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Editors' Suggestion
Spin-wave reservoir chips with short-term memory for high-speed estimation of external magnetic fields
Sho Nagase, Shoki Nezu, and Koji Sekiguchi
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024072 (2024) – Published 29 August 2024

Harnessing spin waves for high-speed computing: In this work an innovative spin-wave reservoir chip, utilizing ferromagnetic permalloy thin films, demonstrates exceptional capabilities. By strategically manipulating spin-wave interference, the authors achieve a multi-input–multi-output reservoir capable of memory retention, nonlinearity enhancement, and accurate magnetic field estimation. This spintronic hardware paves the way for high-speed applications in reservoir computing and signal processing.

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Critical nonlinear aspects of hopping transport for reconfigurable logic in disordered dopant networks
Henri Tertilt, Jonas Mensing, Marlon Becker, Wilfred G. van der Wiel, Peter A. Bobbert, and Andreas Heuer
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024063 (2024) – Published 26 August 2024
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Excitability and memory in a time-delayed optoelectronic neuron
Jonas Mayer Martins, Svetlana V. Gurevich, and Julien Javaloyes
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024050 (2024) – Published 19 August 2024
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Acoustic logic networks realized with non-Hermitian and nonlocal metagratings
Hanjie Xiao, Chuanxin Zhang, Ying Li, Dean Ta, and Xue Jiang
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024048 (2024) – Published 16 August 2024
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Accurate machine-learning predictions of coercivity in high-performance permanent magnets
Churna Bhandari, Gavin N. Nop, Jonathan D.H. Smith, and Durga Paudyal
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024046 (2024) – Published 16 August 2024
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Machine-learning optimal control pulses in an optical quantum memory experiment
Elizabeth Robertson, Luisa Esguerra, Leon Meßner, Guillermo Gallego, and Janik Wolters
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024026 (2024) – Published 8 August 2024
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Enhanced measurement of neutral-atom qubits with machine learning
L. Phuttitarn, B. M. Becker, R. Chinnarasu, T. M. Graham, and M. Saffman
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024011 (2024) – Published 5 August 2024
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Programmable and reconfigurable photonic simulator for classical XY models
Jiayi Ouyang, Yuxuan Liao, Xue Feng, Yongzhuo Li, Kaiyu Cui, Fang Liu, Hao Sun, Wei Zhang, and Yidong Huang
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, L021001 (2024) – Published 1 August 2024

The ability to simulate XY models of classical spins is rather important, since e.g. it is related to solving NP-hard optimization problems. This study uses a photonic simulator to realize XY Hamiltonians with arbitrary spin connections and coupling strengths. The key unit is an optical system for vector-matrix multiplication that can perform arbitrary transformations of complex matrices. The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and ground-state search of several XY models are demonstrated experimentally. Thus this Letter provides an effective alternative approach for investigating such models and solving continuous quadratic optimization problems with optical systems.

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Editors' Suggestion
Reconfigurable classifier based on spin-torque-driven magnetization switching in electrically connected magnetic tunnel junctions
A. López, J.D. Costa, T. Böhnert, P.P. Freitas, R. Ferreira, I. Barbero, J. Camarero, C. León, J. Grollier, and M. Romera
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014082 (2024) – Published 31 July 2024

A promising branch of neuromorphic computing aims to perform cognitive operations in hardware, leveraging the physics of efficient and well-established nanodevices. This work presents a reconfigurable classifier, based on a network of magnetic tunnel junctions, that can learn to classify spoken vowels. In this task the hardware network surpasses multilayered software neural networks with the same number of trained parameters. These results, obtained using the same devices and working principle employed in industrial spin-transfer-torque magnetic random-access memory, constitute an important step toward the development of large-scale neuromorphic networks based on established technology.

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Coreset selection can accelerate quantum machine learning models with provable generalization
Yiming Huang, Xiao Yuan, Huiyuan Wang, and Yuxuan Du
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014074 (2024) – Published 29 July 2024
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Ternary cold source transistors for multivalue logic applications
Xiaoxin Xie, Zhijiang Wang, Xiaoyan Liu, and Fei Liu
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014053 (2024) – Published 22 July 2024
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Recognition of acoustic vortex fields based on a convolutional attention neural network
Haicai Xiao, Xinwen Fan, Yang Kang, Xiaolong Huang, Can Li, Ning Li, Chunsheng Weng, and Xudong Fan
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014051 (2024) – Published 19 July 2024
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Attention-enhanced reservoir computing
Felix Köster, Kazutaka Kanno, Jun Ohkubo, and Atsushi Uchida
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014039 (2024) – Published 16 July 2024
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General approach for efficient prediction of refrigeration performance in caloric materials
Xiong Xu, Weifeng Xie, Fangbiao Li, Chang Niu, Min Li, and Hui Wang
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014036 (2024) – Published 15 July 2024
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Giant laser-induced resistive switching effect in Ag/TiOx/p-Si structures
Kang’an Jiang, Yuhong Cao, Dehui Huang, Zhiyan Zheng, Feiyu Ren, Zhuyikang Zhao, Su Hu, Ke Chang, Xinhui Zhao, and Hui Wang
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014031 (2024) – Published 12 July 2024
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Editors' Suggestion
Physical reservoir computing and deep neural networks using artificial and natural noncollinear spin textures
Haotian Li, Liyuan Li, Rongxin Xiang, Wei Liu, Chunjie Yan, Zui Tao, Lei Zhang, and Ronghua Liu
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014027 (2024) – Published 11 July 2024

Despite being formidable tools in artificial intelligence, artificial neural networks consume substantial energy during their training phase. This study introduces hardware-based artificial neural networks that utilize artificial and natural noncollinear spin textures, significantly reducing energy consumption and enhancing operational efficiency. The authors demonstrate two such spin-texture-based physical reservoirs, which exhibit robust information-processing capabilities in two nonlinear benchmark tests. Additionally, they implement a direct-feedback-alignment algorithm within hardware, further advancing the efficiency of deep neural networks.

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Resistive switching of VO2 films grown on a thermal insulator
Carl Willem Rischau, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone, and Javier del Valle
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014021 (2024) – Published 10 July 2024
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Optimized current-density reconstruction from wide-field quantum diamond magnetic field maps
Siddhant Midha, Madhur Parashar, Anuj Bathla, David A. Broadway, Jean-Philippe Tetienne, and Kasturi Saha
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014015 (2024) – Published 8 July 2024
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Heisenberg machines with programmable spin circuits
Saleh Bunaiyan, Supriyo Datta, and Kerem Y. Camsari
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014014 (2024) – Published 8 July 2024
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All-photonic artificial-neural-network processor via nonlinear optics
Jasvith Raj Basani, Mikkel Heuck, Dirk R. Englund, and Stefan Krastanov
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014009 (2024) – Published 3 July 2024
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Antineutrino flux from the EDF Hartlepool nuclear power plant
Sandra Bogetic, Robert Mills, Adam Bernstein, Jonathon Coleman, Alex Morgan, and Andrew Petts
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 064051 (2024) – Published 21 June 2024
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Neuroscience-inspired information-integration system based on stochastic magnetic tunnel junctions
Li Zhao, Meiting Zhang, Yajun Zhang, Yuanyuan Mi, Zhe Yuan, and Ke Xia
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 064040 (2024) – Published 17 June 2024
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Low-power multimode-fiber projector outperforms shallow-neural-network classifiers
Daniele Ancora, Matteo Negri, Antonio Gianfrate, Dimitris Trypogeorgos, Lorenzo Dominici, Daniele Sanvitto, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, and Luca Leuzzi
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 064027 (2024) – Published 12 June 2024
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