedic support all night long. Use “Westie20” for 20% off! Image supplied by Ralph & Co

Pettle Pets £54.99 Meet our all-in-one brush that does more than just detangle. With its patented built-in essential oil atomizer, it conditions your pet’s coat, leaving behind a delightful scent. Plus, the integrated UV light ensures a clean coat by eliminating bacteria. Pair that with the angled pin head design, and you’ve got a 3-in-1 solution for total coat wellness. And when it’s time to recharge? Just use the included USB-C cable. Simple as that. https://pettlepets.com/products/pettle-petspettbrush-3-pro-three-in-one-pet-care-brush Image supplied by Pettle Pets


Westies & Besties - December 2023

Gift Guide

F&F Grey Christmas Westie Jumper £20 This gorgeous long-sleeved jumper from F & F is the perfect pressie to open on Christmas Day. Westie lovers everywhere will probably want to wear this pretty statement piece all year-round! www.tesco.com Image supplied by Tesco

Radley London Medium Flapover Shoulder Bag £239 This stunning Radley London bag is sure to be a Christmas favourite capturing the hearts of many a Westie owner! www.radley.co.uk Image supplied by Radley London



Gift Guide

Daisy Park Golfing Westies Men’s Socks £9.50 Ditch the boring old socks and step out in style with these fun Westie golfing socks! A world away from your everyday footsie wear, These make the perfect stocking filler for Westie lovers everywhere. www.daisypark.co.uk Image supplied by Daisy Park

Cuckcooland Wagging Tail Dog Clock £40 These fantastically fun West Highland Terrier Wagging Tail Wall Clocks have a tail that wags on the second. This is a delightful unique gift and is sure to put a smile on the face of all dog lovers! The main body of this dog wall clock is made from a new British made material called Foamalux. It’s light in weight, scratch resistant, versatile, durable and has earned a reputation for quality and will not dull in sunlight. This Unique & Unusual Dog Clock is a new addition to the Cuckooland bestselling range of dog clocks! www.cuckooland.co.uk Image supplied by Cuckcooland


Westies & Besties - December 2023

Gift Guide

FatFace Bee Spot Deluxe Pet Bed £64.99 Get your pal prepared for winter by investing in a warm cosy bed fit for a king. This strong, beautiful, deluxe bed will have your pooch snoozing and relaxing all through the holiday season and beyond. www.fatface.co.uk Image supplied by FatFace

The Gluttonous Gardiner The Dog Growbar £12.95 Keep your favourite four-legged friends healthy and happy with this fragrant herbal trio well known for their medicinal and healing properties. Fennel aids digestion and deters fleas, marigold helps heal irritated skin, and gentle camomile soothes and calms, as well as being a natural doggy de-wormer! This nifty Growbar makes a thoughtful gift or fun family project. All you’ll need is a small container, water, and a warm, sunny spot on the windowsill. Within 6-8 weeks the seedlings will be ready to plant into the ground or into pots. www.glut.co.uk Image supplied by The Gluttonous Gardiner



Gift Guide

The Range Santa Claus is Coming to Town Cushion £7.99 Get cosy this winter with this delightful cushion that features a range of dog breeds with Santa Claus! www.therange.co.uk Image supplied by The Range

Hotel Chocolat Dozen Dapper Dogs £8.95 Treat yourself to a chocolate dog this Christmas! Purely for humans, this little tasty treat could be just what the doctor ordered instead of the Vet! www.hotelchocolat.com Image supplied by Hotel Chocolat


Westies & Besties - December 2023

Gift Guide

Getting Personal Personalised wooden key ring – Dog Bone £9.99 Keep your furry friend close at all times, with this Personalised Wooden Key Ring. It’s shaped like a dog’s bone and it can be engraved with a special message alongside a paw print to represent your dog! It’s the perfect addition to an animal lover’s keys! Personalise the key ring with a message in up to 45 characters. http://www.gettingpersonal.co.uk/ Image supplied by Getting Personal

Joules ‘Bone Appetit’ Dog Bowl £12 Treat your Westie to a brand-new serving platter with this fun ‘Bone Appetit’ dog bowl from Joules. www.dobbies.com Image supplied by Joules



Gift Guide

TK Maxx Large Squeaky Pet Hedgehog £9.99 Let your Bestie get ‘squeaky’ this Christmas with this fun dog toy. This large, cute hedgehog will give your hound hours of fun over the holiday season. www.tkmaxx.co.uk Image supplied by TK Maxx

Dobbies Garden Centres Happy Pet Cosy Knit Reindeer £12.99 Wrap up your Westie with this festive Christmas jumper that is sure to make your pup the talk of the town! www.dobbies.com Image supplied by Dobbies Garden Centres


Westies & Besties - December 2023

Gift Guide

B&M Dog Treat Pouch £3.50 With plenty of winter walkies on the Horizon, why not be prepared with this B & M dog treat pouch? – your Westie will thank you for it! www.bmstores.co.uk Image supplied by B & M

Getting Personalised Wipe Your Paws Outdoor Doormat £26.99 Remind your pampered pooch to wipe their paws after a long walk with this fun doormat from Getting Personalised! It’s designed for outdoor use and reads ‘Wipe Your Paws’ and can be personalised with a name. It’s a unique housewarming gift for a pet lover or to spruce up your own doorstep! Personalise the doormat with a message in up to 46 characters over two lines. www.gettingpersonalised.co.uk Image supplied by Getting Personalised




An investigation of how Westies got to America BY DANIEL STONE

Image supplied by Shutterstock 91053923 & Daniel Stone


Westies & Besties - December 2023





Daniel’s Westie group in Santa Barbara


ometimes when I look at my Westie, Charlie, I think about his ancestors. Who were his grandparents, I wonder, and who were their grandparents? If I follow this far enough, I arrive at the Genghis Khan of the breed, the seminal stud through which all Westies flowed. Who was this original dogtriarch? For starters, the first Westie wasn’t a Westie. It is believed to be a Roseneath terrier, a type of breed that was neither white nor highland, and almost certainly brown or red. Roseneath terriers were named after the Scottish village of Roseneath where an old duke apparently kept a pack of them. These Roseneaths are the genetic ancestors not just of Westies, but also of Scotties, Cairns, and the oft-forgotten Dandie Dinmont terriers (the definition of a rare breed).


Then something strange happened. A litter of Roseneaths came out with a pup that was white. Even more surprising was when white proved a distinctive color to not be mistaken for a fox while hunting. And so, in time, white was in. The first Roseneath terriers to come to America were named Kiltie and Rumpus. They were brought over in 1907 by a rich New York businessman named Robert Goelet. One gets the impression that Goelet was a serious guy. He was a member of the New York Yacht Club, the Metropolitan Club, and the Tuxedo Club, and likely treated his pups to the occasional pat on the head. But the first person to drop to their knees to accept Roseneath kisses was probably a young South Carolina girl named Claudia Lea Phelps. Phelps fell in love with the fluffy white

Westies & Besties - December 2023


Image supplied by shutterstock_224382109 www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



tufts and thin belly hair. She quickly became a devoted enthusiast and bred hundreds of white Roseneaths for neighbors, friends, and other breeders. In 1908, the Roseneath was inducted into the American Kennel Club, and a year later, a sub-breed got its own name, the West Highland White Terrier. Phelps later became president of the newly formed West Highland White Terrier Club of America. For its first two decades in America, West Highland White Terriers were in vogue, but scarce in population, and thus expensive, according to an early publication of Sportsman’s Digest. Their biggest downside was their name, a tedious seven syllables. “When you’ve got the longest breed name in history, they needed a nickname,” I learned from Anne Sanders, who herself was a president of the national club in 2003. No one coined the nickname Westie, she says. The same way a Michael becomes a Mike, it just happened. Today’s Westies have come a long way from that original Roseneath. In fact, one of the biggest controversies now is whether they’ve come too far, and if hairspray and cornstarch at dog shows make them look more like dolls than the rugged hunters they started as. I’d choose original over cotton puff, but whatever works for each owner is fine with me. As far as I’m concerned, the best of the breed is the same winner every year, and he’s sitting in my lap.


Daniel Stone is a journalist and author. He runs a smallbut-mighty Westie club in Santa Barbara, California.

Westies & Besties - December 2023

Feature Daniel’s son Cody and his westie Charlie




Give Pets a Pawesome Christmas with Dobbies


obbies, the UK’s leading garden centre, is giving one lucky winner the chance to find their pets’ “ChristMUST” by giving away a festive bundle of dog treats and toys worth £50. Sure to get your dog’s tail wagging, this fantastic prize includes tasty treats they’ll love plus a selection of plush toys, and cosy festive knits to get them looking their Christmas best.

Proud to be a dog friendly destination, Dobbies Garden Centres has something for the whole family this Christmas. From cute dog jumpers and squeaky toys to tasty advent calendars and pet-friendly treats, you’ll find the perfect gift for your furry companion at Dobbies. Plus, you can make special memories at your local garden centre with Santa Paws, Dobbies’ festive grotto experience for dogs. With 71 Dobbies Garden Centres nationwide, plus six little Dobbies stores, find your local store, browse the festive collections, and find helpful gardening tips and seasonal advice at dobbies.com.


How many Dobbies Garden Centres are there across the United Kingdom? Email your answer to [email protected]

Terms and conditions: • Prize is 1 x pet bundle from Dobbies Garden Centres worth £50 • This competition is not open to Dobbies’ colleagues • Prizes cannot be transferred to another person and cannot be sold


• Prizes are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash, tickets, or services • Winners must be aged 18 or over • Competition opens on 1st December 2023 and closes on 31st December 2023.

Westies & Besties - December 2023

• The prize will be posted to the winner by Dobbies Garden Centre. • By entering the competition, the winner has given us permission to pass on their address to Dobbies Garden Centre in order to obtain the prize.

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