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Emailability: Improve verification email
Open, Needs TriagePublic



The current verification (confirmation) email can be perceived as alarming, especially with language about the user's IP address. We intend to update the verification email so that it is more welcoming to users, so that they feel encouraged to interact with the links and verify their email.

Proposed solution

Update the verification email to have more welcoming language, so that users feel encouraged to click the verification link(s).

Proposed design

image.png (720×730 px, 83 KB)

Besides updating the copy to be more welcoming, some other recommendations incorporated into the mock:

  • Update the 'from: email sender' to the specific language wiki
  • Update the reply-to address to be something like [email protected] to more clearly indicate that it is not reply-able (whereas currently the reply address is [email protected])
  • Update the Subject line to be more welcoming
  • Add the Wikipedia logo to reassuring the user the origin of the sender
  • Make the main confirm link a more prominent call-to-action button instead of a link
  • Move the 'cancel' confirmation link to the very end of the message to reduce its prominence.
  • Even though it is shown in the mockup, we will probably want to remove the statement about the IP address of the registration. That will be updated in a future mockup.

See this slide for examples of verification emails from other platforms.

Email contents in the mock as text


Welcome to Wikipedia: Please confirm your email address


Wikipedia $Language-wiki <noreply-$>

Email message:

Hi $Username,

Thanks for adding an email to your Wikipedia account, registered from IP address $IP address.
Please click on the button below to confirm this as the email address you’d like to link to your account “$Username":
[[Confirm email address]]

Note: this confirmation code expires at $Timestamp.

Wikipedia $Language wiki

To cancel the email address confirmation (because you did not register the account or for any other reason), click on this cancellation link:
Special:InvalidateEmail link

Related Objects


Event Timeline

While researching related things, I found that some wikis customize this message. Examples: English Wikipedia,

The default message has basically not changed since the email confirmation feature was introduced in 2005. Below is the full history of every non-whitespace change that has ever been made to the text of the confirmation email:

There was only one substantive change to the main confirmation email (that you get when signing up for an account) since its introduction: the March 2008 change adding the cancellation link.

Thanks, @Catrope. It's been so long since I created my English Wikipedia and accounts that I forgot that those confirmation emails are different. Since the technology exists for customizing the content, and since those two wikis don't include any mention of IP addresses, I think that makes it seem like we wouldn't be missing anything major by doing the work in this task.

Change 493144 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope; owner: Catrope):
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] [WIP] Override confirmation email

Change 493143 had a related patch set uploaded (by Catrope; owner: Catrope):
[mediawiki/core@master] Add UserSendConfirmationMail hook

Change 493143 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] Add UserSendConfirmationMail hook

Change 493144 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Override confirmation email with redesigned version if so configured

@MMiller_WMF did we talk about redirecting the user to their homepage after they click the confirmation email? Special:ConfirmEmail is kind of a dead end.

All specs seem to be in place (and confirmation functionality works):

Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 9.21.52 AM.png (580×947 px, 107 KB)

However, when the confirmation period expired (or a user deletes the email address in his preferences before confirming it), the page to which users would be re-directed does not have any suggestions what to do next:

Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 9.22.19 AM.png (216×731 px, 22 KB)

MMiller_WMF moved this task from Inbox to FY 2019-20 on the Growth-Team board.

Our team has decided that we will not be working on this project during Q4. Moving it to the next fiscal year.

Catrope unsubscribed.