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527 Videos

Makhnisei Rahamim

Topic(s) / Music, Shabbat

“Bearers of tears, bring our tears before the Ruler who tends to those in tears.” When Cantor Schwartz and his daughter sing these words, we recall that every parent has held a child in tears.

Ruler of Forgiveness (Adon HaSelihot)

Topic(s) / Music, Shabbat

These days we have much to feel sorry for. The Selihot service, a communal expression of sorrow and regret, begins on Rosh Hodesh Elul for some communities.

Hashiveinu – A Season of Return

Topic(s) / Music, Shabbat, Israel

We find ourselves at Labor Day and Rosh Hodesh Elul. After a summer of rest (or hopefully periods of it!), we herald the High Holidays, return to sanctuary services, and many adults resume work and children go back to school.

Am Yisrael Chai

Topic(s) / Shabbat, Music, Israel

This year, the cantors and music department have had a special focus on Israel, trying to instill hope in the wider Jewish community.

What Would You Like Us to Record?

Topic(s) / Shabbat, Music

We’re working on the next PAS album, which we can’t wait to share with you this fall. What songs would you like us to record? Email [email protected] to let us know your ideas.

Israeli Music for Summer

Topic(s) / Shabbat, Music, Israel

What’s on your summer playlist? With Israel on our minds, we hope you find comfort and hope in the rich fabric of Israeli music.

“I Give Thanks” (Modeh Ani Al Boker)

Topic(s) / Music, Shabbat

Let us take a moment and think about the things we are grateful for; the simplest things are often the greatest sources of joy. This song names some of these: the morning light, bread on the table, talents, songs, and the gift of life for another day.

Shir Lama’alot: “Song of Ascents”

Topic(s) / Shabbat, Music, Israel

This setting of the psalm “Song of Ascents” is presented in honor of those who keep us and Israel safe.


Topic(s) / Shabbat, Music

The world of film and theatre music lost a great light recently when the songwriter Richard M. Sherman died. Here is our tribute to Richard Sherman, live from services this past Shabbat – joyful words of the liturgy combined with a bouncy tune made famous by Julie Andrews.

B’tokh Niyar Iton (“Inside a Newspaper”)

Topic(s) / Shabbat, Music

Take a moment for whimsy – with its picturesque lyrics and Moroccan rhythm, we hope this song brings you a little joyful summer energy.