CEQ FOIA Requester Service Site

“In our democracy, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which encourages accountability through transparency, is the most prominent expression of a profound national commitment to ensuring an open Government. At the heart of that commitment is the idea that accountability is in the interest of the Government and the citizenry alike.”
--President Barack Obama, January 21, 2009

Welcome to the Council on Environmental Quality’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requester Service Center. This center was created in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act and Executive Order 13392, “Improving Agency Disclosure of Information,” which directs Federal agencies to ensure citizen-centered, results-oriented FOIA operations. The center provides basic instruction on obtaining CEQ information under FOIA, and the Proactive Disclosure Reading Room makes available documents on environmental issues. To save time and money, please review the material available on CEQ’s website before submitting a FOIA request.

How to Submit a FOIA Request

Please state clearly that the request is being made under FOIA. Be as specific as you can when identifying the information you are seeking, and include your name, address, and contact information to enable us to contact you with any questions. Remember:  FOIA requests and responses may be made available for public inspection, so don’t submit information involving trade secrets, confidential or proprietary commercial or financial information, or any other material you do not want to be publicly available.

Submit requests electronically to [email protected]. Fax them to (202) 456-0753 or address regular mail to Freedom of Information Officer, Council on Environmental Quality, 722 Jackson Place, NW, Washington, DC 20503.

For security reasons, CEQ no longer accepts or opens attachments to emails submitted to the FOIA email inbox.  CEQ will not respond to FOIA requests submitted as email attachments.  Please transmit attachments by fax or postal mail or include the information in the text body of the email.


FOIA Frequently Asked Questions

CEQ FOIA Regulations

Proactive Disclosure Reading Room

CEQ FOIA Handbook