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      MADIS RSAS Quality Control

    MADIS RSAS Quality Control

    This page provides a detailed description of the quality control (QC) processing and data structures for the RSAS dataset.

    For a general overview of MADIS quality control, click here.

    Automated Quality Control

    RSAS Quality Control Checks

    Table 1 lists the QC checks applied to the various surface observations in AWIPS.
      LDAD Mesonet           Subhourly   Hourly
      Sea-Level Pressure     IC,VC,TC      SC
      Air Temperature        IC,VC,TC      SC
      Dewpoint Temperature   IC,VC,TC      SC 
      Wind Direction         VC            SC
      Wind Speed             VC,TC         SC
      Relative Humidity      VC,TC
      Station Pressure       IC,VC,TC
      Pressure Change        IC,VC
      Altimeter Setting      VC,TC         SC *
      Visibility             VC
      Accumulated Precip     VC
      SBN Surface            Subhourly   Hourly
      Sea-Level Pressure                IC,VC,TC,SC
      Air Temperature                   IC,VC,TC,SC
      Dewpoint Temperature              IC,VC,TC,SC 
      Wind Direction                    VC,SC
      Wind Speed                        VC,TC,SC
      Altimeter Setting                 VC,TC,SC *
    Table 1. Quality control checks implemented in AWIPS 
    for surface observations input through the LDAD and SBN
    communications networks.  The checks consist of internal
    consistency (IC), validity (VC), temporal consistency
    (TC), and spatial consistency (SC).  
    * As of OB4 the hourly QC applied to Altimeter Setting has
      had the SC added to the list of employed checks for LDAD
      mesonet data, and the VC, TC, and SC have been applied
      to the SBN altimeter data as well.

    Last updated 16 March 2017