Smart Beginnings 2023

Classroom image

August 15 - 17, 2023

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) hosted its second Smart Beginnings 2023 webinar series in August.  It provided participants the opportunity to learn about resources for supporting children with disabilities as we head into a new learning year.

Smart Beginnings was a three-day virtual mini-conference designed to help families, providers, and leaders better support and promote developmental outcomes and educational excellence for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities and their families. K-12 educators, early childhood personnel, related services providers, administrators, families were invited to learn more about improving academic and developmental outcomes, expanding family engagement, and advancing equity.

The presentations and resources shared will build on the information that was provided during Smart Beginnings 2022.

Attendees heard from OSEP leaders and subject matter experts who highlighted action-orientated resources and evidenced-based practices. Each session included a live question and answer session with presenters.

Day 1: Educators and Administrators

Day 2: Parents and Families

Day 3: Early Childhood


Questions may be directed to OSEP at:  [email protected]

Continuing Education Units: Participants are eligible to earn continuing education units.  After the event an e-mail will be sent with a link to all participants with instructions on how to apply.