Flex course

Python developer

Build your career in IT from scratch


employed students

Get a refund if you don’t get a job in tech

Wave hand

Become a Python developer

Enter a profession with no limits

Python developers work in virtually any industry: from software development through data science, from robotics and blockchain to artificial intelligence.

Flex course is the best choice if you are...

Unable to study full time

Study with our support, but on your schedule — whenever you find the time.

Beginner, but motivated

Relevant background isn't a prerequisite here. Stay adamant, and you'll break into tech in no time! You don't need a special background. Stay determined, and you'll break into tech!

Beating heart
Smiling face with sunglasses

Course price

save 47%
463 zł /month
248 zł /month
Get a consultation
  • Up to 40 instalments
  • 0% interest
  • A total cost of 9,900 zł

The lowest price during the last 30 days before the discount: 18500 zł

Nerd face

Lots of practice

We have a single goal: to get you employed. That's why 80% of the course is devoted to practice.

Sparkling heart

Mentor support

Mentors support you in learning new topics, review assignments, point out mistakes and suggest ways to correct them.


Student community

Your peers will go on to work for many international companies. They'll be the foundation of your global industry network.

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Buy additionally

English lessons

2-4 lessons per week where you'll practice speaking, acquire tech vocabulary and improve grammar.

Perfect for beginners

Graduation cap
85%of our students have no prior experience in tech




Meet market expectations

Our course program covers everything the employers expect from junior Python developers

While preparing the course, we...

  • Survey the largest IT employers on requirements for junior Python developers
  • Analyze open vacancies, both global and local
  • Gather feedback from market experts

Didn't find a job? Don't pay

If you complete the course, search for a job with us for 16 weeks and receive no offers, you have the right to a full refund!


employed graduates


companies hired Mate graduates

How do we help you get a job?

Brief case

Job tracker

Our platform comes with an up-to-date database of local and global vacancies. You can use it to submit applications and track your progress.


Mock interviews

Practice makes perfect, so we conduct regular mock interviews to prime you for the real deal. You will leave a great impression.

Sparkling heart

Career docs

We help you get your foot in the door: create resumes, cover letters and professional social media profiles that appeal to recruiters.

Star struck

Coordinator support

Mate's coordinators help you evaluate job offers and build salary expectations per current market circumstances.

Star struck

Partner openings

When employers are looking for junior positions, many reach out to us directly – even before their openings hit the market.

Brief case

Money-back guarantee

If you complete the course, search for a job with us for 16 weeks and receive no offers, you have the right to a full refund!

Python developer is a fast-growing career with high income

Your progress will skyrocket with our career support!

How to start?

Choose a course


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Try a free introductory module


Get a free career consultation


Pay in a convenient for you way


Learn at your own pace

Try the first module for free

Contrary to its name, there's nothing to be scared of, so let's approach Python head on. We'll start with strings, booleans, function, conditionals, loops and lists.


Podstawy Pythona

See how you like it!

  • Free course present

    Video lessons and theory

  • Free course present

    Interactive tasks

  • Free course present

    Online student community

Basic course is available for free

Our learning process

Study with ease

Watch lessons, read theory and solve interactive tasks, all on a single platform.

Start learning

Have fun along the way

Studying doesn't need to be boring. Let competition drive you! Discover leaderboards, achievements, streaks and more.

Start learning
Leaderboard and achievements

Get hints from our AI Buddy

Got stuck on a task? Let AI review your code, pin-point all the issues and provide solutions.

Start learning
AI buddy

Find, apply for and track vacancies

Find vacancies from every major job board out there, apply for them and track your progress.

Start learning
Job tracker

Elevate your English

Practice speaking, learn IT-specific vocabulary and improve grammar. Solid English in this industry is a must!

Start learning
Start learning

Python developer flex course program

Same for full-time and flex courses

We believe everyone has the right to a world-class education, so they can develop their talents and get a dream job no matter the odds.

Roman Apostol

Founder of Mate academy, former software developer at Google

14 modules

130 topics

4 months

Podstawy Pythona

Contrary to its name, there's nothing to be scared of, so let's approach Python head on. We'll start with strings, booleans, function, conditionals, loops and lists.

Module topics


Podstawowe pojęcia



Wartości logiczne


Operatory warunkowe




Free after registration

Get a consultation

Wprowadzenie do kursu

To ensure you're well-prepared for the upcoming modules of the course, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the theory and complete the assignments in this module. Doing so will not only boost your productivity during the course but also improve your long-term career prospects — potentially leading to higher salaries and better opportunities.

Module topics

Jak uczyć się skuteczniej

Rozszerzone podstawy Pythona

Now that we know how to write code, it's time to order it up and learn debugging – and deepen our knowledge of the basic concepts while we're at it!

Module topics

Omówienie modułu

Przygotowujemy środowisko pracy

Styl kodu


Praca z liczbami

Praca z ciągami

Listy od podszewki

Typ danych „dict” – wprowadzenie

Konwertowanie typów danych

Pętle od podszewki

Rozwijamy funkcje


Python — moduł zasadniczy

In this module, we'll learn and handle generators, iterators, decorators... We'll also touch on polymorphisms, classes, modules, and a variety of other new, but important concepts.

Module topics

Jak rozwiązywać zadania na GitHubie

Typy danych cz. 1 — typy mutowalne i niemutowalne

Typy danych cz. 2 — list i dict

Funkcje Pythona od podszewki


Klasy — omówienie

Klasy od podszewki

Iteratory i generatory

Moduły i importy

Programowanie obiektowe (OOP) — dziedziczenie jednokrotne

Programowanie obiektowe (OOP) — dziedziczenie wielokrotne

Programowanie obiektowe (OOP) — enkapsulacja, polimorfizm, abstrakcja

Właściwości i deskryptory

Jak obsługiwać wyjątki

Wyjątki od podszewki

Praca z plikami

Zarządzanie pamięcią


Testowanie od podszewki

Moduły podstawowe — omówienie

Dict dla zaawansowanych

Runda bonusowa

Praktyczne ćwiczenia z Pythonem

Git i Terminal

Terminal is one of the main tools of any developer. In this module, you'll explore basic terminal commands, what Git version control is and how to use it.

Module topics

Konfiguracja środowiska

Komendy wiersza poleceń

Podstawy GIT

Praca z gałęziami

Praca z historią edycji

Praca ze zdalnym repozytorium

Podstawy SQL

Semantically speaking, SQL closely resembles English, so you are in for a swift acquisition. We'll learn to use it with databases, to group, filter, sort and source data at wish.

Module topics

Wprowadzenie do SQL

Klauzula SELECT

Klauzula WHERE

Wartość NULL i klauzule: LIKE, BETWEEN oraz IN



Funkcje agregujące

Klauzula GROUP BY

Klauzula JOIN


Klauzula HAVING

Free after registration

Get a consultation

Mapowanie obiektowo-relacyjne (ORM) z Django

Django endures in the popularity contest for *the* ORM intermediating between Python developers and databases. Here, specifically, you'll create your first tables and SQL queries.

Module topics

Baza danych – wprowadzenie

Czym właściwie jest ORM?

Pola i relacje

Relacja wiele-do-wielu


Zapytania od podszewki

ORM dla zaawansowanych

Opcjonalne: poprawianie wydajności i poziomy izolacji

Master key technologies


...and many more currently in demand.

Try the first module for free

Contrary to its name, there's nothing to be scared of, so let's approach Python head on. We'll start with strings, booleans, function, conditionals, loops and lists.


Podstawy Pythona

See how you like it!

  • Free course present

    Video lessons and theory

  • Free course present

    Interactive tasks

  • Free course present

    Online student community

Basic course is available for free

Our grads work at top companies

Svitla Systems
Global Logic
Nix Solutions

...and over 700 more!

Get a consultation on the Python developer flex course

...and get the Podstawy Pythona module for free


By clicking "Get a consultation", you agree to our Terms of Use , Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy .

Got questions?

How long does the course take?

It's up to you: there are no fixed deadlines, nor limits on how many hours a day you can study. See course program for more details.

What's the difference between full-time and flex courses?

Both tracks have identical programs and aim: to get you a job. The only two differences lie in schedule and payment form. Full-time courses are free until you get a job in tech. Henceforth, you pay a percentage of your salary, per agreement. The schedule is from 9 am till 6 pm Monday through Friday. Flex courses, on the other hand, offer a fixed price and an instant access to all resources. You study at your own pace with the support of our experts, under the same employment guarantee.

Will I receive a certificate after completing a course?

By all means! Our 3,000+ graduates use them on LinkedIn and other socials, but... it's just a bonus. We are rather focused on getting you a job in tech.

What's the course schedule?

Flex tracks allow you to study whenever you like to: watch pre-recorded lectures, solve interactive tasks, and submit questions to our mentors. They respond during work hours. The only regular events are group Q&A sessions, taking place 2 to 6 times a week. We hold them in the afternoons or evenings, not to collide with your plans.

Can I apply if I don't have a background in tech?

8/10 Mate students don't have any experience in tech. But if this doesn't reassure you: our courses cover even the most basic topics, and our team is always ready to provide support!

I haven't turned 18 yet. Can I apply?

Yes, you can apply at any age. The employment guarantee works if by the end of the course you are of legal working age in your country.

I'm over 50 years old. Should I apply?

We educate people of all ages, besides: it doesn't matter in tech. And if you worry studying might be too much of a challenge... there's no substance to it! If you stay engaged, you'll graduate the course and find a job in no time :)

What kind of job will I be able to get after graduating from the Web Development course?

Our Web Development graduates usually land their first jobs in the following positions: Frontend Developer, Junior Frontend Developer, React Developer, Vue Developer, React Native Developer, Frontend Developer (Angular), and Frontend Developer (HTML, CSS, JS).

Do you guarantee employment?

Yes! In case you complete all the required learning modules and do not receive a job offer within 16 weeks of active job search (with our assistance and advice), you are eligible for a full refund.

How many graduates get employed?

80% of full-time Mate graduates go on to work in the tech industry. As for flex graduates: everyone who wanted to find a job, succeeded.

Where will I be able to find a job?

We teach and employ worldwide. At the moment we have students, graduates, and colleagues in Europe, Asia, Africa, the USA, Canada, and Australia.

How do you help graduates land a job?

Our HR specialists assist you in the process. They help you prepare CVs, cover letters and profiles on professional social networks, find relevant vacancies and prepare for interviews.


35% discount
