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gu_home_db is NULL
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On CentralAuth after SUL finalisation, everybody should have a homewiki set, but i noticed it is missing in some cases on the replicated databases, e.g. has set hewiki as homewiki, but it is missing on replicas:

MariaDB [centralauth_p]> select * from globaluser WHERE gu_name ="Amitaharon10" limit 1;
| gu_id    | gu_name      | gu_enabled | gu_enabled_method | gu_home_db | gu_email | gu_email_authenticated | gu_salt | gu_password | gu_locked | gu_hidden | gu_registration | gu_password_reset_key | gu_password_reset_expiration | gu_auth_token |
| 55259039 | Amitaharon10 |            | NULL              | NULL       |     NULL |                   NULL |    NULL |        NULL |         0 |           | 20180823103352  |                  NULL |                         NULL |          NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Event Timeline

Reedy subscribed.

Run in prod

MariaDB [centralauth]> select gu_home_db from globaluser WHERE gu_name ="Amitaharon10" limit 1;
| gu_home_db |
| NULL       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

It's the same. The green + isn't the "home wiki"

Run in prod

MariaDB [centralauth]> select gu_home_db from globaluser WHERE gu_name ="Amitaharon10" limit 1;
| gu_home_db |
| NULL       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

It's the same. The green + isn't the "home wiki"

<s>Regression? Just new accounts seems affected, all new accounts lacking those. It is not documented as far i can see, so i don't know if it is a bug or it it was deprecated.</s>

Edit: Workaround/repalcement is via the localuser table, where lu_attached_method is IN ("primary", "new").