Scarlet Witch #1 (2023): There is a door that appears only to those who need it most, who have no one else in the world to turn to. On the other side of this door is a mysterious witchcraft shop. Friend or foe, human or otherwise—if your need is great and your hope is gone, there you will meet the SCARLET WITCH. Wanda Maximoff is familiar with hitting rock bottom—and now that she’s finally found peace, she’s pledged all her power to help others who are languishing at their lowest. But when a woman falls through Wanda’s door with a terrifying story of a town gone mad, the Scarlet Witch will have to muster her wits and chaos magic to deal with an insidious threat.


August 11, 1964:  In the letters section of “Fantastic Four” #32, Marvel printed a letter from a young fan named George R. R. Martin of Bayonne, New Jersey. He praised the work by Stan, Jack, and crew in “Fantastic Four” #29, but also pointed out...

August 11, 1964: In the letters section of “Fantastic Four” #32, Marvel printed a letter from a young fan named George R. R. Martin of Bayonne, New Jersey. He praised the work by Stan, Jack, and crew in “Fantastic Four” #29, but also pointed out some something they missed, ending his letter by saying: “I’ll wish you good luck on all forthcoming books, but Stan, don’t pull any more returning villains out of your hat. Next time tell us how they remade the scene—o.k.? o.k.!” (x)