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House Bill 205 - 135th General Assembly

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Legislation General Information

Enact the High Hazard Training Certification (HHTC) Act

  Long Title +
To amend sections 121.083 and 121.084 and to enact sections 4145.01, 4145.02, 4145.03, 4145.04, 4145.05, 4145.06, 4145.07, 4145.08, 4145.09, 4145.10, 4145.11, and 4145.12 of the Revised Code to enact the Protect Ohio Workers Act regarding construction services performed under a contract at a stationary source.
Introduced In House Checked Introduced In House
In House Committee Checked In House Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By House Checked Passed By House
Introduced In Senate Checked Introduced In Senate
In Senate Committee Checked In Senate Committee
Reported By Committee Unchecked Reported By Committee
Passed By Senate Unchecked Passed By Senate
Sent To The Governor Unchecked Sent To The Governor

Current Version

As Passed by the House
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Legislation Documents

Legislation Text

As Passed By House (PDF)
As Reported By House Committee (PDF)
As Introduced (PDF)


As Passed By House (PDF)
As Reported By House Committee (PDF)
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Fiscal Notes

As Passed By House (PDF)
As Reported By House Committee (PDF)
As Introduced (PDF)