
New Jersey Legislature


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The Legislature

Our Legislature

This takes you to a text explanation of how the New Jersey Legislature is designed. Information on legislators, districts, sessions, powers, etc. is all discussed in this area.

Legislative Process

This link takes you to an explanation of the lawmaking process as well as information on State House Tours.

Historical Info

This will give you a history of the New Jersey Legislature.

Public Information Assistance

This will provide you with information on how to contact the Legislative Information and Bill Room and give you links to helpful legislative publications.

Public Use & Displays

This provides information on how displays may be set up or events conducted within the State House Complex.


This link takes you to a page where you can download bills, laws, votes and bill tracking information.

Welcome to the State House

This will link you to State House Tour information. This provides information on the State House Complex and how you can plan a visit.

Información en Español

This provides legislative information in Spanish.


Legislative Leadership

This shows you the leadership positions and who holds them for both houses of the legislature. The legislator's names are a link to their legislative web page.

Legislative Roster

All Senators are listed first, followed by Assemblymen/Assemblywomen. If you click on the legislator's name, you will be linked to his/her legislative web page. Below the Alphabetical list of members is also District Information. This will show a break down of the legislative districts and which towns make up a district.

District Map

Allows you to click on the area of the state in which you live and then legislators for that district will be displayed.

District List

List of districts includes counties and municipalities that fall under that legislative district. Clicking on the district number displays the three legislators from that particular district, one senator and two assembly members.

Senate Seating Chart

Displays a floor diagram of the Senate chamber showing where each Senator sits.

Assembly Seating Chart

Displays a floor diagram of the Assembly chamber showing where each Assembly member sits.

Legislative Process

Senate Committees

This provides a list of all the Senate Committees. Each committee will display the members of the committee, links to their committee voting record, committee aides, committee schedule and bills currently in committee. If you click on a legislator’s name, it will link you to their legislative web page. If you click on a committee aide’s name, it will link you to electronic correspondence.

Assembly Committees

This provides a list of all the Assembly Committees. Each committee will display the members of the committee, links to their committee voting record, committee aides, committee schedule and bills currently in committee. If you click on a legislator’s name, it will link you to their legislative web page. If you click on a committee aide’s name, it will link you to electronic correspondence.

Joint Committees

This takes you to a list of Joint Committees. Each committee displays members, committee schedule, and bills in committee. If you click on a member’s name it will link you to their legislative web page.

Other Committees

This takes you to a list of Other Committees. Each committee displays members, committee aides, committee schedule and bills in committee. If you click on a member’s name it will link you to their legislative web page. If you click on a committee aide’s name it will link you to electronic correspondence.

Legislative Commissions

This will take you to a page that lists a variety of commissions. If you click on the link for an appropriate commission, all commission information will be displayed.

Senate Nominations

This provides an alphabetical list of nominees presented by the Governor to the Senate for review. You can see dates of all nominee information.

Senate Rules

This will take you to a .pdf copy of the Senate Rules.

General Assembly Rules

This will take you to a .pdf copy of the General Assembly Rules.


Bill Search

You can search for a bill by Bill Number, Keyword(s), Bill Sponsor, Bill Subject, Last Date of Action or Governor’s Action. See options for each search type on the Bills page. It will default to the current session but you may choose previous sessions from the legislative session drop down list. Once the appropriate bill number is located you can click on the bill number to view the bill sponsors, bill history, bill text links and vote information.

Advanced Search

This feature allows you to search for bills using multiple criteria selections searching across multiple sessions, sponsors, bill numbers, keywords, final actions, committees, and subjects.

Voting Records

This will display an alphabetical list by house with Senators appearing first. If you click on the Votes icon to the right of the legislator’s name, their voting record will be displayed. Voting records will default to the current session, but previous sessions may be chosen from the Select a Session drop down list.

Bill Subscription Service

The subscription service is a feature that allows users to create and maintain a list of bills. This is a fast and easy way for subscribers to track bills throughout the legislative session. This free service is a time saver for users who track large numbers of bills. As a subscriber, you create a list of bills that enables you to retrieve the latest status and information for all of the bills on your list.


This takes you to the New Jersey Statutes database. You can click on the triangle to the left of New Jersey General and Permanent Statutes on the left side of the screen to see the statute title list. You can click on the triangle to the left of a particular title to see all the statute sections that are within that title. You can then click on a statute section number link to see the statute text.

If you know the statute section number you are looking for you can type citation number enclosed in double quotes in the Search box at the top of the screen and click on the Search button. You can then click on the statute section number link to view the statute text.

You can also search by keyword by typing the word(s) in the Search box at the top of the screen and then click on the Search button. If you are looking for a phrase be sure to enclose the search text in double quotes.

The New Jersey Statutes is the compilation of law that is the most current official text of the permanent and general statutes of New Jersey available without charge to the public pursuant to P.L. 1995, c. 319 (C. 52:11-78).

To search by statute citation, enter the citation in quotes. For example to search for the statute 52:11-78, enter "52:11-78" in the search box at the bottom of the search page.

To search by keywords or phrases, see the following examples:

  • building (single word search)
  • counselor and licensure (two or more words within a statute)
  • doctor or physician (either of two words within a statute)
  • insurance not automobile (one word but not another within a statute)
  • "water supply bond act" (exact phrase search)
  • educ* (wildcard to retrieve statutes for "educate," "education," "educator," etc.)
  • "Senate Assembly" /6 (words within 6 words of each other)

To browse using the Table of Contents (a list of the New Jersey Statutes by Titles), click on the plus sign appearing next to the Title desired.

Chapter Laws

You first get the opportunity to click on the chapter laws by year which gives you access to Chapter Laws and Joint Resolutions for that one year period. Both the Chapter Laws and Joint Resolutions have links to the bill they are regarding and the text of the law or resolution.

Also in this area, you can view a subject Index to the Chapter Laws by year.


This gives you the option to view the Complete Text of the New Jersey State Constitution or Search the text of the New Jersey State Constitution.

When searching the Constitution, you can click on the triangle to the left of New Jersey State Constitution 1947 and then click on the triangle to the left of a particular article to see the available sections within that article. When you then click on the link to the section number and the section text will be displayed. You can also search by typing a keyword or phrase in the Search box at the top of the screen and then click on the Search button. If you are looking for a phrase be sure to enclose the search text in double quotes.


Legislative Calendar

This will show current and past issues of the legislative calendar. The calendar shows legislative activity scheduled for the timeframe chosen.

Legislative Digest

You have access to the current Legislative Digest as well as past issues of the digest which is produced the day after a session of either house providing up to date information on legislative activity.

Legislative LDOA

This is the Last Date of Action report which shows the status and history of any bills that were active on the specific date of the report.

Budget & Finance

This takes you to links from the Legislative Budget and Finance office which shows general information regarding that unit. An Analysis of the Governor's Budget link gives you the opportunity to choose the fiscal year you want to view the analysis from. You can also access a summary of the Annual Appropriations Act as well as the OLS Revenue Snapshot, a brief report that includes a narrative summary of major tax collection trends in the fiscal year, and a table that compares revenues in the current fiscal year to the comparable amount received at the same point in the prior fiscal year.

Audit Reports

This is a link to the office of the State Auditor containing general office information as well as a list of annual reports, audit reports, and quarterly reports. Click on the link in the appropriate list to view the audit text. There is also a staff directory for the office of the State Auditor available on this page.

Legislative Reports

This gives a list of legislative reports issued by the Office of Legislative Services with a link to the report text.

Public Hearing Transcripts

This link allows you to view the full text of transcribed public hearings and meetings broken down by year. Once you click on the link for the year of the public hearings, you can then choose the hearing to view by clicking on the appropriate link.

Property Tax Reform

This link allows you to choose a particular Joint Legislative Committee Session Reform and it then displays member, report and transcript information.


This displays an alphabetical listing of legislative terms and definitions.

Homepage Quick Links

Abbreviations & Acronyms

Bill History Abbreviations
Introduced 1st Reading in the Assembly
First Reading in the Assembly to Concur with Governor's Recommendations
Introduced 1st Reading in the Senate
First Reading in the Senate to Concur with Governor's Recommendations
Second Reading in the Assembly
Second Reading in Assembly to Concur with Senate Amendments
Second Reading in Assembly to Concur with Governor's Recommendations
Second Reading in the Senate
Second Reading in the Senate to Concur with Assembly Amendments
Second Reading in the Senate to Concur with Governor's Recommendations
Assembly Floor Amendment
Assembly Floor Substitute
Assembly Committee Amendments
Assembly Committee Substitute
Bills and Joint Resolutions Signed by the Governor
Absolute Veto
Absolute Veto Override
Introduced in Assembly without Reference
Combined with another Bill
Committee meeting held to report bills next session
Conditional Veto Override
Filed with Secretary of State
Resolutions and Concurrent Resolutions Filed w/Sec. of State
Laid Over in the Assembly
Laid Over in the Senate
Lost in the Assembly
Lost in the Senate
Used for expiration date of a law, or special message
Passed Assembly
Passed Both Houses
Passed Senate
Pocket Veto
Received by the Assembly
Received by the Senate
Senate Floor Amendment
Senate Floor Substitute
Senate Committee Amendments
Senate Committee Substitute
Substituted by another Bill
Introduced in Senate without Reference
Withdrawn from the Files
Withdrawn Because Approved
Approved Without Governor's Signature - Bill Passed

Committee Acronyms

Senate Committees
Budget and Appropriations
Community and Urban Affairs
Economic Growth
Environment and Energy
Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens
Höhere Bildung
Law and Public Safety
Legislative Oversight
Military and Veterans' Affairs
Rules and Order
State Government,Wagering, Tourism and Historic Preservation
Assembly Committees
Commerce, Economic Development and Agriculture
Children, Families and Food Security
Consumer Affairs
Community Development and Women's Affairs
Environment, Natural Resources, and Solid Waste
Financial Institutions and Insurance
Höhere Bildung
Aging and Human Services
Military and Veterans' Affairs
Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations
Public Safety and Preparedness
Regulated Professions
State and Local Government
Science, Innovation and Technology
Tourism, Gaming and the Arts
Transportation and Independent Authorities
Telecommunications and Utilities

Note: An asterisk appearing at the end of a bill synopsis indicates that the original synopsis has been changed. Multiple asterisks indicate the number of times that a bill synopsis has been changed.

Site Information


In this area there are several frequently asked questions with links to their answers.


This area provides links to other helpful state and federal websites.

Kontaktieren Sie uns

This gives you an opportunity to contact our webmaster for information concerning this website.