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Science & Engineering State Indicators

U.S. State trends in science and engineering education, workforce, research and development, patents and publications, and knowledge-intensive industries.

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How do state commitments of resources for education at different levels and state R&D performance compare?
Relevant indicators:
Are states whose universities produce more patents also leaders in business-performed R&D?
Relevant indicators:


  • Science and Engineering Degrees as a Percentage of Higher Education Degrees Conferred
  • State Expenditures on Student Aid per Undergraduate Student
  • R&D as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
  • Knowledge- and Technology-Intensive Industry Employment as a Percentage of Total Employment
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Über uns

Ready access to accurate and timely state-level information is an important tool for  formulating effective science and technology (S&T) policies at both the state and  national levels. By studying the performance of their peers, state policymakers may  be better able to assess their own programs and performance.