My Jewish National Fund | JNF

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Build a bright, beautiful future
for the land and people of israel

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Recent Donations

Elana and Ori Doron$100

To the Silver Family- In memory of Peggy Silver, sending lots of love from Jena’s friends Elana and Ori Doron

Tracy & Alan Schwartz$50

Our deepest condolences and sympathy--may her memory be a blessing--All the very best, Tracy and Alan Schwartz

Mara and Larry Bier$18

May Peggy's memory be for a blessing.

Sam & Julie Grey$100

In memory of Margaret Silver.

Margot Hammond$100

In Memory of Margaret Silver

Arlene Dixon$50

This is in memory of Sherman Salovitz

Peter Goldstein$250
Teresa Konopka$83


In loving memory of my childhood friend, Karol Kreisberg$100

In memory of Gilbert Benedict, the Greater Northeast Motorcoach Association donated to the Jewish National Fund. May he Rest in Peace!