Free Speech & Social Media

Free Speech & Social Media

Safeguarding the vitality and integrity of public discourse online

Conversations that once took place in parks, sidewalks, and public squares now take place largely online, and often on privately owned social media platforms. As a society, we are just beginning to grapple with the question of how the First Amendment and free speech principles should apply in these digital spaces.

Our work seeks to illuminate the forces that are shaping public discourse online, and to ensure the inclusivity and integrity of digital spaces that are increasingly important to our democracy.



  • Amicus Brief

    TikTok v. Garland

    A petition before the D.C. Circuit challenging the federal TikTok ban

  • Amicus Brief

    Lindke v. Freed

    A Sixth circuit case addressing the application of the First Amendment to government officials’ social media accounts

  • Amicus Brief

    Alario v. Knudsen

    A Ninth Circuit appeal addressing a challenge to Montana’s TikTok ban.



Columbia University

Optimizing for What? Algorithmic Amplification and Society

A two-day symposium exploring algorithmic amplification and distortion as well as potential interventions

Columbia University and online

Lies, Free Speech, and the Law

A symposium exploring how the law regulates or should regulate false and misleading speech

Italian Academy Teatro, Columbia University, and online

Lies and Democracy

Political lies, American democracy, and the “Big Lie”