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Publishing Information

Current Titles

Journal Title ISSN eISSN Year Started Current Volume
PLOS Biology 1544-9173 1545-7885 2003 21
PLOS Climate [none] 2767-3200 2021 2
PLOS Complex Systems [none] 2837-8830 2023  
PLOS Computational Biology 1553-734X 1553-7358 2005 19
PLOS Digital Health [none] 2767-3170 2021 2
PLOS Genetics 1553-7390 1553-7404 2005 19
PLOS Global Public Health [none] 2767-3375 2021 3
PLOS Medicine 1549-1277 1549-1676 2004 20
PLOS Mental Health [none] 2837-8156 2023  
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 1935-2727 1935-2735 2007 17
PLOS ONE [none] 1932-6203 2006 18
PLOS Pathogens 1553-7366 1553-7374 2005 19
PLOS Sustainability and Transformation [none] 2767-3197 2021 2
PLOS Water [none] 2767-3219 2021 2

Publishing Schedule

PLOS strives to keep a continuous publication schedule so that articles are published online as soon as they are ready and as quickly as possible, as often as daily. We make exceptions for articles that need to be scheduled at a specific time, press released content, and other situations. All publications roll up into monthly issues with the exception of PLOS ONE, PLOS Climate, PLOS Global Public Health, PLOS Mental Health and PLOS Water.


To ensure research content is accessible and discoverable as widely as possible, all PLOS journals are widely indexed by major services such as Crossref, Dimensions, DOAJ, Google Scholar, PubMed Central, Scopus, Web of Science, and many more.

We submit all of our titles to major indexing services for evaluation as soon as possible according to the schedule of the specific service.

For a full list of databases where each journal is indexed, click the title below.



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