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Fil Marsyal (United Kingdom)

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Fil Marsyal
Field Marshal

Insignia mahkota St. Edward

Insignia Fil Marsyal dipakai pada epaulet
United Kingdom
Cabang perkhidmatan Tentera Darat British
Singkatan FM
Kumpulan pangkat Pegawai Jeneral
Pangkat Lima bintang
Diperkenalkan 1736
Pangkat rendah seterusnya Jeneral
Persamaan pangkat tentera udara Marsyal Tentera Udara Diraja (RAF)
Persamaan pangkat tentera laut Laksamana Armada (RN)

Fil Marsyal telah menjadi pangkat tertinggi dalam Tentera Darat British semenjak tahun 1736. Sejenis pangkat lima bintang dengan kod OF-10 NATO, ia setaraf dengan Laksamana Armada dalam Royal Navy atau Marsyal Tentera Udara Diraja dalam Tentera Udara Diraja (RAF). Insignia Fil Marsyal mengandungi dua baton bersilang di dalam kalungan bunga berserta Mahkota St Edward diatasnya. Seperti Marsyal RAF dan Laksamana Armada, Fil Marsyal secara tradisinya kekal sebagai pegawai seumur hidup, walaupun di bayar separuh gaji apabila tiada lantikan.[1][2] Pangkat ini telah digunakan sekali sekala disepanjang sejarahnya dan kosong semasa abad ke-18 dan ke-19 (apabila semua mantan fil marsyal meninggal dunia). Selepas Perang Dunia II, ia menjadi amalan standard untuk melantik Ketua Turus Am Imperial (kemudian dinamakan semula Ketua Turus Am) ke pangkat Fil Marsyal pada hari terakhir memegang jawatan itu. Para pegawai tentera yang menyandang jawatan Ketua Turus Pertahanan, iaitu ketua profesional seluruh Angkatan Tentera British, biasanya akan dinaikkan pangkat Fil Marsyal di atas pelantikan mereka.[3]

Secara keseluruhan, 141 orang telah memegang pangkat field marshal. Majoriti darinya membawa kerjaya dalam Tentera Darat British atau Tentera Darat India British, naik melalui susur galur pangkat hingga akhirnya menjadi seorang field marshal. Beberapa orang ahli kerabat diraja British—yang terbaru Putera Edward, Duke Kent, dan Charles, Putera Wales—telah dinaikkan ke pangkat itu selepas tempoh singkat perkhidmatan tentera. Tiga raja British—George V, Edward VIII, dan George VI— memegang pangkat itu selepas menaiki takhta, manakala Edward VII sudah menjadi field marshal, dan dua suami ratu British—Albert, Putera Suami dan Putera Philip, Duke Edinburgh—dilantik oleh ratu masing-masing. Pelantikan istiadat lain telah dibuat sebagai langkah diplomatik. Dua belas raja-raja asing menjawat pangkat kehormat itu, namun tiga raja (Wilhelm II, Maharaja Jerman; Franz Joseph I, Maharaja Austria; dan Hirohito, Maharaja Jepun) telah dilucutkan pangkatnya apabila negara mereka menjadi musuh Britain dan sekutunya di dalam dua perang dunia. Juga dikurniakan pangkat itu ialah seorang bangsa Perancis (Ferdinand Foch) dan seorang bangsa Australia (Sir Thomas Blamey), bagi menghormati sumbangan mereka dalam Perang Dunia I dan Perang Dunia II, dan seorang negarawan asing (Jan Smuts).[3]

Satu laporan yang ditugaskan oleh Kementerian Pertahanan pada tahun 1995 membuat beberapa cadangan untuk penjimatan kewangan dalam belanjawan angkatan tentera, salah satu darinya ialah pemansuhan pangkat lima bintang. Sebahagian rasionalnya ialah pangkat ini tidak seimbang dengan saiz angkatan tentera yang diperintah oleh pegawai ini dan tidak ada sekutu rapat United Kingdom, seperti Amerika Syarikat (yang menyimpan pangkat Jeneral Angkatan Darat untuk pegawai yang memerintah angkatan tentera yang besar dalam perang utama), menggunakan pangkat tersebut. Cadangan ini tidak diambil sepenuhnya, tetapi amalan menaikkan pangkat panglima-panglima perkhidmatan ke pangkat lima bintang telah dihentikan dan pangkat ini sekarang dikhaskan untuk keadaan istimewa. Sir Peter Inge merupakan, pada tahun 1994, pegawai aktif terakhir dinaikkan ke pangkat itu (Fil Marsyal Kehormat). Inge melepaskan jawatan Ketua Turus Pertahanan (CDS) pada 1997 dan penggantinya, Sir Charles Guthrie, merupakan pegawai pertama yang tidak dinaikkan pangkat itu selepas dilantik sebagai CDS.[3]

Kenaikkan pangkat terbaru ke field marshal muncul pada tahun 2012, 18 tahun selepas penangguhan sementara kenaikkan rutin pangkat itu, apabila Ratu Elizabeth II melantik Putera Charles, anak dan pewaris takhtanya, ke pangkat lima bintang di ketiga-tiga perkhidmatan, sebagai mengiktiraf sokongan yang diberikan padanya dalam kapasiti baginda selaku Pemerintah Tertinggi Angkatan Tentera British.[4] Pada masa yang sama, Guthrie, yang melepaskan jawatan CDS dan bersara dari tugas aktif pada tahun 2001, telah dinaikkan pangkat ke field marshal kehormat.[5] Pada Jun 2014 mantan CDS Lord Walker dari Aldringham juga telah dilantik ke field marshal kehormat.[6]

Walaupun pangkat field marshal tidak digunakan dalam kor Marin Diraja, lambang itu digunakan pada pakaian seragam Kapten Jeneral, iaitu ketua istiadat kor tersebut (setaraf Kolonel Yang DiPertua).[7]

Insignia pangkat

[sunting | sunting sumber]
Pakaian seragam Field Marshal dan baton (milik mendiang Sir John Stanier) dipamerkan di Muzium Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Istana Edinburgh.

Insignia pangkat field marshal dalam Tentera Darat British mengandungi dua baton bersilang dalam kalungan daun oak, berserta satu mahkota (Mahkota St Edward) di atasnya. Di beberapa negara lain, menurut sejarah dibawah lingkungan pengaruh British, satu versi insignia adaptasi telah digunakan untuk para field marshal, selalunya mahkota digantikan dengan lambang alternatif budaya atau nasional. Semasa hari pelantikan, field marshal British juga dikurniakan baton merah berhulu emas sebagai sebahagian dari kelengkapan uniform mereka dan akan dibawa ke majlis-majlis rasmi.

Senarai para Fil Marsyal

[sunting | sunting sumber]
A bronze cross pattée bearing the crown of Saint Edward surmounted by a lion with the inscription "FOR VALOUR". A crimson ribbon is attached.
Empat orang field marshal juga adalah penerima pingat Victoria Cross, iaitu anugerah keberanian tertinggi UK.
Para Fil Marsyal Tentera Darat British
Nama dan gelaran[a] Rejimen[b] Imej Lahir Mati Tarikh kenaikkan pangkat[8]
George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney Royal Regiment of Foot George Douglas-Hamilton 1666 1737 1736-01-1212 January 1736[9]
John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll Earl of Argyll's Regiment of Foot John Campbell 1680 1743 1736-01-1414 January 1736[10]
Richard Boyle, 2nd Viscount Shannon Horse Guards Regiment Richard Boyle 1674 1740 17392 July 1739[11]
François de La Rochefoucauld, Marquis de Montandre Crest of the De La Rochefoucauld family 1672 1739 17392 July 1739[12]
John Dalrymple, 2nd Earl of Stair 26th (Cameronian) Regiment of Foot John Dalrymple 1673 1747 1742-03-1818 March 1742[13]
Richard Temple, 1st Viscount Cobham 6th Regiment of Foot Richard Temple 1669 1749 1742-12-1414 December 1742[14]
George Wade Earl of Bath's Regiment George Wade 1673 1748 1742-12-1414 December 1742[15]
Sir Robert Rich, 4th Baronet Grenadier Guards (1st Foot Guards) 1685 1768 1757-11-2828 November 1757[16]
Richard Molesworth, 3rd Viscount Molesworth Royal Scots Richard Molesworth 1680 1758 1757-11-2929 November 1757[17]
John Ligonier, 1st Earl Ligonier 10th Regiment of Foot John Ligonier 1680 1770 1757-11-3030 November 1757[18]
James O'Hara, 2nd Baron Tyrawley 39th (Dorsetshire) Regiment of Foot James O'Hara 1690 1773 17631 June 1763[19]
Henry Seymour Conway 5th Royal Irish Lancers Henry Seymour Conway 1721 1794 1793-10-1212 October 1793[20]
Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh 13th Regiment of Foot Prince William Henry 1743 1805 1793-10-1212 October 1793[21]
Sir George Howard 24th Regiment of Foot George Howard 1720 1796 1793-10-1212 October 1793[22]
Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany Grenadier Guards Prince Frederick 1763 1827 1795-02-1010 February 1795[23]
John Campbell, 5th Duke of Argyll Royal Scots Fusiliers John Campbell 1723 1806 1796-07-3030 July 1796[24]
Jeffery Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst Grenadier Guards Jeffery Amherst 1717 1797 1796-07-3030 July 1796[25]
John Griffin, 4th Baron Howard de Walden Scots Guards John Griffin 1719 1797 1796-07-3030 July 1796[26]
Studholme Hodgson Grenadier Guards Studholme Hodgson 1708 1798 1796-07-3030 July 1796[27]
George Townshend, 1st Marquess Townshend 7th Queen's Own Hussars George Townshend 1724 1807 1796-07-3030 July 1796[28]
Lord Frederick Cavendish Coldstream Guards 1729 1803 1796-07-3030 July 1796[29]
Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of Richmond Coldstream Guards Charles Lennox 1735 1806 1796-07-3030 July 1796[30]
Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn Royal Fusiliers Prince Edward 1767 1820 18055 September 1805[31]
Arthur Wellesley, Duke Wellington Pertama 33rd Regiment of Foot Arthur Wellesley 1769 1852 1813-06-2121 June 1813[32]
Prince Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale — (Royal Family; afterwards King of Hanover) Ernest Augustus I 1771 1851 18136 November 1813[33]
Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge Hanoverian Guards Prince Adolphus 1774 1850 1813-11-2626 November 1813[34]
Prince William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh Scots Guards Prince William Frederick 1776 1834 181624 May 1816[35]
Putera Leopold dari Saxe-Coburg dan Gotha — (Kerabat Diraja; kemudian Raja Belgium) Leopold I 1790 1865 181624 May 1816[36]
Charles Moore, 1st Marquess of Drogheda 12th Dragoons Charles Moore 1730 1821 1821-07-1919 July 1821[37]
William Harcourt, 3rd Earl Harcourt Grenadier Guards William Harcourt 1743 1830 1821-07-1919 July 1821[9]
Sir Alured Clarke 50th (Queen's Own) Regiment of Foot Alured Clarke 1745 1832 1830-07-2222 July 1830[38]
Sir Samuel Hulse Grenadier Guards Samuel Hulse 1747 or 1748 1837 1830-07-2222 July 1830[39]
Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha — (Royal Family) Prince Albert 1819 1861 18408 February 1840[40]
William II — (Raja Negara Belanda) William II 1792 1847 184528 July 1845[41]
Sir George Nugent, 1st Baronet 39th (Dorsetshire) Regiment of Foot George Nugent 1757 1849 1846-11-099 November 1846[42]
Thomas Grosvenor Grenadier Guards Thomas Grosvenor 1764 1851 1846-11-099 November 1846[43]
Henry Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey 80th Regiment of Foot (Staffordshire Volunteers) Henry Paget 1768 1854 1846-11-099 November 1846[44]
FitzRoy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan 4th Light Dragoons FitzRoy Somerse 1788 1855 18545 November 1854[45]
Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere 23rd Regiment of Foot Stapleton Cotton 1773 1865 1855-10-022 October 1855[46]
John Byng, 1st Earl of Strafford 33rd Regiment of Foot Stapleton Cotton 1772 1860 1855-10-022 October 1855[47]
Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge Queen's Rangers Henry Hardinge 1785 1856 1855-10-022 October 1855[48]
John Colborne, 1st Baron Seaton East Devonshire Regiment John Colborne 1779 1863 18601 April 1860[49]
Sir Edward Blakeney 99th Regiment of Foot Edward Blakeney 1778 1868 18629 November 1862[50]
Hugh Gough, 1st Viscount Gough Seaforth Highlanders Hugh Gough 1779 1869 18629 November 1862[51]
Prince George, Duke of Cambridge 12th Royal Lancers Prince George 1819 1904 18629 November 1862[52]
Colin Campbell, 1st Baron Clyde 9th (East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot Colin Campbell 1792 1863 18629 November 1862[53]
Sir Alexander Woodford 9th (East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot Alexander Woodford 1782 1870 18681 January 1868[54]
Sir William Gomm 9th (East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot William Gomm 1784 1875 18681 January 1868[55]
Sir Hew Ross Royal Artillery Hew Ross 1779 1868 18681 January 1868[56]
Sir John Burgoyne Royal Engineers John Burgoyne 1782 1871 18681 January 1868[57]
Sir George Pollock, 1st Baronet Bengal Artillery George Pollock 1786 1872 187024 May 1870[58]
Sir John FitzGerald — (Retired) 1785 1877 1875-05-2929 May 1875[59]
George Hay, 8th Marquess of Tweeddale Grenadier Guards George Hay 1787 1876 1875-05-2929 May 1875[60]
Edward VII — (Kerabat Diraja) Edward VII 1841 1910 187529 May 1875[61]
Sir William Rowan 52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment of Foot William Rowan 1789 1879 1877-06-022 June 1877[62]
Sir Charles Yorke 35th (Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot Charles Yorke 1790 1880 1877-06-022 June 1877[63]
Hugh Rose, 1st Baron Strathnairn 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders) Regiment of Foot Hugh Rose 1801 1885 1877-06-022 June 1877[64]
Robert Napier, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala Bengal Engineer Group Robert Napier 1810 1890 1883-01-011 January 1883[65]
Sir Patrick Grant 11th Bengal Native Infantry Patrick Grant 1804 1895 1883-06-2424 June 1883[66]
Sir John Michel 64th (2nd Staffordshire) Regiment of Foot John Michel 1804 1886 1886-03-2727 March 1886[67]
Sir Richard Dacres Royal Artillery Richard Dacres 1799 1886 1886-03-2727 March 1886[68]
Lord William Paulet 85th Regiment of Foot (Bucks Volunteers) William Paulet 1804 1893 1886-07-1010 July 1886[69]
George Bingham, 3rd Earl of Lucan 6th Regiment of Foot George Bingham 1800 1888 188721 June 1887[70]
Sir Lintorn Simmons Royal Engineers Lintorn Simmons 1821 1903 1890-05-2121 May 1890[71]
Sir Frederick Haines 4th Regiment of Foot Frederick Haines 1818 1909 1890-05-2121 May 1890[72]
Sir Donald Stewart, 1st Baronet 9th Bengal Native Infantry Donald Stewart 1824 1900 1894-05-2426 May 1894[73]
Garnet Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley 12th Regiment of Foot Garnet Wolseley 1833 1913 1894-05-2426 May 1894[74]
Frederick Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts, VC Bengal Artillery Frederick Roberts 1832 1914 189525 May 1895[75]
Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar 67th (South Hampshire) Regiment of Foot Prince Edward 1823 1902 189722 June 1897[76]
Sir Neville Bowles Chamberlain 55th Bengal Native Infantry Neville Chamberlain 1820 1902 190025 April 1900[77]
Wilhelm II, Maharaja Jerman — (Maharaja Jerman) Wilhelm II 1859 1941 190127 January 1901[78]
Sir Henry Norman 1st Bengal Native Infantry Henry Norman 1826 1904 1902-06-2626 June 1902[79]
Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn Royal Engineers Prince Arthur 1850 1942 1902-06-2626 June 1902[80]
Sir Evelyn Wood, VC 13th Light Dragoons Evelyn Wood 1838 1919 1903-04-088 April 1903[81]
Sir George White, VC 27th (Inniskilling) Regiment of Foot George White 1835 1912 1903-04-088 April 1903[82]
Franz Joseph I dari Austria — (Maharaja Austria; Raja Hungary) Franz Joseph I 1830 1916 19031 September 1903[83]
Francis Grenfell, 1st Baron Grenfell King's Royal Rifle Corps Francis Grenfell 1841 1925 1908-04-1111 April 1908[84]
Sir Charles Brownlow 51st Sikhs (Frontier Force) Charles Brownlow 1831 1916 1908-06-2020 June 1908[85]
Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener Royal Engineers Herbert Kitchener 1850 1916 190910 September 1909[86]
George V Royal Welsh Fusiliers — (Kerabat Diraja) George V 1865 1936 19107 May 1910[87]
Paul Methuen, 3rd Baron Methuen Scots Guards Paul Methuen 1845 1932 1911-06-1919 June 1911[88]
William Nicholson, 1st Baron Nicholson Royal Engineers William Nicholson 1845 1918 1911-06-1919 June 1911[89]
John French, 1st Earl of Ypres 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars John French 1852 1925 19133 June 1913[90]
Nicholas II dari Rusia — (Maharaja Rusia) Nicholas II 1868 1918 19161 January 1916[91]
Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig 7th Queen's Own Hussars Douglas Haig 1861 1928 1917-01-011 January 1917[92]
Sir Charles Egerton 31st (Huntingdonshire) Regiment of Foot Sir Charles Egerton 1848 1921 1917-03-1616 March 1917[93]
Maharaja Taishō (Yoshihito) — (Maharaja Jepun) Taishō 1879 1926 19181 January 1918[94]
Ferdinand Foch 35th Artillery Regiment — (Tentera Darat Perancis) Ferdinand Foch 1851 1929 191919 July 1919[95]
Herbert Plumer, 1st Viscount Plumer York and Lancaster Regiment Herbert Plumer 1857 1932 1919-07-3131 July 1919[96]
Edmund Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons Edmund Allenby 1861 1936 1919-07-3131 July 1919[97]
Sir Henry Wilson, 1st Baronet Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) Henry Wilson 1864 1922 1919-07-3131 July 1919[98]
Sir William Robertson, 1st Baronet 3rd Dragoon Guards William Robertson 1860 1933 192029 March 1920[99]
Sir Arthur Barrett 44th (East Essex) Regiment of Foot Arthur Barrett 1857 1926 192112 April 1921[100]
Albert I of Belgium — (King of Belgium) Albert I 1875 1934 19214 July 1921[101]
William Birdwood, 1st Baron Birdwood Royal Scots Fusiliers William Birdwood 1865 1951 192520 March 1925[102]
Sir Claud Jacob Worcestershire Regiment Claud Jacob 1863 1948 192630 November 1926[103]
George Milne, 1st Baron Milne Royal Artillery George Milne 1866 1948 192830 January 1928[104]
Alfonso XIII of Spain — (King of Spain) Alfonso XIII 1886 1941 1928-06-033 June 1928[105]
Hirohito (Maharaja Shōwa) — (Maharaja Jepun) Hirohito 1901 1989 1928-06-2626 June 1928[106]
Julian Byng, Viscount Pertama Byng dari Vimy King's Royal Rifle Corps Julian Byng 1861 1935 1932-07-1717 July 1932[107]
Rudolph Lambart, 10th Earl of Cavan Grenadier Guards Rudolph Lambart 1865 1946 1932-10-3131 October 1932[108]
Philip Chetwode, 1st Baron Chetwode Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Philip Chetwode 1869 1950 193313 February 1933[109]
Sir Archibald Montgomery-Massingberd Royal Artillery Archibald Montgomery-Massingberd 1871 1947 19357 June 1935[110]
Edward VIII — (Kerabat Diraja) Edward VIII 1894 1972 1936-01-2121 January 1936[111]
Sir Cyril Deverell West Yorkshire Regiment Cyril Deverell 1874 1947 193615 May 1936[112]
George VI — (Kerabat Diraja) George VI 1895 1952 1936-12-1212 December 1936[113]
Edmund Ironside, 1st Baron Ironside Royal Artillery Edmund Ironside 1880 1959 194020 July 1940[114]
Jan Smuts — (South African Army) Jan Smuts 1870 1950 1941-05-2424 May 1941[115]
Sir John Dill Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment John Dill 1881 1944 194118 November 1941[116]
John Vereker, 6th Viscount Gort, VC Grenadier Guards John Vereker 1886 1946 1943-01-011 January 1943[117]
Archibald Wavell, Earl Wavell Pertama Black Watch Archibald Wavell 1883 1950 1943-01-011 January 1943[118]
Alan Brooke, Viscount Alanbrooke Pertama Royal Artillery Alan Brooke 1883 1963 1944-01-011 January 1944[119]
Harold Alexander Irish Guards Harold Alexander 1891 1969 1944-06-044 June 1944[120]
Bernard Montgomery Royal Warwickshire Regiment Bernard Montgomery 1887 1976 1944-09-011 September 1944[121]
Henry Maitland Wilson Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) Henry Maitland Wilson 1881 1964 1944-12-3929 December 1944[122]
Sir Claude Auchinleck 62nd Punjabis (Indian Army) Claude Auchinleck 1884 1981 19461 June 1946[123]
William "Bill" Slim, Viscount Slim Pertama Royal Warwickshire Regiment William Slim 1891 1970 19484 January 1948[124]
Sir Thomas Blamey — (Australian Army) Thomas Blamey 1884 1951 1950-06-088 June 1950[125]
Putera Philip, Duke Edinburgh Royal Navy — (Kerabat Diraja) Prince Philip 1921 Living 195315 January 1953[126]
John Harding, 1st Baron Harding of Petherton Somerset Light Infantry John Harding 1896 1989 195321 July 1953[127]
Putera Henry, Duke Gloucester King's Royal Rifle Corps Prince Henry 1900 1974 195531 March 1955[128]
Sir Gerald Templer Royal Irish Fusiliers Gerald Templer 1898 1979 195627 November 1956[129]
Sir Francis Festing Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) Francis Festing 1902 1976 19601 September 1960[130]
Mahendra of Nepal — (King of Nepal) Mahendra of Nepal 1921 1972 196217 October 1962[131]
Haile Selassie I — (Maharaja Ethiopia) Haile Selassie I 1892 1975 196520 January 1965[132]
Sir Richard Hull 17th/21st Lancers 1907 1989 19658 February 1965[133]
Sir James Cassels Seaforth Highlanders 1907 1996 196829 February 1968[134]
Sir Geoffrey Baker Royal Artillery Sir Geoffrey Baker 1912 1980 197131 January 1971[135]
Michael Carver, Baron Carver Royal Tank Corps 1915 2001[136] 197318 July 1973[137]
Sir Roland Gibbs King's Royal Rifle Corps 1921 2004[138] 197913 July 1979[139]
Birendra of Nepal — (King of Nepal) Birendra of Nepal 1945 2001[140] 198018 November 1980[141]
Edwin Bramall, Baron Bramall King's Royal Rifle Corps Edwin Bramall 1923 Living 19821 January 1982[142]
Sir John Stanier 7th Queen's Own Hussars 1925 2007[143] 1985-07-1010 July 1985[144]
Sir Nigel Bagnall Green Howards 1927 2002[145] 19889 September 1988[146]
Richard Vincent, Baron Vincent of Coleshill Royal Artillery 1931 2018 19912 April 1991[147]
Sir John Chapple 2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles) 1931 Living 199214 February 1992[148]
Putera Edward, Duke Kent Royal Scots Greys — (Kerabat Diraja) Prince Edward 1935 Living 199311 June 1993[149]
Peter Inge, Baron Inge Green Howards Peter Inge 1935 Living 199415 March 1994[150]
Charles, Putera Wales Welsh Guards, Royal Navy dan Royal Air Force — (Kerabat Diraja) Charles, Prince of Wales 1948 Living 201216 June 2012[5]
Charles Guthrie, Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank Welsh Guards Charles Guthrie 1938 Living 201216 June 2012[5]
Michael Walker, Baron Walker of Aldringham Royal Anglian Regiment Michael Walker 1944 Living 201413 June 2014[6]

Lihat juga

[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ Titles and styles are those held by the field marshal when they died, or those currently held in the case of living field marshals; in most cases, these are not the same as the titles and styles held by an officer upon their promotion to the rank, nor (in the case of operational field marshals) those held when the officer retired from active service. All post-nominal letters, with the exception of "VC" (denoting the Victoria Cross) are omitted.
  2. ^ The regiment given is the regiment into which the field marshal was commissioned. This is not necessarily the regiment the officer first joined, nor is it necessarily the regiment in which the officer spent most of his career. A "—" indicates either that the officer did not lead a career in the British Army or that the officer was not initially commissioned into a formal regiment.

Nota kaki

  1. ^ Brewer's Dictionary.
  2. ^ The Daily Telegraph & 12 April 2008.
  3. ^ a b c Heathcote, Introduction.
  4. ^ The Prince of Wales Diarkibkan 29 Jun 2012 di Wayback Machine The Queen appoints The Prince of Wales to Honorary Five-Star rank 16 June 2012
  5. ^ a b c BBC News & 16 June 2012.
  6. ^ a b Ministry of Defence & 13 June 2014.
  7. ^ "Photograph of Prince Philip as Captain General Royal Marines wearing the insignia of a field marshal". Getty Images. 16 May 2013. Dicapai pada 20 December 2017.
  8. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 320–326, Table 1.
  9. ^ a b Heathcote, m/s. 166–167.
  10. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 71–73.
  11. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 52–53.
  12. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 99–101.
  13. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 97–99.
  14. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 272–273.
  15. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 285–287.
  16. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 245–246.
  17. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 211–212.
  18. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 202–204.
  19. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 234–235.
  20. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 92–94.
  21. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 302–303.
  22. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 179–180.
  23. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 127–130.
  24. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 73–75.
  25. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 23–26.
  26. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 153–154.
  27. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 178–179.
  28. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 277–279.
  29. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 82–83.
  30. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 199–200.
  31. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 112–113.
  32. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 291–295.
  33. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 116–118.
  34. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 9–10.
  35. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 301–302.
  36. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 200–202.
  37. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 222–223.
  38. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 89–90.
  39. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 182–183.
  40. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 12–13.
  41. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 297–299.
  42. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 232–234.
  43. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 154–155.
  44. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 235–237.
  45. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 267–269.
  46. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 94–96.
  47. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 63–64.
  48. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 171–173.
  49. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 90–92.
  50. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 46–47.
  51. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 148–150.
  52. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 141–144.
  53. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 69–71.
  54. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 316–318.
  55. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 146–148.
  56. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 255–256.
  57. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 60–63.
  58. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 243–245.
  59. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 121–122.
  60. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 173–174.
  61. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 105–108.
  62. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 256–257.
  63. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 318–319.
  64. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 253–255.
  65. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 223–225.
  66. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 150–151.
  67. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 207–208.
  68. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 96–97.
  69. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 237–238.
  70. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 41–43.
  71. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 257–259.
  72. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 163–165.
  73. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 270–272.
  74. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 311–314.
  75. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 246–250.
  76. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 114–115.
  77. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 83–85.
  78. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 299–301.
  79. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 230–232.
  80. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 26–28.
  81. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 314–316.
  82. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 295–297.
  83. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 125–127.
  84. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 151–153.
  85. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 59–60.
  86. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 191–197.
  87. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 135–137.
  88. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 205–207.
  89. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 228–230.
  90. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 130–135.
  91. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 225–228.
  92. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 155–160.
  93. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 115–116.
  94. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 319–320.
  95. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 122–125.
  96. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 240–243.
  97. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 19–23.
  98. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 303–308.
  99. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 250–253.
  100. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 39–41.
  101. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 10–12.
  102. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 43–45.
  103. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 190–191.
  104. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 208–211.
  105. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 17–19.
  106. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 176–178.
  107. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 64–69.
  108. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 197–199.
  109. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 86–89.
  110. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 219–222.
  111. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 108–112.
  112. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 101–102.
  113. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 137–141.
  114. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 185–190.
  115. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 264–267.
  116. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 102–105.
  117. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 279–283.
  118. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 287–291.
  119. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 56–59.
  120. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 13–17.
  121. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 212–219.
  122. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 308–311.
  123. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 28–35.
  124. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 259–264.
  125. ^ "No. 38930". The London Gazette (Supplement). 2 June 1950. m/s. 2811.
  126. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 238–240.
  127. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 167–171.
  128. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 174–176.
  129. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 273–277.
  130. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 118–121.
  131. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 204–205.
  132. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 160–163.
  133. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 180–182.
  134. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 79–82.
  135. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 37–39.
  136. ^ The Guardian & 12 December 2001.
  137. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 75–79.
  138. ^ The Daily Telegraph & 2 November 2004.
  139. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 144–146.
  140. ^ BBC News & 2 June 2001.
  141. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 45–46.
  142. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 53–56.
  143. ^ The Times & 13 November 2007.
  144. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 269–270.
  145. ^ The Independent & 11 April 2002.
  146. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 35–37.
  147. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 283–285.
  148. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 85–86.
  149. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 113–114.
  150. ^ Heathcote, m/s. 183–185.

