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​​​​​​​​​​​​​Records Management

​Records Management – The NIH Records Management Program is responsible for planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting, and conducting other managerial activities involved with respect to records creation, records maintenance and use, and records disposition.​​

Records Management

The NIH Records Management Program is operated by the Office of Management Assessment, Division of Compliance Management, Information Management Branch.

Records Management Program Objectives:

  1. ​Accurately and completely document the policies and transactions of the Federal Government.
  2. Control the quantity and quality of records produced by the Federal Government.
  3. Establish and maintain mechanisms of control with respect to records creation in order to prevent the creation of unnecessary records and with respect to the effective and economical operations of an agency.
  4. Simplify the activities, systems, and processes of records creation and of records maintenance and use.
  5. Preserve and dispose of records in accordance with the governing statutes.
  6. Direct continuing attention to records from their initial creation to their final disposition, with particular emphasis on the prevention of unnecessary Federal paperwork.
  7. Establish and maintain any other systems or techniques NARA determines to be necessary to carry out an effective and efficient Records Management program.

Additional Reference

Contacting Records

Information Management Branch Chief,

NIH Records Officer, Anthony Gibson

Information Management Branch

Division of Compliance Management

Office of Management Assessment

Office of Management

Office of the Director

6705 Rockledge Dr. Suite 601
Bethesda, MD 20892

Phone: 301-402-8425

Email: [email protected]

Last modified: 7/23/2024 10:47 AM