Carbon Equity

Carbon Equity


Invest in pioneering climate tech companies alongside leading climate investing experts. Do good by investing better.

Over ons

Carbon Equity is the world’s first impact investing platform that gives investors small ticket access to leading climate private equity funds. From the global pool of 800+ funds we’ve identified, we select top funds based on climate impact and financial performance. Carbon Equity caters to anyone interested in the intersection of climate and tech, and seeks to move the needle with their money. Carbon Equity is a European venture-backed platform founded by highly experienced investors and tech entrepreneurs.

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Carbon Equity, afbeelding

    23.823 volgers

    “Fossiele brandstof is biomaterie die over miljarden jaren is gecomprimeerd in de aardkorst. Één liter olie staat qua energiedichtheid gelijk aan wel 100 manuren. De ontdekking van fossiele brandstof heeft ons dus superkrachten gegeven. Toch het is ook alsof we een bankrekening leegroven die over miljarden jaren is opgebouwd.” 🌍 De noodzaak om in actie te komen is nu groter dan ooit. Bij Carbon Equity zetten wij ons in om de klimaatcrisis te bestrijden door te investeren in klimaatoplossingen die de overgang naar een klimaatneutrale toekomst versnellen. Onze focus? Het financieren van innovatieve technologieën die niet alleen positieve impact maken, maar ook financieel rendement opleveren. 💡🌱 Dank aan Jelmer Luimstra van Business Insider Nederland voor het helder vastleggen van Jacqueline haar visie en ambities. 🙏 #ClimateTech #ImpactInvesteren #NetZeroEconomy

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Carbon Equity, afbeelding

    23.823 volgers

    Climate infrastructure investing is essential for our energy transition. ⚡️ While VC and PE focus on commercializing and scaling earlier-stage technologies and innovations, infrastructure supports the deployment of mature climate technologies at a global scale. Read more about the importance of an infrastructure rollout in the fight against climate change, the investment opportunity it represents and the different types of infrastructure projects. Article link in the comments. 🙂 #climatetech #climateaction #climateinvesting

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Carbon Equity, afbeelding

    23.823 volgers

    We’ve been selected by Change Inc. and Climate Tech Summit Benelux as one of the Benelux Climate Tech100! The list of 100 companies showcases the most innovative and impactful companies in the Benelux across six categories: Energy, Mobility & Transportation, Food & Agri, Climate Fintech & Reporting, Carbon Solutions, and Industry & Circular Economy. It’s an honor to be nominated alongside such a list of exciting companies. We are forever inspired by the talented teams driving new tech solutions for major climate challenges 💚

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Carbon Equity, afbeelding

    23.823 volgers

    Blasting microparticles in your house to seal invisible leaks. Sounds crazy, right? 🏠 Not for the Aeroseal  team! Why is it important? Heating and cooling our buildings contributes to 3% of global emissions. Many buildings are like leaky containers that allow energy to escape. Up to 40% of the heated or cooled air in a typical building leaks out due to these inefficiencies. How does it work? They use tiny aerosol particles to tackle insulation and help make for more energy-efficient buildings. Their machines blast the particles in an entire house sealing all gaps. This reduces energy waste, improves indoor air quality and cuts costs all at once. 💥 Discover more mind-blowing climate technologies like Aeroseal in our latest article. Link in the comments.

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Carbon Equity, afbeelding

    23.823 volgers

    We launched our Climate Infrastructure Fund I last week! 🚀 Now, Wiebe Visser, Managing Director, will host a webinar to walk you through it, together with Eva van Hilten, Climate Tech Investment Analyst. Join this session if you want to learn more about: ⚡️ The climate infrastructure investment opportunity 📈 How our Climate Infrastructure Fund I is constructed 🔭 The current fund pipeline and terms 🕵️ How this fund compares to our other Climate Tech Portfolio Funds We hope to see you there! Can’t make it? Don’t worry. Register for the webinar, and we will send you the recording.

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Carbon Equity, afbeelding

    23.823 volgers

    We launched Climate Infrastructure Fund I this week ⚡ Accelerating the transition to net zero not only requires innovative climate solutions but also scaling up climate infrastructure. Venture capital and private equity help new climate technologies get off the ground, infrastructure is scaling up what is already proven to work. This fund will invest in 3-5 leading climate infrastructure funds that deploy mature technologies across 40-50 projects to achieve immediate and measurable CO2 reductions. Think hydrogen and biogas facilities, solar parks, EV charging stations and battery storage systems. With a first close of €10 million from existing investors and a target of €50 million, the fund is now open to the public. Offering individual investors the opportunity to diversify their portfolios while achieving an optimal balance between risk and return. #climatetech #climateinfrastucture #climateinvesting #energytransision This is a marketing communication. Please read the fund’s prospectus and the Key Information Document (KID) before making any investment decision. This is a high-risk investment. You may lose part or all of your investment. Carbon Equity B.V. is licensed with the AFM under registration number 15005329.

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Carbon Equity, afbeelding

    23.823 volgers

    New milestone 🚨: Our investors have now invested in 150 climate tech companies via our funds. Better yet, these companies have collectively raised 10 billion over the past 3 years —an impressive testament to the strong investor confidence in this sector! Seeing these companies secure such substantial funding is particularly meaningful. It’s not just about dollars—it’s about developing real solutions for our net-zero future. 🌱 This is just the beginning, as the appetite for climate investing is increasing each year. We’d like to give a big shoutout to the 900+ investors who put their trust in us to date, making this milestone possible. 🙏 #climatetech #climateinvesting #impact

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Carbon Equity, afbeelding

    23.823 volgers

    About 80% of all climate technologies have a clear pathway towards cost parity. 📉💰 Here are two examples: 🔋 Several 300-mile range EVs now cost less than the average new car in the US. ☀️The cost of solar power declined by 89% over the last decade and is now cheaper than fossil fuel power in most parts of the world. Forward-thinking investors recognize that the future lies in technologies that are both sustainable and economically competitive. 🚀 Discover the "US$7 trillion Opportunity in 10 years" waiting to be tapped in our latest whitepaper. Download your copy via the link in the comments.

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Carbon Equity, afbeelding

    23.823 volgers

    We are optimists. We believe in the transformative impact of climate tech. 💪 "The fight against climate change sometimes seems hopeless, with companies lowering ambitions, populist politicians ignoring the urgency, and the effects of climate change becoming more evident. But whoever speaks with the co-founders of Carbon Equity gets a much more positive perspective." Catch up with Jacqueline van den Ende and Liza Rubinstein Malamud in this article for more on this. Thank you M&A Community Netherlands for highlighting our vision and efforts! 🙏

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor M&A Community Netherlands, afbeelding

    4.096 volgers

    “ESG wordt vaak gezien als een anti-woke identiteitspolitiek, maar de economische rationaliteit voor groene infrastructuur is waterdicht’ De strijd tegen klimaatverandering lijkt soms hopeloos met bedrijven die ambities verlagen, populistische politici die de urgentie niet willen inzien, en de effecten van klimaatverandering die zich steeds nadrukkelijker manifesteren. Maar wie spreekt met Jacqueline van den Ende & Liza Rubinstein Malamud van Carbon Equity krijgt een ander, veel positiever beeld. Climate tech-ondernemers zijn wereldwijd bezig ons uit deze crisis te innoveren en #privateequity levert hiervoor het benodigde kapitaal. De transitie is ingezet, het pad voorwaarts is duidelijk, en Carbon Equity is er klaar voor om waarachtige impact mogelijk te maken.   In een diepgaand interview op M&A Magazine duiken in hun investeringsstrategieën, ontdekken de meest veelbelovende #climatetech oplossingen en bespreken de uitdagingen van de huidige backlash tegen #ESG. Lees het nu exclusief op

    'Tien miljard euro ophalen voor climate tech is een kwestie van tijd' - M&A

    'Tien miljard euro ophalen voor climate tech is een kwestie van tijd' - M&A

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US$ 6.374.143,00

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