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Template:Int string/be

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Template:Int string and the translation is 50% complete.
Template documentation


For displaying commonly translated strings for use in headers, bullet lists, navigation, etc. - but not for use within sentences as translations may require additional sentence context for that level of usage.

{{Int string|1=}}

For displaying commonly translated strings for use in headers, bullet lists, navigation, etc. - but not for use within sentences as translations may require additional sentence context for that level of usage.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

String1 string

Translated string to display



{{Int string|Wikimedia}}


tab1={{Int string|Home}}


Available strings

This section utilizes {{Int string/docstring}} for table, text, and link formatting.

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Adding strings

Please use the template's talk page to request additional content be added by a Meta-Wiki administrator.

Notes for administrators

  1. Before adding any additional content, please verify that it cannot be solved using one of these existing methods (please note that some content from these methods have already been added, but not able to be translated via this template, for convenience of page editors):
    1. For exact language edition project names ("English Wikipedia", "Arabic Wiktionary", etc.):
      1. Use {{int|project-localized-name-metawiki}} and others, per wikimediaprojectnames and wikimedia lists from WikimediaMessages extension code on Gerrit.
    2. For generic intro/outro ("Hello", "Please help translate to your language", "Thank you."):
      1. Use the {{int|…}} strings listed in WikimediaMessages on Gerrit
    3. For common strings already used in the MediaWiki platform ("Edit", "View history"):
      1. Use the {{int|…}} strings searchable on translatewiki.net
  2. Please add content in alphabetical order.
  3. Please only add string like content used generally in tables, headers, navigation, etc. and not content used in sentences.
  4. Please be considerate of adding more content to avoid this list from becoming too long.

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