15 September 2024, Volume 3, Issue 9, pp. 1570-1832  
24 articles


Optics Continuum introduces Application Notes: editorial

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1780-1781 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Edge of dielectric coating as a graded schlieren filter with a high damage threshold

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1630-1635 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Techno-economic evaluation of mode division multiplexing in subsea transmission systems

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1570-1580 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Editors' Pick

Speckled output of a multi-mode optical fibre and sensitivity to fibre perturbations

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1602-1611 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF | Compressed PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Design and performance of entanglement-based underwater VLC/QKD systems

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1817-1832 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Public Reviewer Comments]

Low photon-number stand-off speckle holography at kHz frame rates

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1732-1740 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Lensless phase-only holographic Maxwellian display based on double-phase decomposition for optical see-through near-eye display applications

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1594-1601 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Ghost reduction and brightness enhancement of aerial images using lens diffusers in MMAP

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1706-1721 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Public Reviewer Comments]

Deep learning assisted state space method for phase derivative estimation in digital holographic interferometry

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1765-1779 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Predicting mode-locked fiber laser output using a feed-forward neural network

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1652-1659 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Etendue index of light in uniaxial crystals

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1612-1621 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Portable digital lensless holographic microscope for fieldwork applications using a conventional smartphone sensor and a customized freeform lens

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1753-1764 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Editors' Pick

Quasi-bound states in the continuum enhanced tunable second-harmonic generation of dimer dielectric metasurfaces

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1644-1651 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Far-zone radiation analysis of a finite-length electric dipole in the uniaxial dielectric-magnetic medium

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1796-1804 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Compact intracavity mid-infrared upconversion detector – a systematic study

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1660-1678 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Multi-witness glass monitoring strategy for two-cavity thin-film Fabry-Perot filters

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1622-1629 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF  [Public Reviewer Comments]

Editors' Pick

High-performance Ta2O5 films prepared by plasma ion-assisted deposition for low-absorption optics

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1679-1687 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Optimized two-layer random motheye structures for SiO2 windows

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1722-1731 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

InP-based quantum-dot-on-chip LEDs: excitation with violet or blue light?

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1581-1593 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Focus shaping of circularly polarized Bessel–Gaussian vortex beam with binary axicon for nanoparticle trapping

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1805-1816 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Editors' Pick

Approaching the optimal phase estimation sensitivity of the lossy Mach-Zehnder interferometer with coincidence measurements

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1636-1643 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Simulation of a two-qubit quantum gate based on classical transverse spatial waveguide mode encoding

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1741-1752 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF

Dual channel D-shaped SPR sensor for efficient detection of change in refractive index of analytes

Opt. Continuum 3(9), 1782-1795 (2024)  View: HTML | PDF