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EU Science Hub

Zero pollution

Zero pollution for planetary health - Integrated responses.

Contributes to EC priorities:
24 FEBRUARY 2023
JRC portfolio 9: Zero pollution


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Scientific tools

The EURL ECVAM Search Guide provides search principles and procedures, suggested search terms and user guidance together with an inventory of...

The JRC hosts a repository of representative industrial nanomaterials (NM) including nanomaterials studied in the OECD testing programme and large...

The JRC QSAR Model Database is a database of quantitative/qualitative structure activity relationship models (QSARs) typically used for predicting...

Discover data, web portals, stakeholders, networks and projects on migration and demography relevant to EU policies.

Activities on this topic

The JRC is one of the major developers and producers of reference materials, which are produced in support of EU policy.

Consumers are in daily contact with a variety of products such as cosmetics, kitchenware or textiles. The safety of these is of primary concern for...

The JRC provides scientific support to the implementation of European policies that aim to ensure the protection, conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems.

The JRC provides scientific and technical support to the implementation of EU policies related to marine biodiversity.

The JRC supports the European Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection, addressing areas such as erosion, contamination, compaction, landslides andloss...

With its expertise and broad scientific networks, the JRC supports sustainable management of water resources in Europe and in several developing countries.

Pollution is one of the top three global issues threatening the health of our planet, besides climate change and biodiversity loss. This Outlook estimates the potential of key EU initiatives to reduce pollution in various areas.