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Speaker of the House


The Journey to Becoming Speaker

The Speaker of the Ohio House is elected at the beginning of every General Assembly. Prior to the first day of each General Assembly, representatives-elect of the majority caucus nominate and vote on the position, which must be decided by an absolute majority. Nominations are collected by the Clerk of the Ohio House at that time.

The position is then officially voted on during the first session day of the General Assembly by all House members. The new Speaker is officially sworn in on that day as well. Typically, the Speaker is a senior member of the House, and must earn the trust and support of the majority of the members in his or her caucus.

The Role of Ohio's Speaker

As the head of the Ohio House, the Speaker guides the agenda of the chamber, presides over session and provides direction to fellow members and staff. Along with the House Leadership team, the Speaker decides when bills sponsored by individual members reach the House floor for a vote and determines committee chairmanships and leadership positions in his or her respective caucus.