Industry Associations

The diagram below maps out the climate policy engagement of the largest sector-based and cross-sector industry associations representing the Japanese companies assessed by InfluenceMap.

The ‘Climate performance band’ charts the overall position of the industry association towards Paris-aligned climate policy, from most oppositional (left) to most supportive (right). The ‘Engagement Intensity’ expresses how actively an industry association is engaging with climate policy, with the most engaged companies at the top of the graph. Hover over the graph to see details of each industry association, or select an industry association from the dropdown to view a diagram of how the industry assocation’s climate policy engagement compares with its global member companies.

Industry Associations

Below is a ranking table with the industry associations included in this research. A summary profile and full access to the data underlying the assessments can be accessed via the links in the table.

Influencemap Performance BandOrganizationEngagement Intensity