Fertilizer and Ag Lime

Fertilizer Program

The Nebraska Department of Agriculture’s (NDA’s) Fertilizer Program is primarily a consumer protection program, designed to assure growers that the agricultural products they purchase are of the quality stated on packaging labels and shipping paperwork. Program operation is governed by the Nebraska Commercial Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner Act.

NDA staff participate in meetings and committees of the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO). Efforts are made to align Nebraska’s definitions and requirements to those of AAPFCO, although there are some requirements in Nebraska law which differ from those of the Association.

Products NOT addressed by current Nebraska regulations include: seed treatments, inoculants, nitrogen-stabilizing products applied directly to fertilizer, and some biostimulants which fall outside the definitions of fertilizer and soil conditioner.

Commercial Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner Act

Association of American Plant Food Control Officials

Firm Licensing Requirements

If you manufacture, label, or distribute commercial fertilizer or soil conditioners in Nebraska, you are required to license each manufacturing and/or distribution facility in the state. If you do not have an in-state facility, you are required to license your principal out-of-state office.

The licensing fee is $15 annually per each facility. The license fee is due January 1st and expires December 31st. Once your firm is licensed, our Department will send you an annual renewal notice in mid-November. If your address or contact information has changed, please notify our office of updates.

License fees may be paid online here.

Firm Registration for Commercial Feeds, Commercial Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners, and Agriculture Liming Materials (Online, Print)

Secondary Containment Rules for Bulk Fertilizer and Pesticides

Inspection Fee Requirements

An inspection fee of $0.10/ton on all commercial fertilizer is due semi-annually. The firm distributing the product to the ultimate user is responsible for the fee. Reminder postcards are mailed in January 1st and July 1st and are due no later than the last day of January and July each year. An email reminder is sent out to firms that have an email address on file. Fees due but not paid by January 31 and July 31 shall have a penalty of 25% of the fees due added to the payment if paid during February or August, respectively, and an additional 25% thereafter.

There is a minimum payment of $5 for each period ONLY if tonnage is reported. If less than 50 tons is reported for the period the payment is $5. If no tonnage is reported, then no payment is due.

A complete list of fertilizer codes for use when reporting fertilizer tonnage is available for downloading.

Fertilizer Codes

Product Registration

Soil conditioner products must be registered, and labels need to be submitted to NDA for review and approval. Fertilizer products, claiming nutrients only, do not require registration, but labels still need to be submitted for acceptance. There is no fee for registering a soil conditioner or fertilizer product; however, before you manufacture/distribute a fertilizer or soil conditioner product, you must license your firm (see Firm Licensing Requirements). Fertilizer products which contain pesticides (herbicide, insecticide, fungicide) must be registered as pesticides at $160 per product label. To register a product, download the application and return it with a copy of your label to our office.

Application for Registration of Soil Conditioner

Label Submission Form for Commercial Fertilizer

Approved Soil Conditioners - NE (Updated December 13, 2023)

Ag Lime Program

Agricultural lime, or ag lime products are products distributed for agricultural use, whose calcium and magnesium compounds are capable of neutralizing soil acidity. These products include limestone, burnt lime, hydrated lime, marl, industrial byproduct and agricultural lime slurry. Program operation is governed by the Agricultural Liming Materials Act.

Agricultural Liming Materials Act

Agricultural Liming Materials Regulations

Inspection Fee

An inspection fee of $0.10/ton on all agriculture liming materials is due semi-annually. The forms are mailed in June and December and are due no later than the last day of January and July each year. Fees due but not paid by January 31 and July 31 shall have a penalty of 25% of the fees due added to the payment if paid during February or August, respectively, and an additional 25% thereafter. In the case of lime slurry, the fee shall be paid on the base lime material only.

License Requirements

Every manufacturer, distributor, or retailer of agriculture liming materials to be distributed in Nebraska is required to obtain a license for their distribution facility. The licensing fee is $5 annually. The license fee is due January 1st and expires December 31st. Once your firm is licensed, our Department will send you an annual renewal notice in mid-November. If your address or any other information has changed, you should correct it on the renewal notice.

License fees may be paid online here.

Firm Registration for Commercial Feeds, Commercial Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners, and Agriculture Liming Materials (Online, Print)

Product Registration Requirements

Each separately identified agriculture liming material shall be registered before being distributed in Nebraska. The firm/person who first causes the distribution into or within Nebraska shall be responsible for registering the product. The application for registration will be furnished by the Department of Agriculture. Agriculture lime slurry, as defined in section 2-4316 of the Agricultural Liming Materials Act, shall be exempt from the registration requirements.

To register an agriculture lime material, download the application and return it to our office.

Application for Registration of Lime Product

Annual Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, and Ag Lime Reports

2018 Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner and Ag Lime Tonnage and Sampling Report

2019 Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner and Ag Lime Tonnage and Sampling Report

2020 Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner and Ag Lime Tonnage and Sampling Report

2021 Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner and Ag Lime Tonnage and Sampling Report

2022 Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner and Ag Lime Tonnage and Sampling Report