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IRC office hours/Office hours 2012-05-09

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Wednesday 2012-05-09 18:00 UTC until 19:00 UTC #wikimedia-officeconnect Guillaume Paumier, Matthew Roth, Tilman Bayer and others from the WMF blog team. blog.wikimedia.org: Ideas for future posts, as well as questions about the blog and reader feedback

(Timestamps are in UTC+2.)

May 09 20:00:01 * guillom waves.
May 09 20:00:04 * jansonw has quit
May 09 20:00:04 * jansonw_ is now known as jansonw
May 09 20:00:13 * SarahStierch waves at guillom
May 09 20:00:14 * jeremyb waves guillom
May 09 20:00:15 * jvandavier has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:00:26 * guillom is waved and waved at.
May 09 20:00:29 <ToAruShiroiNeko> jeremyb I can find ways to make it relate :p
May 09 20:00:46 <ToAruShiroiNeko> I however would like to talk more about the blog
May 09 20:01:04 * tewwy has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:01:04 * tewwy has quit
May 09 20:01:04 * tewwy has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:01:20 <HaeB> hi all!
May 09 20:01:31 * wing3 has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:01:35 <HaeB> officially welcome to the first ever office hour with the wikimedia blog team
May 09 20:01:46 <guillom> \o/
May 09 20:01:56 <HaeB> (i'm Tilman - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Tbayer_(WMF) )
May 09 20:02:04 * wing3 is now known as wing2
May 09 20:02:10 * wing2 has quit
May 09 20:02:10 * wing2 has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:02:10 <jeremyb> how old is the blog team?
May 09 20:02:23 <HaeB> and this is the blog , in case someon hasn't seen it yet https://blog.wikimedia.org/ :)
May 09 20:02:29 <jansonw> And I'm jay - communications person for wmf since way back
May 09 20:02:56 <guillom> and I'm guillaume; I do tech comms stuffs.
May 09 20:03:22 <MatthewRoth> ToAruShiroiNeko: The POTD posts are something we've recently started. Several Commons contributors have developed a template to note that the picture has been featured on the blog
May 09 20:03:24 <HaeB> (i have been in the wmf comms team since july last year)
May 09 20:03:32 <Jamesofur> <-- James I don't really do blog stuff too much but I sit near them and make merchandise!
May 09 20:03:52 <jansonw> The blog team has been around for probably 2 years, with a variety of different folks - tackling technical, comment moderation, and content organization work.
May 09 20:03:57 <ldavis> and I'm LiAnna, I work on the Wikipedia Education Program communications
May 09 20:04:10 * Excirial has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:04:29 <jansonw> the blog was created in 2008 after realizing we didn't have a blog. So we made one! but there was no team then
May 09 20:04:34 * MatthewRoth has quit
May 09 20:04:42 <jansonw> just WMF staff working on it, writing posts, feeding it and making it happen
May 09 20:04:49 * MatthewRoth has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:05:00 * Logan_ has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:05:05 <tommorris> I have precisely one question, and it is delightfully politically incorrect. A recent blog post was titled: "Nine out of ten Wikipedians continue to be men: Editor Survey". Is this a subtle signal to Wikipedians that we need to get gender reassignment surgery?
May 09 20:05:07 <MatthewRoth> ToAruShiroiNeko: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Village_pump/Archive/2012/04#WMF_blog_profiles
May 09 20:05:19 <HaeB> (we're talking about https://blog.wikimedia.org/c/communications/picture-of-the-day/ )
May 09 20:05:33 * YuviPanda has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:05:52 <SarahStierch> hehe
May 09 20:06:02 <Stevie> Are you volunteering tom?
May 09 20:06:34 <jansonw> Is your question more of a comment about the nature of the headline, tom?
May 09 20:06:43 <tommorris> Stevie: it wasn't on my bucket list, but, you know, if Foundation staff can get barnstar tattoos, I'm sure the community could consider it...
May 09 20:06:51 * wing2 has quit
May 09 20:06:54 <HaeB> tommorris, not go eliza, but why do youthnk it might be a subtle signal to Wikipedians that we need to get gender reassignment surgery?
May 09 20:06:55 <tommorris> jansonw: yes, something like that.
May 09 20:06:58 * wing2 has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:06:59 <SarahStierch> A whole new type of participation grant.
May 09 20:07:09 * LoriLee has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:07:19 <Jamesofur> tommorris: anyone can get barnstar tattoos :P
May 09 20:07:28 <MatthewRoth> tommorris: yes, that headline could have been better
May 09 20:07:34 <SarahStierch> "continue to be men"
May 09 20:08:07 <tommorris> I guess what I'm asking is was it a mistake or a deliberate joke. ;-)
May 09 20:08:22 <MatthewRoth> tommorris: it was not meant as a joke
May 09 20:09:02 <tommorris> okay, resume normal service. ;-)
May 09 20:09:02 <HaeB> well, it might have been more elegant, but it referred to the (non-)change in gender ratio compared to the previous editor survey
May 09 20:09:57 <James_F> HaeB> In that case I'd have used the phrasing "Ninty per cent of the Wikipedia community continues to be male".
May 09 20:10:06 * Odisha1_ is now known as odisha1
May 09 20:10:08 <James_F> For future reference. :-)
May 09 20:10:19 * odisha1 has quit
May 09 20:10:19 * odisha1 has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:10:47 <MatthewRoth> I don't know if there are other questions right now, but I'll toss this out: we've moved the Wikimedia Blog Calendar off of Office Wiki and onto Meta so that our editorial process can be more visible. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Blog/Calendar
May 09 20:10:56 <jansonw> I think 'continues' is the problem in that headline
May 09 20:10:57 <jeremyb> wouldn't this be better: the Wikipedia community continues to be ninety percent male ?
May 09 20:10:59 <Tanvir> Okay, I am pushing a question (maybe specifically to Guillom). Along Wikimedia, many other chapters have their own blogs. If they want to use the same interface, how and where they can get the software? (You can consider that a no0b question.)
May 09 20:11:09 <guillom> QUESTION: Is it the goal of the WMF that every member of the blog team shaves their head?
May 09 20:11:11 <jeremyb> James_F: and ninety* i think
May 09 20:11:22 <James_F> jeremyb> Yeah, sorry, typed in a rush.
May 09 20:11:27 <guillom> Tanvir: yes, let me give you the link
May 09 20:11:29 <SarahStierch> "Yup, it's still a bunch of dudes."
May 09 20:11:35 <jeremyb> SarahStierch++
May 09 20:11:39 <jansonw> THat's what I was thinking, Sarah
May 09 20:11:43 <Tanvir> Guillom, nice, thank you! :-)
May 09 20:11:43 <James_F> "Wikipedia still too much of a sausage fest".
May 09 20:11:44 <Jamesofur> guillom: no, they tried to get me to do it on the pretext that all of comms did it but me but I refused
May 09 20:11:45 <MatthewRoth> SarahStierch: that is a much better title
May 09 20:11:47 <jansonw> except the more globally understood term for 'dudes'
May 09 20:11:56 <SarahStierch> I probably would have submitted that as a blog post if I wrote it.
May 09 20:12:15 <SarahStierch> But that blog is in the past
May 09 20:12:19 <Stevie> I have a question about signoff if that's OK
May 09 20:12:27 <SarahStierch> "Penis party still prevails on wikipedia"
May 09 20:12:31 <MatthewRoth> "signoff"?
May 09 20:12:35 <SarahStierch> blahblahblah
May 09 20:12:39 <guillom> Tanvir: the skin was previously hosted on github and is now in the Wikimedia git repository, where you can download it: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=wikimedia/communications/WP-Victor.git
May 09 20:12:44 <Stevie> In the UK someone drafts a blog and it's circulated for approval to trustees
May 09 20:12:56 <James_F> Stevie> All of them? Eesh.
May 09 20:13:00 <Stevie> with a target of 24 hours to respond before publication
May 09 20:13:09 <James_F> Stevie> What happened to delegation? :-)
May 09 20:13:10 <guillom> Tanvir: There is some WMF-specific stuff in it, and One Day (TM) I'll clean it up real good so that it's separate
May 09 20:13:18 <Stevie> how does it work at the WMF?
May 09 20:13:32 * wing2 has quit
May 09 20:13:34 <jeremyb> James_F: that's just for comments/proofreading i think...
May 09 20:13:35 <Stevie> James_F - staff are there to bring the vision of the community to life :)
May 09 20:13:54 <Tanvir> Guillom, is there any manual on how to set it up (like MediaWiki installation guide)?
May 09 20:14:12 <MatthewRoth> Stevie: we use the Comms Calendar as the starting point among the Communications team to share expected posts for publishing
May 09 20:14:15 <guillom> Tanvir: "git clone" in your wp-content/themes directory :)
May 09 20:14:22 <HaeB> Stevie, we also have an internal review process: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Blog/Guidelines#Get_your_post_reviewed
May 09 20:14:32 <MatthewRoth> We then have editors within the Comms team who handle different departments for editing
May 09 20:14:36 <MatthewRoth> Matthew Roth (Global Communications Manager) -- monitors all posts in general, assisting other Comms team members where needed with editing. He is the primary editor/reviewer of posts from these departments: Communications, Legal and Community Advocacy, Fundraising, HR, Finance. He also focuses on posts from GLAM and other initiatives, guest writers, and assorted others posts as needed, etc.
May 09 20:14:37 <MatthewRoth> Tilman Bayer (Movement Communications) -- monitors all posts in general, assisting other Comms team members where needed with editing. He is the primary editor/reviewer of posts from the Global Development Department (not including Global Education Program), as well as the new Editor Engagement Experiments (E3) department and research-themed posts in general.
May 09 20:14:37 <MatthewRoth> Guillaume Paumier (Technical Communications Manager) -- is the primary editor/reviewer of posts from the Tech/Engineering team (not including E3).
May 09 20:14:37 <MatthewRoth> LiAnna Davis (Global Education Program Communications Manager) -- is the primary editor/reviewer of posts from the Global Education Program.
May 09 20:14:39 * srikanthlogic has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:14:57 * Bence has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:15:03 <Tanvir> Guillom, okay. Thanks! I will try to figure that out based on what you said (with the help of Google too of course). ;-)
May 09 20:15:03 <tommorris> Oh yeah, one other thing: when there are blog posts about community initiatives, how exactly are representatives of the community selected? For instance, I was told on my user talk that I"d be mentioned in the HighBeam post, but then eventaully wasn't. What's the reasoning that goes into selecting community representatives?
May 09 20:15:15 <MatthewRoth> In general, we try to have at least two days notice from the post author so that the editor can review it and help schedule it
May 09 20:15:34 <guillom> Tanvir: if you want to document your efforts (or issues) somewhere, it may help other people too; and I can help if you're stuck
May 09 20:15:41 <MatthewRoth> That doesn't always happen, but that's the target
May 09 20:15:56 <Stevie> That's really helpful Matthew, thank you.
May 09 20:15:57 <tommorris> (And, no, I don't actually care that I wasn't mentioned. It'd just be nice to know how and why editors are selected for mention on the blog.)
May 09 20:16:12 * wing2 has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:16:14 <HaeB> tom is talking about https://blog.wikimedia.org/2012/04/11/highbeam-donates-research-accounts-to-active-wikipedia-editors/
May 09 20:16:31 * FooBarMartijn has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:16:48 <MatthewRoth> tommorris: I edited that post and I made some editorial decisions based on length and only included three of the posts. There were initially about 7-8 quotes.
May 09 20:17:02 <MatthewRoth> "three of the quotes"
May 09 20:17:23 <tommorris> ah, okay, I'm on the cutting room floor, so to speak. ;-)
May 09 20:18:10 <HaeB> so does anyone have suggestion for topics or areas that they would like to see covered more often on the blog?
May 09 20:18:31 <ldavis> from my experience on this, i ask a lot of people for quotes assuming that only a certain percentage of people can get back to me in the timeline i need, so if more people respond than i had anticipated, i choose the best quotes for the story i'm trying to tell
May 09 20:18:33 <HaeB> or knows of something that has been left out completely so far?
May 09 20:18:48 <MatthewRoth> tommorris: that post was also different because it was most.y written by Ocassi, but we both felt it would sound odd if he was quoted in the story and it was under his byline.
May 09 20:18:52 <bodnotbod> QUESTION: Does the blog team interact with the Signpost team much? Or do you each tend to your own, er, garden?
May 09 20:18:52 <Tanvir> Guillom, totally. I will keep that in mind.
May 09 20:18:59 <tommorris> HaeB: I'd certainly like to see the blog cover developments on wikis other than enwiki and commons
May 09 20:19:04 <MatthewRoth> so he gave me the byline
May 09 20:19:06 <MatthewRoth> :)
May 09 20:19:37 <HaeB> tommorris, like https://blog.wikimedia.org/2012/04/20/postcard-from-the-tamil-community/ ?
May 09 20:19:40 <Tanvir> HaeB, blogs on small projects. ;-)
May 09 20:19:47 <Tanvir> (I would like to see.)
May 09 20:19:56 <tommorris> HaeB: well, I was thinking projects like Wiktionary and Wikinews.
May 09 20:19:57 <HaeB> i agree
May 09 20:20:09 <HaeB> we really can use suggestion for good topics from these
May 09 20:20:18 <SarahStierch> i think it'd be nice to see more content about Wikimedians in general - why do you contribute, why are you passionate? Sort of like the Ryan Lane interview.
May 09 20:20:33 <SarahStierch> I hope to do some regarding women's participation in the next few months.
May 09 20:20:38 <jansonw> I think more project visibility would be great for sure. We do know of key folks in a number of the projects, and there is some really incredible stuff taking place
May 09 20:20:44 <MatthewRoth> We have reached out with the Signpost team to talk about coordination of posts where that makes sense (some discussions between Mabeenot, Tilman and me). We haven't done much of that yet, though. We also greatly value the editorial independence of the Singpost. While we want to collaborate more, we don't want to impact their editorial voice.
May 09 20:20:59 <tommorris> on Wikinews, we have some regular passionate contributors who work really hard: interviewing them would be really interesting
May 09 20:21:06 <SarahStierch> And yes +1 to more coverage about other sister projects. I also think it'd be cool to see blogs about how non-Wikipedians are using Wikipedia.
May 09 20:21:08 <tommorris> and same on Wikiquote
May 09 20:21:17 * maplebed has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:21:27 <HaeB> (sarah is talking about hhttps://blog.wikimedia.org/2012/03/20/a-profile-in-free-collaboration/ )
May 09 20:21:27 <MatthewRoth> We also feel that the WMF blog audience is often more general interest than Signpost.
May 09 20:21:39 <MatthewRoth> Signpost is very focused on editors
May 09 20:21:40 <SarahStierch> ty HaeB
May 09 20:21:50 <tommorris> yes, examples of creative reuse would be interesting too
May 09 20:21:53 <bodnotbod> I agree with SarahStierch , I think a regular (weekly?) post about a Wikimedian would be great.
May 09 20:21:58 <tommorris> like how the BBC reuse Wikipedia on their music site
May 09 20:22:08 <tommorris> esp. now with GLAM
May 09 20:22:28 <MatthewRoth> tommorris: I would love to do profiles on the people who make Wiktionary and Wikinews and others so good!!
May 09 20:22:33 <Stevie> To pick up on Sarah's comment about women's participation, I'd like to see more examples of successful outreach projects that bring new participants from under-represented groups into the fold
May 09 20:22:41 <jansonw> Open question: how does everyone find out about posts? RSS? dents/tweets?
May 09 20:22:46 <bodnotbod> Thanks for reply re: Signpost MatthewRoth :)
May 09 20:22:49 * SarahStierch nods at Stevie
May 09 20:22:58 <tommorris> jansonw: I subscribe to Planet Wikimedia on Google Reader
May 09 20:23:07 <MatthewRoth> We've just started the profile process in April or so, and want to expand that out beyond what we've currently done
May 09 20:23:07 <HaeB> to expand a bit on what matthew said regarding the signpost, we had this idea of repurposing the wikiproject reports for a more general audience...
May 09 20:23:12 <Bence> jasonw: chaptersplanet.org daily e-mail
May 09 20:23:15 <jansonw> I figure the Planet is the main way people find out
May 09 20:23:32 * wing2 has quit
May 09 20:23:34 <HaeB> ...or more specifically, a specialist audience which is interested in that wikiproject's area
May 09 20:23:48 <MatthewRoth> Stevie: me too. I would be thrilled if people would point us to more successful outreach projects
May 09 20:24:10 <tommorris> also, I have a Google Alerts notification for "wikimedia foundation" which often reminds me of blog posts
May 09 20:24:17 <MatthewRoth> bodnotbod: sure!
May 09 20:24:24 <bodnotbod> jansonw - I subscribe to the blog using Google Reader but I'm afraid I haven't looked at my Reader for months now. I kind of overloaded it with subscriptions.
May 09 20:24:48 <HaeB> (so to make up an example, an angler's magazine/blog might be interested in featuring a report about wikiproject angling, based on a wikimedia blog post, and we this way we might get some anglers interested in contributing to wikipedia)
May 09 20:25:10 <MatthewRoth> bodnotbod: I've been trying to get us up to speed to do a profile per week. We're probably doing one every other week right now
May 09 20:25:13 <jeremyb> mostly from dents/tweets/IRC
May 09 20:25:17 <Nemo_bis> don't we have any stats for sources?
May 09 20:26:03 * wing2 has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:27:00 <guillom> Nemo_bis: [writing an answer]
May 09 20:27:05 <MatthewRoth> Nemo_bis: answer to your question coming
May 09 20:27:07 <Nemo_bis> :)
May 09 20:27:14 <Nemo_bis> hello wing2
May 09 20:28:04 <guillom> Nemo_bis: Stats & analytics are something we REALLY REALLY want too; unfortunately, it's not trivial. We're working on it and our goal is to have something up and running within a few months.
May 09 20:28:35 <jeremyb> what kind of stats do you mean?
May 09 20:29:05 <guillom> Nemo_bis: of course, we could just plug in Google analytics and it would be so much easier, but for privacy reasons we need to have an in-house solution
May 09 20:29:13 <Nemo_bis> yeah
May 09 20:29:14 <guillom> jeremyb: I have a list somewhere, lemme pull it up
May 09 20:29:48 <guillom> jeremyb:
May 09 20:29:50 <guillom> Main questions we want to answer:
May 09 20:29:50 <guillom> What are our readers interested in most? What's working, what isn't?
May 09 20:29:50 <guillom> Where are our readers coming from? What does that tell us about them, and their expectations?
May 09 20:29:50 <guillom> Metrics to answer these questions:
May 09 20:29:51 <Nemo_bis> for me just knowing the aggregate number of people coming from RSS feeds, Twitter or whatever would be very interesting
May 09 20:29:52 <guillom> pageviews
May 09 20:29:54 <guillom> referrers
May 09 20:29:56 <guillom> rough location
May 09 20:29:58 <guillom> language?
May 09 20:30:06 <Nemo_bis> well yes and pagevies
May 09 20:30:14 <Nemo_bis> the rest can be "too tracking"
May 09 20:30:19 <MatthewRoth> Nemo_bis: we do know some analytics from our social media feeds. For instance, we regularly get 300-500 people from Twitter and Facebook.
May 09 20:30:33 <Nemo_bis> hm so few
May 09 20:30:35 <jansonw> It would be amazing to see what kinds of posts get certain kinds of traffic, agreed. I know that the 'outside world' is very interested in our tech situations - when the site goes down.
May 09 20:30:38 <MatthewRoth> When a post gets bigger, it will be 1000-1500 per feed
May 09 20:30:58 <MatthewRoth> Nemo_bis: that's just off our feeds
May 09 20:31:03 <jeremyb> ummm, blackout? ;)
May 09 20:31:06 <MatthewRoth> that's not Twitter and Fbook in total
May 09 20:31:07 * Eloquence has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:31:22 <blackman> /\_/\
May 09 20:31:22 <blackman> _\/ o o \/_______
May 09 20:31:22 <blackman> /\__^__/\ _ \
May 09 20:31:22 <blackman> \ _/ ___ ( \ \
May 09 20:31:22 <blackman> (__/ (__ / \|
May 09 20:31:29 <jansonw> When Michael Jackson died and we had site downtime we saw over 1million hits to the blog (and then it went down!) and during the WP blackout I presume we hit those levesl again (and tens of thousands of comments)
May 09 20:31:57 <Nemo_bis> MatthewRoth, right
May 09 20:32:20 <guillom> Some basic social media stats: http://playground.gpaumier.org/thinkup/
May 09 20:32:29 <guillom> (Caution: experimental tool)
May 09 20:33:06 <bodnotbod> I didn't know the blog had its own Twitter account. I have just followed, so will visit more often now. :O)
May 09 20:33:19 <Eloquence> nice
May 09 20:34:24 <guillom> bodnotbod: what account are you talking about?
May 09 20:34:54 * wing2 has quit
May 09 20:35:55 <HaeB> by the way, we recently started experimenting with translated posts https://blog.wikimedia.org/tag/multilingual-post/
May 09 20:36:24 <HaeB> would be interesting to hear people's thoughts about that
May 09 20:37:08 <HaeB> there seems to be demand, we saw it shared a lot among our spanish-speaking facebook audience
May 09 20:37:48 <guillom> Yeah, I'd love to hear what people think of those; I'm playing with a WordPress plugin to handle multilingual/translated posts more easily, so if there's a lot of demand it makes a strong argument for moving forward
May 09 20:38:08 * Pmlineditor has quit
May 09 20:38:39 <jansonw> *sneezes*
May 09 20:38:45 * wing2 has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:39:00 <SarahStierch> Sorry to leave early…time to bring the cat to the vet! Tata!
May 09 20:39:00 * SarahStierch has quit
May 09 20:39:12 <Lydia_WMDE> guillom: if you do please let me know because i have the same problem in the blog of wikimedia deutschland (publishing english translations as regular posts atm)
May 09 20:39:42 <Tanvir> HaeB, about navigation of those multilingual posts.. can't we use tabs?
May 09 20:39:48 * abartov_ has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 20:40:19 <HaeB> Tanvir, for that header just quickly copied the look and feel of the mediawiki translate extension (on meta)...
May 09 20:40:22 <guillom> Lydia_WMDE: the solution we're exploring right now is the WPML plugin: http://wpml.org ; they have a program for nonprofits where they give you a complimentary subscription. They've granted us one, I just haven't tested it yet. But it looks promising.
May 09 20:40:38 * abartov has quit
May 09 20:40:41 <Lydia_WMDE> guillom: cool - thx
May 09 20:40:57 <Tanvir> HaeB, I understand, but it would be nice to use tabs you know. Better navigation. I hope you people will think about it.
May 09 20:40:59 <HaeB> Tanvir, ...the multilingual wordpress plugin that guillom mentioned should give a more elegant sooution
May 09 20:41:05 <bodnotbod> guillom , the @WikimediaBlog Twitter account.
May 09 20:41:06 <jeremyb> so, there was some talk on the list about circulating posts before publishing. i think the ideal scenario would be the canonical home for posts would be onwiki (private wikis if necessary and the transwiki later).
May 09 20:41:12 <Tanvir> Nice to know HaeB.
May 09 20:41:12 <jeremyb> the problem is that wordpress's syntax isn't the same as mediawiki's (but maybe there's a plugin for mediawiki?). anyway, i think it would be great if we had the canonical homes on wiki somewhere (maybe new wikis, maybe not even mediawiki at all) in a syntax that was shared with the blog.
May 09 20:41:23 <jeremyb> maybe with wikidata we could even have an alternate syntax in an existing mediawiki wiki on the WMF cluster. (by marking specific pages as e.g. text/markdown)
May 09 20:41:29 <HaeB> (still, if you click on the language name, it takes you to that section via an anchor link)
May 09 20:42:00 <guillom> bodnotbod: oh, well, to be honest, I don't think this is an official account
May 09 20:42:04 <guillom> At least not managed by us
May 09 20:42:17 <bodnotbod> oh. :o(
May 09 20:42:21 <HaeB> jeremyb, at the moment we are using this conversion script https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Blog/Converting_wiki_pages_to_blog_posts
May 09 20:42:23 <jansonw> Hey Jeremy - that's a solid idea, but it's a lot more work to consider right now
May 09 20:42:31 <HaeB> ..bit kludgy, but it works
May 09 20:42:31 <jansonw> And there's the conversion script :)
May 09 20:42:56 <HaeB> (i might also put that on the toolserver some day, so that anyone can use it without installing python)
May 09 20:42:56 <jansonw> the challenge is that the posts can go through significant changes right up to the posting (in the interest of getting them up fast and effectively)
May 09 20:43:25 <jansonw> It would be interesting if someone a draft from WP could be exported to a wiki page to show what posts are in draft state
May 09 20:44:26 <jeremyb> wouldn't a bigger hurdle just be not knowing how to use python? i assume most people are not on windows (so mac or linux) so they have python already
May 09 20:45:25 <Bence> HaeB: re: mulitilingual posts: the title of the posts seems not to be translated at all... (I think in this regard the WMDE solution with separate posts and titles in the post language works better)
May 09 20:45:31 <jeremyb> jansonw: that last minute editing is why it should be an automated process or at the very least really fast
May 09 20:45:45 <HaeB> jeremyb, and that too (although of course in that cases one just needs to know how to run a python script, not how to program in python)
May 09 20:46:01 <jeremyb> HaeB: sure.
May 09 20:46:09 <guillom> Bence: yeah, this would be handled in a prettier way with the plugin
May 09 20:46:29 <jansonw> yeah, I like what you're suggesting jeremyb - we have some ambitious ideas for a more open 'newsroom' team, which would include volunteers and staff and others. In that space we could more openly share posts and show overall story arcs for posts, research, raw interview data etc
May 09 20:47:24 <jeremyb> jansonw: doesn't even have to be open. embargoed Zero stuff can just be on a different wiki. and then when it's public it can be transwiki'd
May 09 20:47:39 <jansonw> right, i get your point
May 09 20:48:00 <guillom> BTW I'm currently drafting a post on meta, as an experiment: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Blog/Drafts/AOSA_book_vol_2
May 09 20:48:29 * varnent casually sneaks in..
May 09 20:48:32 <guillom> But I'm not sure it's very useful to people, since they're not in my head, so they don't know what I want to write from the initial dump of links :)
May 09 20:48:39 <Eloquence> heh
May 09 20:48:44 <HaeB> see also https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Blog#Drafting_a_post
May 09 20:48:45 <Eloquence> it would enable us to use the translate extension on meta
May 09 20:48:48 <jeremyb> basically this is an alternative to just giving everyone access to the blog directly. because i'm assuming that the tools in wordpress for RC feeds and diffs, etc. aren't up to our standards
May 09 20:49:02 <Eloquence> with the new translation notifications tool it should be possible to do translations in a timely fashion
May 09 20:49:28 <jeremyb> i was also thinking about using the translate extension
May 09 20:49:35 <HaeB> jeremyb, wordpress actually has revision history and diffs, althoug they are quite crappy ;)
May 09 20:49:50 <jeremyb> HaeB: yeah, i was just guessing
May 09 20:50:01 <guillom> HaeB: btw, perhaps instead of moving the python script to the toolserver, we could make a gadget of it? So that people can enable it on meta?
May 09 20:50:36 <jeremyb> guillom: you mean a rewrite?
May 09 20:50:59 <guillom> Maybe, if that's what it takes
May 09 20:51:05 <guillom> It's just a bunch of regexes.
May 09 20:51:18 <HaeB> possible, although it would be nice to have a universal tool that works for multiple wikis
May 09 20:51:26 <guillom> right
May 09 20:51:36 <jansonw> I'd like to float some of our thinking about this idea of a bigger, open Wikimedia blog 'newsroom' too
May 09 20:51:54 <varnent> guillom: sorry if this was already asked - has it been an advantage or disadvantage having the blog running on non-MW software in a separate database?
May 09 20:52:01 <Eloquence> is there a permanent blog irc channel right now?
May 09 20:52:02 <Thehelpfulone> has that been mentioned before jansonw?
May 09 20:52:24 <HaeB> Eloquence, no
May 09 20:52:40 <jansonw> Basically we know we're only ever going to cover a small part of our movement, but we're interested in bringing in more help - some interns in the form of journalism students, more volunteers, more people who would like to write. And to facilitate that we're going to need to rethink the structure of how we schedule and post and solicit posts.
May 09 20:53:09 <Eloquence> if we're calendaring and drafting on meta, having a permanent irc presence would be the next logical step ;-)
May 09 20:53:14 <Thehelpfulone> #wikimedia-blog was registered [19:52:09] *ChanServ* Registered : Mar 26 20:27:42 2008 (4 years, 6 weeks, 2 days, 22:24:25 ago)
May 09 20:53:17 <jansonw> This is something of a new development, thehelpfulone - but it would, I think, but a nice way to expand the content and include more stories from around the world. More multilingual for example
May 09 20:53:23 <guillom> varnent: it has its set of drawbacks, like no SUL integration, for example; But WordPress is a blogging platform, and MediaWiki isn't, and it makes a real difference.
May 09 20:53:58 <guillom> IIRC there are some blog extensions for MW, but I don't think they are as powerful as WordPress
May 09 20:54:21 <HaeB> i'm all for a blog irc channel (i started #wikisignpost for the signpost and found it very useful at times)
May 09 20:54:32 <Thehelpfulone> agreed jansonw - would this be separate from the official blog then?
May 09 20:54:37 <HaeB> (...although it won't be very busy most of the time)
May 09 20:54:53 <jansonw> Also, with more folks contributing we want to rethink the 'front page' of the site - something that includes more links and more variety of content - avoids the problem where new posts get 'pushed down'
May 09 20:55:17 <jansonw> basically to avoid the classic verticality issue we have now. More information on one page, but it would still function like a blog
May 09 20:55:20 <jeremyb> guillom: so... then OpenID?
May 09 20:55:55 <jansonw> And it would eventually replace the current and classic blog appearance - lots of work, but it won't happen overnight. It would still be wordpress powered fyi
May 09 20:56:11 * wing2 has quit
May 09 20:56:22 <guillom> jeremyb: the day MediaWiki provides OpenID, maybe? :)
May 09 20:56:38 <jeremyb> guillom: that's what i was thinking...
May 09 20:56:48 <jansonw> The neat thing is that we could also create emergent news verticals - so for stuff like SOPA or new tech features we could create a 'team' of writers to focus on that section
May 09 20:57:41 <blackman> .'\ /`.
May 09 20:57:41 <blackman> .'.-.`-'.-.`.
May 09 20:57:41 <blackman> ..._: .-. .-. :_...
May 09 20:57:41 <blackman> .' '-.(o ) (o ).-' `.
May 09 20:57:41 <blackman>  : _ _ _`~(_)~`_ _ _  :
May 09 20:57:43 <blackman>  : /: ' .-=_ _=-. `  ;\  :
May 09 20:57:46 <blackman>  :  :|-.._ ' ` _..-|:  :
May 09 20:57:48 <blackman>  : `:| |`:-:-.-:-:'| |:'  :
May 09 20:57:51 <blackman> `. `.| | | | | | |.' .'
May 09 20:57:53 <blackman> `. `-:_| | |_:-' .'
May 09 20:57:56 <blackman> `-._ ```` _.-'
May 09 20:57:58 <blackman> ``-------
May 09 20:58:41 <MatthewRoth> What we've heard from some here in this IRC is that we'd like more profiles of people on smaller projects. Are there other areas we should focus on? Are there things we should focus on less?
May 09 20:58:55 * RD has quit
May 09 20:59:01 <bodnotbod> Sorry, what does "emergent news verticals" mean?
May 09 20:59:14 * Jyothis has quit
May 09 20:59:18 <James_F> MatthewRoth> Generally I think the blog's great, so no specific requests from me. :-)
May 09 20:59:26 <Stevie> Love the idea of replacing one vertical column with a diversified look and feel. With busy blogs it's sometimes easy to miss the content you're really interested in
May 09 20:59:43 * jeremyb waves StevenW
May 09 21:00:15 <MatthewRoth> bodnotbod: I think that means when a particular topic is salient, we can have a section on the "front page" that focuses on that topic, collates posts related to it, etc.
May 09 21:00:27 <blackman> (\__/) .~ ~. ))
May 09 21:00:27 <blackman> /O O ./ .'
May 09 21:00:27 <blackman> {O__, \ {
May 09 21:00:27 <blackman> / . . ) \
May 09 21:00:29 <bodnotbod> OK, thanks.
May 09 21:00:29 <blackman> |-| '-' \ } ))
May 09 21:00:32 <blackman> .( _( )_.'
May 09 21:00:34 <blackman> '---.~_ _ _&
May 09 21:00:54 <MatthewRoth> So when SOPA was the most visible topic, we could have a section "SOPA and the Open Internet" or something similar
May 09 21:01:00 * bodnotbod is proud of spoiling the aquirrel
May 09 21:01:15 <tommorris> !ops
May 09 21:01:17 <MatthewRoth> :)
May 09 21:01:19 <jansonw> Nice squirrel busting
May 09 21:01:25 <guillom> :D
May 09 21:01:28 <jansonw> can you come and help me with my backyard garden problem now?
May 09 21:01:29 * Philippe has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 21:01:34 * Philippe has quit
May 09 21:01:35 * Philippe has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 21:01:37 <HaeB> ok, thanks everyone!
May 09 21:01:38 <Thehelpfulone> seriously that summoned Philippe?
May 09 21:01:43 <Thehelpfulone> that's magical tommorris ;)
May 09 21:01:44 <Eloquence> lol
May 09 21:01:46 <jeremyb> Thehelpfulone: doubtful
May 09 21:01:47 <James_F> Hey Philippe. :-)
May 09 21:01:52 <HaeB> always feel free to contact us at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Blog/Guidelines#Blog_team
May 09 21:01:54 * StevenW sets ban on *!*[email protected].*
May 09 21:01:55 <Thehelpfulone> jeremyb: </joke> :P
May 09 21:01:56 * StevenW has kicked blackman from #wikimedia-office (blackman)
May 09 21:01:59 <jansonw> Thanks for taking the time to meet with us all
May 09 21:02:00 * tommorris can click his fingers and make Philippe appear anywhere.
May 09 21:02:06 <HaeB> all hail StevenW
May 09 21:02:07 <Eloquence> better late than never ;-)
May 09 21:02:07 <guillom> Philippe is the Wikimedia Foundation's Director of Squirrel Busting.
May 09 21:02:08 <Philippe> tommorris: you called? :)
May 09 21:02:12 <StevenW> Sorry about that, I was AFK
May 09 21:02:18 <Philippe> i heard fingers….
May 09 21:02:37 <jansonw> We'll come together again soon and hopefully we can show you some neat stuff!
May 09 21:02:37 <bodnotbod> Thanks for hosting an office hours blog team. Was interesting.
May 09 21:02:42 <Stevie> Thanks everyone, I found that really useful and interesting. Bye!
May 09 21:02:50 <guillom> bye Stevie
May 09 21:02:51 <Thehelpfulone> bye all :)
May 09 21:02:52 <MatthewRoth> Thank you to all
May 09 21:02:56 <HaeB> will post the log soon
May 09 21:03:01 <Jamesofur> Thanks for coming everyone!
May 09 21:03:02 * Stevie has left #wikimedia-office
May 09 21:03:10 <ldavis> thanks all!
May 09 21:04:00 * TB|EurLeague has joined #wikimedia-office
May 09 21:04:09 <Philippe> OK, so clearly, my work here is done :)
May 09 21:04:12 * Philippe has left #wikimedia-office
May 09 21:04:16 <MatthewRoth> thanks, Philippe!
May 09 21:04:40 <Tanvir> You're late. Better shout MatthewRoth. :-P
May 09 21:04:46 <Tanvir> (If you guys are in the office.)
May 09 21:04:57 * srikanthlogic has left #wikimedia-office
May 09 21:05:53 <jansonw> ciao!
May 09 21:05:54 * jansonw has quit
May 09 21:06:15 * StevenW has changed the topic to: IRC office hours -- https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC_office_hours