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Annual Reports and Information Staff (Annual Reports)

The Condition of Education 2024 At a Glance

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Family Characteristics

Change between years
Percentage of children under age 18 living with related female householders (no spouse present) 26% 26%
Percentage of children under age 18 in families living in poverty 17% 16%
Blank = not measurably different

Preprimary, Elementary, and Secondary Education

Change between years
Percentage of 3- to 5-year-olds enrolled in school
3- to 4-year-olds
53% 59%
79% 84%
Change between years
Number of students enrolled in public schools 49.4 million 49.6 million

Prekindergarten through grade 8

34.0 million 34.1 million

Grades 9 through 12

15.4 million 15.5 million
Change between years
Percentage of public school students who were English learners 10.1% 10.6%
Change between years
Percentage of public school students
American Indian/Alaska Native
0.92% 0.91%
5.39% 5.47%


14.94% 14.91%
28.43% 28.94%

Pacific Islander1

0.37% 0.37%
45.22% 44.46%
Two or more races
4.72% 4.94%
Change between years
Number of K–12 students enrolled in private schools 4.7 million 4.7 million
Percentage of K–12 students enrolled in private schools2 8.6% 9.0%
Blank = not measurably different
Change between years
Number of students ages 3–21 receiving special education services through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (in thousands) 7,259 7,526
Students ages 3–21 receiving special education services, as a percentage of public school students3 14.7% 15.2%
Change between years
Percentage of 3- to 18-year-olds who had home internet access 95% 97%
Percentage of 3- to 18-year-olds who had home internet access through a computer 88% 93%
Change between years
Percentage of public school teachers

Who are female

76.5% 76.8%

Who are male

23.5% 23.2%

Who held a postbaccalaureate degree

58.0% 61.0%

Who held a regular teaching certificate

90.4% 89.8%
Annual base salary of public school teachers4 $65,900 $66,000
Blank = not measurably different
Change between years
Percentage of students who scored at or above NAEP Proficient5

4th-grade students

35% 33%

8th-grade students

34% 31%

12th-grade students

37% 2015 37% 2019
Blank = not measurably different
Change between years
Percentage of students who scored at or above NAEP Proficient5

4th-grade students

41% 36%

8th-grade students

34% 26%

12th-grade students

25%2015 24%2019
Blank = not measurably different
Change between years
Percentage of students who scored at or above NAEP Proficient5

4th-grade students

38% 36%

8th-grade students

34% 35%

12th-grade students

22% 22%
Blank = not measurably different
Change between years
Percentage of high school graduates who had completed a course

Algebra II6

80% 85%


77% 83%


82% 87%


18% 16%


19% 16%


18% 16%

Biology, Chemistry, and Physics7

30% 35%


31% 36%


28% 33%
Change between years
Percentage of 16- to 24-year-olds not enrolled in school who have not completed high school 5.2% 5.3%  


6.1% 6.3%  


4.2% 4.3%  

American Indian/ Alaska Native

10.2% 9.9%  


2.1% 1.9%  


5.9% 5.7%  


7.8% 7.9%  

Pacific Islander

7.6% 9.1%  


4.1% 4.3%

Some other race

7.1% 5.8%  

Two or more races

4.9% 4.5%  
Blank = not measurably different
Change between years
Adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR)8 86% 87%
Change between years
Total $925.59 billion $953.59 billion


$70.33 billion $100.69 billion


$439.51 billion $437.09 billion


$415.75 billion $415.81 billion
Change between years
Total expenditures $925 billion $927 billion
Total expenditures per pupil (in fall enrollment) $18,086 $18,614

Postsecondary Education

Change between years
Immediate college enrollment rate of high school completers 62% 62%  

2-year institutions

19% 17%

4-year institutions

43% 45%
Blank = not measurably different
Change between years
Number of full-time instructional faculty 837,000 842,400
Number of part-time instructional faculty 662,200 665,200
Change between years
Number of degrees/certificates conferred by postsecondary institutions


991,800 1,042,400

Associate’s degrees

1,037,300 1,008,300

Bachelor’s degrees

2,066,500 2,015,000

Master’s degrees

866,900 880,200

Doctor’s degrees11

194,100 203,900
Change between years
Number of bachelor’s degrees conferred (top three bachelor’s programs)


391,400 375,400

Health professions and related programs

268,000 263,800

Social sciences and history

160,900 151,100
Change between years
Number of master’s degrees conferred (top three master’s programs)


202,400 205,800


153,700 151,700

Health professions and related programs

142,000 147,000
Change between years
8-year completion rate14 for 4-year institutions by entry cohort

Entering and attendance status

First-time, full-time students

60% 61%

First-time, part-time students

20% 22%

Non-first-time, full-time students

60% 61%

Non-first-time, part-time students

35% 38%
8-year completion rate14 for 2-year institutions by entry cohort

Entering and attendance status

First-time, full-time students

37% 39%

First-time, part-time students

19% 20%

Non-first-time, full-time students

45% 43%

Non-first-time, part-time students

24% 23%
Change between years
Average net price at 4-year institutions for first-time, full-time undergraduate students

Public, in-state or in-district15

$15,500 $15,200

Private nonprofit

$30,200 $29,700

Private for-profit

$25,700 $24,400

Population Characteristics and Economic Outcomes

Change between years
Percentage of 25- to 29-year-olds with selected levels of educational attainment

At least high school completion16

94% 95%  

Associate's or higher degree

49% 49%

Bachelor's or higher degree

39% 40%

Master's or higher degree

9% 10%
Blank = not measurably different
Change between years
Employment rates of 25- to 34-year-olds


80% 80%  

Who had not completed high school

61% 60%  

Who completed high school16

73% 74%  

Some college, no bachelor's degree

79% 80%  

Who attained a bachelor's or higher degree

87% 88%  
Unemployment rates of 25- to 34-year-olds


4% 4%  

Who had not completed high school

10% 9%  

Who completed high school16

7% 7%

Some college, no bachelor's degree

5% 4%

Who attained a bachelor’s or higher degree

2% 3%
Blank = not measurably different
Change between years
Median annual earnings for 25- to 34-year-olds18


$55,400 $54,200

Who completed less than high school

$35,300 $35,500

Who completed high school16

$44,000 $41,800

Who completed some college, but did not attain a degree

$45,000 $45,200

Who attained an associate’s degree

$49,400 $49,500

Who attained a bachelor’s or higher degree

$71,700 $71,100

Who attained a bachelor’s degree

$67,300 $66,600

Who attained a master’s or higher degree

$81,500 $80,200
Blank = not measurably different

International Comparisons

Change between years
Percentage of the population 25 to 34 years old who had completed high school as of the reporting year

United States

93.7% 94.0%

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries

85.8% 86.1%
Percentage of the population 25 to 34 years old who had attained a postsecondary degree as of the reporting year

United States

51.2% 51.3%

OECD countries

47.1% 47.4%
Blank = not measurably different
U.S. average score in comparison with OECD average
Program for International Student Assessment (2022)

Reading literacy of 15-year-olds

476 504

Mathematics literacy of 15-year-olds

472 465

Science literacy of 15-year-olds

485 499
Blank = not measurably different
  • Blank= Not measurably different
  • 1 Although the percentages for Pacific Islander students rounded to 0.37 percent for both years, the percentage was lower for fall 2022 than for fall 2021 (0.3669 vs. 0.3672 percent).
  • 2 Total excludes homeschooled children.
  • 3 The number of students served as a percentage of total enrollment is based on total public school enrollment in prekindergarten through grade 12. However, not all students served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) receive education services in public school environments.
  • 4 Data are reported in constant 2021–22 dollars, based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and adjusted to a school-year basis.
  • 5 NAEP Proficient demonstrates solid academic performance and competency over challenging subject matter.
  • 6 Includes courses that taught both algebra II and trigonometry.
  • 7 Indicates graduate earned credits in all three subjects of biology, chemistry, and physics.
  • 8 The adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) is the percentage of public school 9th-graders who graduate with a regular diploma or a state-defined alternate high school diploma for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities within 4 years of starting 9th grade. Students who are entering 9th grade for the first time form a cohort for the graduating class. This cohort is "adjusted" by adding any students who subsequently transfer into the cohort and subtracting any students who subsequently transfer out, emigrate to another country, or die.
  • 9 Data are reported in constant 2022–23 dollars, based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and adjusted to a school-year basis.
  • 10 Data are for certificates below the baccalaureate level. Includes certificates of less than 2 years as well as those of at least 2 years but less than 4 years.
  • 11 Includes Ph.D., Ed.D., and comparable degrees at the doctoral level. Includes most degrees formerly classified as first-professional, such as M.D., D.D.S., and law degrees.
  • 12 "Business" is defined as business, management, marketing, and related support services, as well as culinary, entertainment, and personal services.
  • 13 In order to be consistent with the definition of "business" for bachelor's degree data, "business” is defined as business, management, marketing, and related support services, as well as culinary, entertainment, and personal services.
  • 14 Student completion status is determined as of August 31 of the year indicated; for example, within 8 years after the student's 2014–15 entry into the reporting institution means by August 31, 2022. Includes only those awards that were conferred by the reporting institution (i.e., the institution that the student entered the year of their entry cohort); excludes awards conferred by institutions to which the student later transferred. Awards include certificates, associate's degrees, and bachelor's degrees.
  • 15 The average net price at public 4-year institutions uses the lower of in-district or in-state average net price.
  • 16 High school completion includes those who graduated from high school with a diploma as well as those who completed high school through equivalency programs, such as a GED program.
  • 17 Reported levels of educational attainment for 25- to 34-year-olds in this indicator refer to a person’s highest degree earned or level of school completed.
  • 18 Data are reported in constant 2022 dollars, based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
  • NOTE: Includes selected indicators only. All calculations within the At a Glance are based on unrounded numbers. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity.
  • SOURCE: The Condition of Education 2024.