

da-N Denne bruger har dansk som modersmål.
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
simple-N This user has a native understanding of Simple English.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
ja-1 この利用者は初級日本語ができます。
no-3 Denne brukeren har omfattende kjennskap til norsk (bokmål).
nn-2 Denne brukaren meistrar nynorsk på eit middels nivå.
sv-2 Den här användaren har medelgoda kunskaper i svenska.
nl-1 Deze gebruiker heeft elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
it-1 Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello elementare in italiano.
is-1 Þessi notandi hefur grunnkunnáttu í íslensku máli.

Hello, users on Japanese Wikipedia. I do not speak Japanese very well, but I am learning it. I am from Denmark, and I want to live in Japan when I grow up.

I am a boy on 14 years, and I mainly edit on the Danish Wikipedia. I can understand Kana, but I am far from confident in Kanji. When I get to learn the language more, I might one day become a contributor here. Meanwhile, I will be reading here to become better in Japanese.

I have a native understanding of English because I am half American. I am also related to Native Americans (アメリカ州の先住民族), the Abenaki to be more precisely. I have chosen my username to be Altaïr, because I am a big fan of Assassin's Creed.

I am practicing Judo, and one of the main reasons I want to move to Japan is, that I want to see - and maybe train in - the Kodokan Institute. It would be amazing.

You can find more information about me on the Danish or English Wikipedia. Happy editing!