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    OPINION: I'm so curious to know how all you liberal democrats and Biden supporters are feeling now that the truth has finally exploded regarding the senility of Biden and the lies of this administration and the mainstream media's compliance.

      OPINION: The recent work by the Register to cover the Supervisor Ramos story strikes me as fantastic journalism. I was completely unaware of the various strands of the story until reading the coverage, and I am appreciative of the efforts of the writers to engage in even-handed reporting.

      OPINION: The fallout from the recent presidential debate has put the Democratic Party in a huge bind. It doesn't matter on which side of the political aisle you are: there is no way we can elect anybody that can fail so miserably at one debate, let alone in any presidential emergency.

      OPINION: I am writing to raise awareness about the recent missile attack on the largest children’s hospital in Kyiv and how we in the Napa Valley can help save lives in Ukraine by supporting Hands on Global’s locally led fundraiser for tourniquets.

      OPINION: About six months ago, I got my car stolen from in front of my house in Napa. Last weekend, I got my truck broken into which resulted in about $3,000 worth of damage to my vehicle.

      OPINION: The Register's decision on July 2 to publish the content of a Solano County Social Welfare Agency letter concerning a strictly private matter regarding Supervisor Belia Ramos and her family is an outrageous violation of Ramos' right to privacy 

      OPINION: I believe it's time for the rest of us to grab a crowbar, pry open those wallets, and top off that GoFundMe account with some reciprocation donations for a very deserving St. Helena business. 

      OPINION: I have had the pleasure of calling on Bill’s expertise as a consulting arborist in the past and have come away with just the right amount of sound advice.


      OPINION: I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the pervasive and systemic issues of misogyny, homophobia, racism, and other forms of bigotry that continue to plague our media.

      OPINION: Our government is practicing medicine without a license. If ordinary citizens did this there would be outrage at the incompetence. I urge county, state and national medical societies and and examiners to challenge the government on this. 

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