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Record "must-have" information about potential data loss in TwoColConflict
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


During the beta feature phase, we have had almost exclusively highly-experienced editors using the new workflow. It's possible that we will run into new issues when we enter "small default" and less-experienced users see our interface. I would like to collect some additional data to understand whether we're allowing data loss.

We're also going to grab a bit more information about high-priority usability questions.

When first presenting a conflict,

  • How many of the chunks could be automatically resolved, and how many are a legitimate conflict?

After a successful merge,

  • How many chunks were edited but not selected?
  • How many chunks were selected but not edited, for which the corresponding conflicting chunk included diffs?
    • Although this is possible to do by replaying conflicts through postprocessing, we can also build the the "sed" edit list using wfMerge, and can log diff lists directly. This a bonus metric, without it we'll postprocess.

In case we can intercept abandonment,

  • Were any textboxes edited before abandonment?
    • Same statistics are logged as above.
  • How did abandonment happen? Cancel button, back button, reload, tab closed...
    • We can discriminate between "cancel", "save", and everything else will be reported as "action: 'unknown'".
  • Store the "your" text and other edit fields needed to reconstruct the edit (section title, oldid, base revision).
    • I was unable to access the section title. Maybe EditPage doesn't carry the value forward as a parameter to conflict resolution?

Event Timeline

thiemowmde set the point value for this task to 5.Feb 19 2020, 11:01 AM

I can't decide whether we should send StatsD metrics, or include in the EventLogging data. StatsD is easy to integrate with Grafana, but EventLogging allows us to slice along any dimension, e.g. per-wiki, and do deeper analysis of the exact conflicts.

I'll include this in the EventLogging data, I'm expecting to do some calculations before turning into a graph. In another task, Nuria recommends that we use a EventLogging -> Presto -> Superset pipeline.

I can't decide whether we should send StatsD metrics, or include in the EventLogging data. StatsD is easy to integrate with Grafana, but EventLogging allows us to slice along any dimension, e.g. per-wiki, and do deeper analysis of the exact conflicts.

+1 On having this as part of EventLogging. I think it makes more sense there and it also might be helpful to have more context if we want to understand why people end up doing certain things a lot regarding selecting more "my" or "other" chunks. Or generally why some conflicts seem to show a lot chunks a lot.

@Lena_WMDE Please give the metrics one more sanity check at your convenience, I changed them quite a bit.

awight renamed this task from Record additional usage data for TwoColConflict to Record "must-have" information about potential data loss in TwoColConflict.Feb 20 2020, 10:07 AM
awight updated the task description. (Show Details)

Quick note: it turns out to not be easy to tell which column includes diffs against the base revision. The available diff markup is for "mine - other", which isn't useful for the purposes of this task. We'll have to come up with other heuristics for detecting data loss.

While sifting through the data, I discovered that roughly half of the TwoColConflict conflicts in February were on *new* pages (baseRevisionId = 0), which shouldn't be the case. It's possible that we can dramatically reduce the number of conflicts happening in the first place.

    sum(if(event.baseRevisionId == 0, 1, 0)),
from twocolconflictconflict
    year=2020 and month=2
    and event.twoColConflictShown=true;

new | total
271 | 598

It gets weirder. Of the remaining conflicts in the same sample, 190 had parent revid equal to the latest revid--which should not result in a conflict, as I currently understand it.

    sum(if(event.baseRevisionId == event.latestRevisionId,1,0)),
from twocolconflictconflict
    year=2020 and month=2
    and event.twoColConflictShown=true
    and event.baseRevisionId != 0

equal | total
190   | 327

These two strange cases appear in similar numbers for January,

    sum(if(event.baseRevisionId == 0, 1, 0)) as new,
    sum(if(event.baseRevisionId == event.latestRevisionId and event.baseRevisionId != 0,1,0)) as head,
    count(*) as total
from twocolconflictconflict
    year=2020 and month=1
    and event.twoColConflictShown=true

new     head    total
218     231     617

Same report for the legacy conflict workflow shows the same proportions:

select sum(if(event.baseRevisionId == 0, 1, 0)) as new, sum(if(event.baseRevisionId == event.latestRevisionId and event.baseRevisionId != 0,1,0)) as head, count(*)
as total from twocolconflictconflict where year=2020 and month=1 and event.twoColConflictShown=false;

new     head    total
1181    1696    4646

The mystery conflict investigations are split into new tasks, not blocking this one: T246439: High proportion of edit conflicts seem to come from new article creation and T246440: High proportion of edit conflicts seem to not involve a conflicting edit.

We can log some additional information to help diagnose these issues.

Change 576291 had a related patch set uploaded (by Awight; owner: Awight):
[mediawiki/extensions/TwoColConflict@master] [WIP] Track usage potentially leading to data loss

Change 576902 had a related patch set uploaded (by Awight; owner: Awight):
[mediawiki/extensions/TwoColConflict@master] Log complexity metrics when entering a conflict workflow

Side research done in order to understand what can be done with our current logging and what's lacking:

awight removed awight as the assignee of this task.Mar 5 2020, 1:06 PM
awight updated the task description. (Show Details)
Lena_WMDE changed the point value for this task from 5 to 3.Mar 18 2020, 10:43 AM

Change 576291 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/TwoColConflict@master] Log conflict UI details at exit

Lena_WMDE changed the point value for this task from 3 to 1.Apr 1 2020, 10:35 AM

Change 576902 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/TwoColConflict@master] Log complexity metrics when entering a conflict workflow

awight moved this task from Demo to Done on the WMDE-QWERTY-Sprint-2020-04-01 board.

Of the checked criteria, the only remaining work is in task T248601: Adapt existing column metrics for talk page use case